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Uranie / Modeler v4.9.0
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Interface of the class URANIE::Optimize::TModeler.
Interface of the class URANIE::Modeler::TNisp.
Interface of the class URANIE::Modeder::TPolynomialChaos.
TString _soutput
Names of the output arguments.
Definition TAnisp.h:249
void setTPolynomialChaos()
Open the result file of the Anisp library and use the coefficients stored there to create a TPolynomi...
Int_t _nKMin
Order minimum of interaction for the adaptative integration.
Definition TAnisp.h:209
void exportModelFortran(std::ofstream *sourcefile) const
Export the model in Fortran langage in a file (not yet implemented)
Definition TAnisp.h:332
Int_t _nUranieAnisp
number of launching of the ANISP method
Definition TAnisp.h:263
Int_t _nNumberOfLaunching
Number of use of the launchCalculs method.
Definition TAnisp.h:243
friend void functionLauncher(vector< Double_t * > ptEXp)
Friend function which launchs the calculs.
void setMaxIndices(Int_t maxInd)
Set the number maximum of indices for the integration.
Int_t getMaxIndices()
Get the number maximum of indices for the integration.
Definition TAnisp.h:464
TPolynomialChaos getTPolynomialChaos()
Get the TPolynomialChaos computed by the Anisp method.
Int_t getIterationNumber()
Get the number of iteration of the integration algorithm.
Definition TAnisp.h:498
TString getStochasticFile() const
Get the stochastic points file name.
Definition TAnisp.h:585
Int_t getKMin()
Get the order of interaction for adaptative integration.
Definition TAnisp.h:403
TNtupleD * _tIntegrationIndices
List of integration indices.
Definition TAnisp.h:239
void runAnisp()
Run the Anisp method to compute a Polynomial Chaos expansion.
void exportModelCplusplus(std::ofstream *sourcefile) const
Export the model in C++ langage in a file.
Double_t getTolerance()
Get the tolerance for the adaptative integration.
Definition TAnisp.h:419
Int_t getCible()
Get the ANISP_TYPE which indicates if ANISP approximate a code (TCode) or a function (void *)
Definition TAnisp.h:488
void restartAnisp()
Restart the Anisp method to compute a Polynomial Chaos expansion from a previous calcul.
void(* _analyticalFunction)(Double_t *, Double_t *)
analytical function
Definition TAnisp.h:256
TString getVariablesName(TString inputs="")
Get a TString containing the name of all attributes separated by ':'.
TString _sLaws
Laws of probability for each variable.
Definition TAnisp.h:221
void setTolerance(Double_t tol)
Set the tolerance for the adaptative integration.
TString getRootFilename()
Get the root name of the output files of the Anisp library.
Definition TAnisp.h:519
TNtupleD * getIntegrationIndices()
Get the list of integration indices.
Definition TAnisp.h:537
TDataServer * _tdsAnisp
Object of type TDataServer which contains all the launchs data.
Definition TAnisp.h:251
TString getErrorIndicatorFile() const
Get the error indicator values file name.
Definition TAnisp.h:594
void setDegreeMax(Int_t degMax)
Set the degree maximum for the Polynomial Chaos expansion.
void addErrorIndicator(Double_t *errInd)
Add an error indicator to _tErrorIndicator.
Definition TAnisp.h:688
TLauncher * _tlauncher
Object of type TLauncher.
Definition TAnisp.h:229
TString getDataAnispFile() const
Get the Anisp intern data file name.
Definition TAnisp.h:567
TString getIndicesFile() const
Get the integration indices file name.
Definition TAnisp.h:603
TLauncherFunction * _tAnalyticalFunction
Object of type TLauncherFunction.
Definition TAnisp.h:225
void addIntegrationIndices(Double_t *ind)
Add an error indicator to _tIntegrationIndices.
Definition TAnisp.h:700
TString _sFunctionName
name of the analytical function
Definition TAnisp.h:259
TString _sRootFilename
Root of the output files name.
Definition TAnisp.h:219
void setGreaterIndice(Int_t greatInd)
Set the greater value possible for an indice.
friend void StepByStepOutput(Double_t *val, vector< Int_t * > indices)
Friend function to pass to the anisp function.
void setNumberMaxOfSimulations(Int_t nmos)
Set the criterion of maximum number of simulations before stopping the adaptative integration.
