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Uranie / DataServer v4.9.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
97 };
164 Bool_t fileDataRead(const char* name, Bool_t bSave = kTRUE, Bool_t bDontAddAttribute = kFALSE, Option_t *option="");
185 TDataSpecification and TDSNtupleD are rebuilt completly deleting all possible previous information
294 static string checkAttributes(TDataServer *tds, string varexp, map<string, vector<int> > &mAttributeElements);
338 void addAttribute(TString name, TString formula, TString title = "",TString unit = "", bool update=true);
450 The cut is tested and if it differs from the previous one (currently used) the quantiles and statistical caracteristic
465 The cut is tested and if it differs from the previous one (currently used) the quantiles and statistical caracteristic
558 void computeStatistic(const char *varexp = "*", const char *selection = "", Option_t *option = "");
570 TMatrixD computeCorrelationMatrix(const char *varexp = "*", const char *selection = "", Option_t *option = "");
819 void draw(const char* varexp, const char* selection = "", Option_t* option = "", bool internalCall=kFALSE);
917 This graph is as \b TParallelCoordonate in ROOT but is called \b cobweb in the uncertainty community (book of Saltelli).
1062 return ((_biteratorNameChanged) ? _siteratorChangedName.Data() : Form("%s__n__iter__", GetName()) );
Interface file for the class URANIE::DataServer::TAttribute.
Interface of the class URANIE::DataServer::TDataSpecification.
Interface of the class URANIE::DataServer::TPatternsEventList.
Class of attributes following a probability density function.
void clearVectors()
Definition TDSNtupleD.h:36
EOrigin getOrigin()
Return the origin of the considered TDS.
Definition TDataServer.h:1079
Int_t getNAttributes(bool onlyAttribute=true)
Returns the number of attributes in the TDataServer.
void merge(TDataServer *tds, const char *varexpinput="*", bool bwithFriend=kFALSE)
Concatenates the variables of two dataservers.
void computeQuantileCV(TString yname, Double_t alpha, TString zname, Double_t zapha, Double_t &quantile, Double_t &rho)
Compute the quantile alpha by comtrol variate.
void drawProfile(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draws Profile.
URANIE::DataServer::UMessageLogger * _fLogger
Message logger.
Definition TDataServer.h:1305
Bool_t _bQuantVectPrinted
print the message for the vector quantile calculation only once
Definition TDataServer.h:1283
const char * getIteratorName()
Returns the name of the iterator.
Definition TDataServer.h:1060
char * getArchiveFileName()
Returns the name of the archive file.
void drawTufte(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draw 2D scatterplots "tufte".
void keepFinalTuple(bool val)
Definition TDataServer.h:1225
void exportDataContext(const char *filename, const char *varexp="*", const char *select="")
Export data in a tex file with a ConTex format.
TMatrixD getMatrix(const char *varexp="*", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Returns the matrix of data.
TDataServer(const char *name, const char *title)
Default constructor with a name and a title.
void drawPairs(const char *varexp="*", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
draw the scatterplots for each possible pairs
EOrigin _norigin
The origin of the dataserver (ASCII File, TTree, SQL...)
Definition TDataServer.h:1301
Int_t computeIndexQuantileWilks(Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Int_t n)
Computes the index of the quantile alpha with a confidence beta (Wilks method)
void changeIteratorName(const char *name)
Definition TDataServer.h:1065
void drawLegend(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", const char *histname="htemp")
void setCut(const char *str)
Specifies the criterion to exclude individuals.
Definition TDataServer.h:469
void exportDataHeader(const char *filename, const char *varexp="*", const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
Exports the data in a header file ( C / C++)
void clearCut()
Clears the rejection of patterns.
Definition TDataServer.h:503
void setSelect(TString str)
Specifies the criterion by a string to select individuals.
Definition TDataServer.h:440
void estimateQuantile(const char *attName, Double_t proba, Double_t &quantile, Double_t confidence=0.5, Option_t *option="")
Estimates quantiles of attribute "attName" with confidence level (Wilks method)
TTree * _friend
Tree added by friend method.
