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Uranie / DataServer v4.9.0
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Interface file for the class URANIE::DataServer::TAttribute.
The collection of attributes specifying how to interpret the input data attributes.
Definition TDataSpecification.h:64
void setRelationName(TString name)
Definition TDataSpecification.h:106
TDataSpecification(const char *name, const char *title)
Default constructor with a name and a title.
TAttribute * getAttribute(TString name) const
Returns the attribute given by the name.
void addAttribute(TAttribute *, bool dontAddSizeOne=false)
Adds an attribute in the TList.
Bool_t isAttribute(TString name) const
Checks if the attribute given by a name exists.
bool isComparableToTDSP(TDataSpecification *tdsp, bool isJustContained=false)
Check that content is equivalent (the boolean is for partial)
bool isComparableToTDSP(TString namestypes, bool isJustContained=false)
virtual ~TDataSpecification()
Default Desctructor.
Int_t getNAttributes(bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Gets the number of Attributes.
TList * getListOfAttributes(const char *sListOfAttributes="*", bool onlyAttribute=false)
Gets the list of attributes from a string.
TString getRelationName() const
Defines the realtion name.
Definition TDataSpecification.h:102
TString getVariablesTypes(TString separator=":", bool noIterator=false)
Int_t getNInputAttributes() const
TString GetClassName() const
Definition TDataSpecification.h:96
TString getVariablesNamesTypes(TString separator=":", bool noIterator=false)
TList * _listOfAttributes
Definition TDataSpecification.h:72
void printLog()
TString getVariablesNames(TString separator=":", bool noIterator=false)
Int_t getAttributeIndex(TString name, bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Returns the index of an attribute given by the name.
Bool_t _blog
Log printing.
Definition TDataSpecification.h:70
TAttribute * getAttribute(Int_t index, bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Returns the attribute given by the index, bool is for removing internal and iterator.
Int_t getNOutputAttributes() const
Int_t getAttributeIndex(TAttribute *att, bool onlyAttribute=false) const
Returns the index of an attribute.
TDataSpecification(URANIE::DataServer::TDataSpecification *tdsp)
Copy constructor.
void changeLog()
Definition TDataSpecification.h:178
TString _relationName
Relation name.
Definition TDataSpecification.h:71
void delAttribute(TString name)
Deletes an attribute given by this name.