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Uranie / DataServer v4.9.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
Interface of the class URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:48
TList * _lstOfXAttributes
Definition TTemporalTree.h:56
TString getIterator()
Return the name of the attribute used as the iterator.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:121
Bool_t buildTree(Option_t *option="")
Build the data and statistics TTrees.
void setIterator(TString siter)
Set the iterator attributes if different than tds->getIteratorName.
void setAdditinalAttribute(TString sname)
TTree * getStatTree()
Build a TTree with statistics of the Y attribute versus times. The statistic are :
TString getAdditinalAttribute()
Definition TTemporalTree.h:151
void draw(Option_t *option="")
Make two graphics with the data and statistics.
Int_t getNMinTime()
Get the number of minimum of times.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:126
Int_t getNMaxTime()
Get the number of mximum of times.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:131
TTemporalTree(TDataServer *tds, TString stime, TString sy, TString sXs="")
Build a TTree object with one only temporal Y attribute.
Bool_t getDrawProgressBar()
Get the "draw progress bar" flag.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:172
Bool_t _bdrawProgressBar
Definition TTemporalTree.h:60
TList * _lstOfYTAttributes
Definition TTemporalTree.h:55
void setDrawProgressBar(Bool_t bbool=kTRUE)
Set the "draw progress bar" flag.
Definition TTemporalTree.h:163
Bool_t _bHaveAdditionnal
Definition TTemporalTree.h:58
virtual void printLog()