Definition TDataServer.h:1281
void drawPPPlot(const char *varexp, const char *laws, int nq, Option_t *option="")
double computeQuantile(const char *attName, Double_t proba, Int_t type=7)
Compute and return quantiles of the empirical distribution of an decimal attribute.
char * getDataTreeName()
Returns the name of the tree.
int getAttributeIndex(TAttribute *att, bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Returns the index of the attribute.
void internalQuantilesComputation(Int_t nData, Int_t nProba, Double_t *data, Double_t *quantiles, Double_t *proba, Bool_t isSorted=kTRUE, Int_t *index=0, Int_t type=7)
Computes the value of quantile alpha.
void deleteTuple()
Delete the TDSNtupleD of _datatree variable.
void drawCDFRaFu(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draw a CDF of a TPossibility attribute (RaFu)
void drawQQorPPPlot(const char *varexp, const char *laws, int nq, Option_t *option)
Internal method, not to be used standalonely.
void addAttribute(TString name, Double_t dmin, Double_t dmax)
Adds an attribute with the name and the range.
void exportData(const char *filename, const char *varexp="*", const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
Exports the data in a ASCII file.
static TString getUranieVersion()
Definition TDataServer.h:1253
void computeQuantile(const char *attName, Double_t proba, Double_t &quantile, Int_t type=7)
Compute a quantile of the empirical distribution of an attribute.
TString _siteratorChangedName
The shortened name of the TDataServer;.
Definition TDataServer.h:1289
void drawECDF(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Experimental CDF of a single variable.
void addAttribute(URANIE::DataServer::TAttribute *att)
Adds an attribute from an attribute.
static string checkAttributes(TDataServer *tds, string varexp, map< string, vector< int > > &mAttributeElements)
check the attribute content
TList * getListOfAttributes(const char *sListOfAttributes="*", bool onlyAttribute=true)
Gets the list of attributes from a string.
TString _sarchivefile
The archive file (.root)
Definition TDataServer.h:1287
void addAttribute(const char *name)
Adds an attribute with the name only.
TAttribute * getAttribute(Int_t ind, bool onlyAttribute=kTRUE)
Returns a pointer of the attribute given by this name.
define the kind of normalisation to be chosen in normalize method
Definition TDataServer.h:95
@ kCenteredSum0fSquareOne
Definition TDataServer.h:96
void Draw(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draws histogram for a given index of a variable.
Definition TDataServer.h:824
void drawQQPlot(const char *varexp, const char *laws, int nq, Option_t *option="")
void fillOthersAttributes(bool update=kFALSE)
fill TFormula attributes
void exportDataNeMo(const char *filename, const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, const char *select="")
Exports the data in a ASCII file reading by NeMo.
TCanvas * _canvas
The canvas to work on;.
Definition TDataServer.h:1280
void checkCanvasCreation(Option_t *option="")
Crate a canvas if needed.
string getStringListOfAttributes(bool onlyNumerical=true, bool onlyAttribute=true)
Gets the list of attributes as a string.
void fillConstantAttribute(TString name, UEntry *ConstUEntry)
Fills a new Branch for an attribute by copying a constant uentry.
void drawScatterplot(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draws Scatterplots.
static void findParametersLaw(TString soption, vector< double > &vec, bool blog)
void draw(UInt_t nOrder, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draw a histogram of the attribute specified by its index in the TDataServer.
define the origin of the TDS (how it has been constructed)
Definition TDataServer.h:91
TDSNtupleD * GetTuple(Option_t *option="V")
Returns a pointer to the TDSNtupleD.
Definition TDataServer.h:1120
void draw(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="", bool internalCall=kFALSE)
Draws histogram for a given index of a variable.
void computeStatistic(const char *varexp="*", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Computes the statistics features (minimum and maximum values, mean and standard-deviation)
Int_t getNOutputAttributes()
Return the number of output Attributes.
void setCut(TCut cut)
Specifies the criterion to exclude individuals.
Definition TDataServer.h:454
Int_t scan(const char *varexp="", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Scan content of the TDS.
void computeQuantile(const char *attName, Int_t nProba, Double_t *proba, Double_t *quantiles, Int_t type=7)
Compute quantiles of the empirical distribution of an attribute.
void estimateQuantile(const char *attName, Int_t nProba, Double_t *proba, Double_t *quantile, Double_t confidence=0.5, Option_t *option="")
Estimates quantiles of attribute "attName" with confidence level (Wilks method)
void drawCopulogram(const char *varexp="*", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
draw the scatterplots for each possible pairs and ranks
TCut getCut()
Return the selection TCut.
Definition TDataServer.h:1105
Int_t getNPatterns()
Returns the number of patterns in the TDataServer.
TString _shortDataTreeName
The shortened name of the TDataServer;.
Definition TDataServer.h:1288
void addAttributeByNameTitle(TString name, TString title)
Adds an attribute with the name and title.
int getAttributeIndex(TString name, bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Returns the index of the attribute.
void saveTuple(Option_t *option)
Save the ntupleD in the archive (ROOT File)
void computeRank(const char *varexp="*", Option_t *option="")
Computes the rank.