Int_t _nNumberOfPoints
Number of computed points.
Definition TAnisp.h:245
Variable containing the ANISP_TYPE.
Definition TAnisp.h:231
void setAnispParameters(Double_t tol, Int_t kmin, Int_t nmos, Int_t greatInd, Int_t maxInd, Bool_t blog)
Set most of the Anisp parameters.
void launchCalculs(vector< Double_t * > ptExp)
Launch batchs of calculs during the numerical integration step of the ANISP method.
Int_t getDegreeMax()
Get the degree maximum for the Polynomial Chaos expansion.
Definition TAnisp.h:479
Int_t _nNumberMaxOfSimulations
Stop criterion of the adaptative integration algorithm based of the number of simulations.
Definition TAnisp.h:211
TAnisp(TDataServer *tds, const char *analyticalFunction, TString sinput="", TString soutput="", Option_t *option="")
Construct an instance of the TAnisp object from a TDataServer object and a void * (analytical functio...
void changeOfVariable(Double_t *x)
Do a changement of variable to change standart stochastic values into the problem uncertain values.
TAnisp(TDataServer *tds, TCode *code, Option_t *option="")
Construct an instance of the TAnisp object from a TDataServer object and a TCode object.
Double_t _dTolerance
Tolerance of the adaptative integration algorithm.
Definition TAnisp.h:207
Int_t _nIterationNumber
Number of iteration of adaptative integration algorithm.
Definition TAnisp.h:223
void setRootFilename(TString rootName)
Set the root name of the output files of the Anisp library.
void exportModelPMML(const char *file="", const char *name="", Option_t *option="") const
Export the model in a PMML file (not yet implemented)
Definition TAnisp.h:345
void setLightAnispParameters(Double_t tol, Int_t kmin, Int_t nmos)
Set the Anisp calcul parameters.
TObjArray * _drawingGarbageCollector
Garbage collector list for drawing.
Definition TAnisp.h:205
Int_t _nMaxIndices
Number maximum of indices of integration (memory size)
Definition TAnisp.h:215
void EndIterationActions(Double_t *errIndicator, vector< Double_t * > integrationIndices)
Run at the end of an iteration of the integration algorithm and exploit the integration indices and e...
TPolynomialChaos * _tpc
Object of type TPolynomialChaos.
Definition TAnisp.h:233
Enum for TCode or analytical function.
Definition TAnisp.h:178
Int_t _nGreaterIndice
Greater value possible for an indice.
Definition TAnisp.h:213
TNtupleD * getErrorIndicator()
Get the list of error indicators.
Definition TAnisp.h:528
Int_t _nDegreeMax
Degree maximum possible for the Polynomial Chaos expansion.
Definition TAnisp.h:217
void setAllAnispParameters(Double_t tol, Int_t kmin, Int_t nmos, Int_t greatInd, Int_t maxInd, Bool_t blog, Int_t degMax, TString rootName)
Set all the Anisp parameters.
void exportModelPython(std::ofstream *sourcefile) const
Export the model in Python langage in a file (not yet implemented)
Definition TAnisp.h:361
TAnisp(TDataServer *tds, void(*analyticalFunction)(Double_t *, Double_t *), const char *fname, TString sinput="", TString soutput="", Option_t *option="")
Construct an instance of the TAnisp object from a TDataServer object and a void * (analytical functio...
void setKMin(Int_t kmin)
Set the value of the _nKMin attribute to "kmin".
TString _sLaunchNumber
name of the TAttribute containing the number of launching
Definition TAnisp.h:265
TString getResultFile() const
Get the computed polynomial coefficients file name.
Definition TAnisp.h:576
Int_t getGreaterIndice()
Get the greater value possible for an indice.
Definition TAnisp.h:449
Int_t getNumberMaxOfSimulations()
Get the criterion of maximum number of simulations before stopping the adaptative integration.
Definition TAnisp.h:434
TNtupleD * _tErrorIndicator
List of error indicators from the integration algorithm.
Definition TAnisp.h:237
Definition TModeler.h:63
Description of the class TPolynomialChaos.
Definition TPolynomialChaos.h:61
void functionLauncher(vector< Double_t * > ptEXp)
void StepByStepOutput(Double_t *val, vector< Int_t * > indices)