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Uranie / Calibration v4.9.0
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137 TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *run, int ns=1, Option_t * option = "");
147 TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, void (*fcn)(Double_t*,Double_t*), const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, int ns = 1, Option_t * option = "");
157 TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *fcn, const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, int ns = 1, Option_t * option = "");
165 TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Launcher::TCode *fcode, int ns = 1, const char *option = "");
240 virtual void setDistanceAndReference(const char *funcName, URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *reference, const char *weight="");
250 virtual void setDistanceAndReference(URANIE::Calibration::TDistanceFunction *distFunc, URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *reference, const char *weight="");
265 * \brief common method to estimate the residue on the observed dataserver given a specific set of parameter values
277 void checkReference(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *output, const char *weight);
293 virtual void drawParameters(TString sTitre, const char *variable = "*", const char *select = "1>0", Option_t * option = "");// { UNUSED(sTitre, variable, select, option); cout<<"The method drawParameters is not relevant (and so not implemented) for the class "<<this->ClassName()<<endl; }
310 void drawResidues(TString sTitre, const char *variable = "*", const char *select="1>0", Option_t * option = "");
Interface de la classe URANIE::Calibration::TDistanceFunction.
TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Launcher::TCode *fcode, int ns=1, const char *option="")
Default Calibration constructor with the code argument: it contains the assessor to be used.
int _nIterMax
The maximum number of iteration allowed (meaning total number of code estimation is _nIterMax * _nObs...
Definition TCalibration.h:104
TMatrixD _mObsCovMat
Observation Covariance matrix.
Definition TCalibration.h:115
bool _buseMatrix
Use matrix instead of vectors in the Distance Function.
Definition TCalibration.h:117
int _nPar
Dimension of the parameters.
Definition TCalibration.h:105
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * getEvaluationTDS()
Get the tds in which evaluation will be performed.
Definition TCalibration.h:216
virtual void setDistanceAndReference(URANIE::Calibration::TDistanceFunction *distFunc, URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *reference, const char *weight="")
Set the distance function and some needed informations.
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * _tdsPar
TDS containing parameters properties (parameters that should be calibrated)
Definition TCalibration.h:79
void estimateParameters(Option_t *option="")
virtual void computeParameters(Option_t *option="")=0
internal method in which the estimation is performed for all inheriting classes
void drawResidues(TString sTitre, const char *variable="*", const char *select="1>0", Option_t *option="")
virtual void drawParameters(TString sTitre, const char *variable="*", const char *select="1>0", Option_t *option="")
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * _tdsEval
TDS containing a priori / a posteriori evaluations.
Definition TCalibration.h:81
virtual void printLog(Option_t *option="")
TList * _listOfParameters
List of the parameters to be calibrated.
Definition TCalibration.h:97
void setObservationCovarianceMatrix(TMatrixD &mat)
Set the observatiton covariance matrix.
void checkReference(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *output, const char *weight)
Check the consistency of the formation provided.
int _nSam
The number of sample in a posteriori distributions.
Definition TCalibration.h:102
void estimateCustomResidues(string resName, int n_theta, double *theta)
int _nVar
Dimension of the output and references to be compared with.
Definition TCalibration.h:106
URANIE::Relauncher::TRun * _run
Pointer to the runner to be used.
Definition TCalibration.h:88
URANIE::Launcher::TCode * _code
The tcode.
Definition TCalibration.h:87
virtual void parseOption(Option_t *option="")
Read the possible options.
const char * getMethodName()
Get the method name.
Definition TCalibration.h:193
vector< string > _vrefName
The reference names.
Definition TCalibration.h:112
void computeAPosterioriForDistribution()
Compute the a posteriori residual for many-solutions method.
bool _buseMode
Use Mode instead of Mean.
Definition TCalibration.h:120
Bool_t _blog
Boolean for edit the log.
Definition TCalibration.h:121
TString _sFunctionName
The Name of the evaluatuor.
Definition TCalibration.h:84
TString _sMethodName
The method name.
Definition TCalibration.h:109
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * _tdsObs
TDS containing observations used for calibration.
Definition TCalibration.h:80
UInt_t getSeed()
Get the seed of the random generator if one is used.
Definition TCalibration.h:187
Int_t getNPar()
Get the number of parameters to be calibrated.
Definition TCalibration.h:211
TCanvas * _canvas
Canvas object to deal with.
Definition TCalibration.h:99
TObjArray * _drawingGarbageCollector
Garbage collector for prints.
Definition TCalibration.h:100
URANIE::Calibration::TDistanceFunction * _dFunc
Pointer to chosen distance function.
Definition TCalibration.h:94
TString _weightName
The weight name.
Definition TCalibration.h:114
int _nSeed
The seed of the random generator.
Definition TCalibration.h:108
TString _outputName
The output name.
Definition TCalibration.h:111
virtual void setDistanceAndReference(const char *funcName, URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsRef, const char *input, const char *reference, const char *weight="")
Set the distance function and some needed informations.
URANIE::Calibration::TDistanceFunction * getDistanceFunction()
Return the distance function.
Definition TCalibration.h:205
TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, void(*fcn)(Double_t *, Double_t *), const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, int ns=1, Option_t *option="")
Default Calibration constructor with the function argument: it contains the assessor to be used.
TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *fcn, const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, int ns=1, Option_t *option="")
Default Calibration constructor with the function argument: it contains the assessor to be used.
void(* _pFunction)(double *, double *)
Function pointer.
Definition TCalibration.h:89
URANIE::DataServer::TDSNtupleD * _evTuple
Pointer to the eval ntuple.
Definition TCalibration.h:95
vector< URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute * > _vatt
internal vector of stochastic attribute for some methods
Definition TCalibration.h:90
int _nObs
The number of observations in the reference database.
Definition TCalibration.h:103
bool _bdontKeepAgreement
Remove the agreement attribute from the tdsPar object.
Definition TCalibration.h:119
void setMethodName(const char *str)
Set the Method name.
Definition TCalibration.h:344
void setSeed(UInt_t nval)
Set the seed of the random generator if one is used.
Definition TCalibration.h:181
TString _referenceName
The reference name.
Definition TCalibration.h:110
vector< string > _voutName
The output names.
Definition TCalibration.h:113
void checkCanvasCreation(bool newcan)
Create a canvas if needed.
TCalibration(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *run, int ns=1, Option_t *option="")
Default constructor with the runner argument: it contains the assessor to be used.
virtual void checktdsParContent()=0
void initResults(vector< string > *ParsedLines)
Initialise some common inputs.
ELauncher _nLauncher
The type of launcher.
Definition TCalibration.h:83
bool _bsaveAll
Whether all evaluations should be saved, not only a priori and a posteriori.
Definition TCalibration.h:118
Description of the class TDistanceFunction.
Definition TDistanceFunction.h:68
Definition TABC.cxx:46