Double_t computeInverseNormalCDF(Double_t p, Double_t mean=0.0, Double_t stddev=1.0)
Computes the inverse of the cumulative of a normal distribution.
void startViewer()
Double_t getValue(TString attName, Int_t entry, Int_t ielement=-1)
Returns the value at index "entry" of the leaf "attName".
void fillAttribute(TString name, TString formula="", Bool_t update=kTRUE)
Fills a new Branch for an attribute by applying the given formula.
void bootstrap(Int_t nsize=-1, Option_t *option="")
Define a bootstrap database.
char * getDataFileName()
Returns the name of the file.
void setCut(TString str)
Specifies the criterion to exclude individuals.
Definition TDataServer.h:484
void addAttributeUsingData(TString name, double *arr, int size)
Adds an attribute with the name and the content.
Bool_t fileDataRead(const char *name, Bool_t bSave=kTRUE, Bool_t bDontAddAttribute=kFALSE, Option_t *option="")
Reads a ASCII file with a header.
vector< double > getVector(TString attName, Int_t entry)
Returns a vector of double for entry "entry" of the leaf "attName".
void clearSelect()
Clears the selection of patterns.
Definition TDataServer.h:494
void delAttribute(TString name)
Deletes an attribute given by these name.
void drawCobWeb(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Draw a cobweb.
void drawBoxPlot(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
virtual void printLog(Option_t *option="")
TDSNtupleD * getTuple(Option_t *option="V")
Returns a pointer to the TDSNtupleD.
Bool_t isAttribute(TString name) const
Checks if the attribute given by a name exist.
Bool_t _biteratorNameChanged
To know whether this iterator name has been changed.
Definition TDataServer.h:1284
void drawCDF(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
CDF d'une variable.
TMatrixD computeCAH(const char *varexp="*", ECAHMethod CAHmethod=kWard, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
make a CAH
define the method ued to compute CAH
Definition TDataServer.h:99
TString _sdatafile
The original data file (ASCII mode)
Definition TDataServer.h:1286
ClassDef(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer, ID_DATASERVER) private TDSNtupleD * _datatree
< Specification of data
Definition TDataServer.h:1275
TPatternsEventList * _pelBootstrap
The bootstrap list of input pattern.
Definition TDataServer.h:1303
void drawIter(const char *sVar, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Graph of a variable depanding of his apparition order in the list.
Bool_t ntupleDataRead(const char *file, const char *tree, const char *svar="*", const char *cut="")
Reads data from a TDSNtupleD in a ROOT file.
TObjArray * _drawingGarbageCollector
Garbage collector list for drawing.
Definition TDataServer.h:104
void cleanStatAndQuantiles()
Utility function to clean the quantiles and stat of all attribute if needed.
Definition TDataServer.h:512
string getString(TString attName, Int_t entry)
Returns a string for entry "entry" of the leaf "attName".
TMatrixD computeCorrelationMatrix(const char *varexp="*", const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Computes the correlation matrix.
void createTuple(Option_t *option="")
Creates the tuple of the TDataServer.
void normalize(const char *varexp="", const char *suffix="_CR", ENormalisation method=kCR, bool global=true)
Normalize attributes by several methods of normalisation (CenterReduct, on the intervals or )
Int_t getNInputAttributes()
Return the number of input Attributes.
void addAttribute(TString name, TString formula, TString title="", TString unit="", bool update=true)
Adds a new attribute defined by an analytical function.
Int_t Scan(const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Scan content of the TDS.
Definition TDataServer.h:799
void drawHistogram(const char *sVar, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="")
Histogram of a variable.
void setTuple(TDSNtupleD *ntd, bool newismain=true, const char *att="*")
Set the TDSNtupleD of _datatree variable.
Definition TDataServer.h:950
TAttribute * getAttribute(TString str)
Returns a pointer of the attribute given by this name.
TDataSpecification * getDataSpecification()
Return a TDataSpecification pointer.
Definition TDataServer.h:1111
void setTuple(TTree *ntd, bool newismain=true)
Set the TDSNtupleD of _datatree variable.
Definition TDataServer.h:959
Bool_t hasTuple()
Check if the data server contains data.
Definition TDataServer.h:1220
The collection of attributes specifying how to interpret the input data attributes.
Definition TDataSpecification.h:64
Description of the class TPatternsEventList.
Definition TPatternsEventList.h:63