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Uranie / Modeler v4.9.0
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URANIE::Modeler::TKriging Class Reference

Description of the class TKriging. More...

#include <TKriging.h>

Inheritance diagram for URANIE::Modeler::TKriging:
Collaboration diagram for URANIE::Modeler::TKriging:

Public Member Functions

Constructor and Destructor
 TKriging (Int_t nX, Int_t nS, Double_t *xObs, Double_t *xNormParams, Double_t *yObs, Double_t *gamma, Double_t *iL, Double_t gpVar, Double_t vErrMes, URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction *corrFunc, TString varNames, Int_t nP=0, Double_t *hbeta=NULL, Double_t *vbeta=NULL, Double_t *M=NULL, Double_t *iR=NULL, TString trend="")
 Default constructor.
void initMatrices ()
 Initialisation of the matrices.
virtual ~TKriging ()
 Default destructor.
Get methods
const char * getInputNames ()
 Return the input variable names.
const char * getOutputName ()
 Return the output variable name.
Bool_t hasTrend ()
 Return kTRUE if a deterministic trend has been defined.
TCorrelationFunctiongetCorrFunction ()
 Return a pointer to the correlation function of the gaussian process.
Int_t getNInputs ()
 Return the number of input parameters.
Int_t getNObs ()
 Return the number of observations used to build the GP model.
Int_t getNCorrFunctionParams ()
 Return the number of parameters of the correlation function.
Int_t getNCorrLengths ()
 Return the number of correlation lengths.
Int_t getNTrendParams ()
 Return the number of parameters of the deterministic trend.
Double_t * getObsInputs ()
 Return the observations inputs as a flat array: [a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2,...].
Double_t * getObsOutputs ()
 Return the observations outputs.
Double_t * getObsNormParams ()
 Return the normalisation parameters of the inputs as a flat array: [aMin, aMax, bMin, bMax,...].
Double_t * getGPParams ()
 Return the array of the Gaussian Process parameters.
Double_t * getTrendParams ()
 Return the array of the trend parameters.
Double_t * getTrendParamsCovMatrix ()
 Return the array of the trend parameters covariance matrix.
TObjArray * getTrendFormula ()
 Return the deterministic trend list of formulas.
TString getTrendString ()
 Return the deterministic trend string.
Double_t getVariance ()
 Return the variance of the gaussian process.
Double_t getMeasurementErrorVariance ()
 Return the variance of the measurement error.
Double_t * getiL ()
 Return the iL matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)
Double_t * getM ()
 Return the M matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)
Double_t * getiR ()
 Return the iR matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)
Double_t * getLooErrors ()
 Return the vector of the leave one out errors.
Double_t * getLooVariances ()
 Return the vector of the leave one out prediction variances.
void getLooErrors (double *arr, int size)
 Return the vector of the leave one out errors.
void getLooVariances (double *arr, int size)
 Return the vector of the leave one out prediction variances.
Double_t getLooRMSE ()
 Return the leave one out mean squared error.
Double_t getLooQ2 ()
 Return the Q2 of the model on the observation.
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * getLooData ()
 Return a pointer to a TDataServer containing the observations and the Leave One Out results.
Double_t * getCorrLengthsNormalised ()
 Return the normalised correlation lengths.
Double_t * getCorrLengths ()
 Return the correlation lengths.
Double_t * getCorrFunctionParams ()
 Return all the parameters of the correlation function.
Int_t eval (Double_t *x0, Double_t *y0, int=0)
 Evaluate the gaussian process at the new location x0.
void estimate (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsQuery, TString listOfInputs="", TString listOfOutputs="", Option_t *option="", Bool_t useGPU=false)
void estimate_CPU (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsQuery, TString listOfInputs="", TString listOfOutputs="", Option_t *option="")
void estimateWithCov (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tdsQuery, TString listOfInputs="", TString listOfOutputs="", TString realValue="", Option_t *option="")

Exporting the kriging model as a stand alone C function is difficult for various reasons. The main problem is that we would have to store potentially huge matrices as text, which is highly unpractical. It was thus decided to postpone this export as long as a workable solution isn't found.

void exportFunction (const char *lang, const char *file, const char *name, Option_t *option="")
virtual void exportModelCplusplus (std::ofstream *sourcefile, const char *name="")
 Export the model as a C function (not implemented)
virtual void exportModelFortran (std::ofstream *sourcefile)
 Export the model as a Fortran function (not implemented)
virtual void exportModelPMML (const char *file, const char *name, Option_t *option) const
void freeze ()
Printing Log
virtual void printLog (Option_t *option="")

Public Attributes

TString _outputVarName
 Name of the output variable. This information can be used to remind the user of the original names of the variables.
TString _inputVarNames
 Name of the inputs variables separated by ":". This information can be used to remind the user of the original names of the variables.
TObjArray * _inputNamesList
 list of the inputs' names.
Int_t _nX
 Number of input attributes

Int_t _nS
 Number of observations.
Int_t _nYDeclared
 Number of attribute added to the tkiging object before running it.
Int_t _nXDeclared
 Number of attribute added to the tkiging object before running it.
Double_t * _xObs
 The matrix of inputs (dimension: _nX * _nS)
Double_t * _xNormParams
 The matrix of normalisation parameters. Contains min and max value of each input variable: [aMin, aMax, bMin, bMax,...] (size: _nX * 2)
Double_t * _yObs
 Array representation of the outputs (size: _nS)
Double_t * _iL
 Inverse of the matrix L, Cholesky decomposition of K (size: _nS * _nS)
Double_t * _gamma
 Array of parameters of the gaussian process (size: _nS)
Double_t _sigma2
 Variance of the gaussian process.
Double_t _vErrMes
 variance of the measurement error
 The correlation function.
Double_t * _corrLengths
 The correlation lengths in the real input space.
Double_t * _normCorrLengths
 The correlation lengths in the normalised input space. This corresponds to the correlation lengths stored in the correlation function.
Bool_t bUse_normalisation
 if kFALSE, the matrix H will be computed with unormalised input data. This happens when the user is providing his own trend function. When the trend is constructed automatically from a trend type, this attribute is set to kTRUE.
Bool_t bHas_trend
 kFALSE if no deterministic trend is defined, kTRUE otherwise
TString _trendString
 Character string containing the trend parameters separated by ":" or a trend type ("const" or "linear")

TObjArray * _trendCoefList
 List of the formulas of the trend coefficients (_nP elements)
Int_t _nP
 Number of coefficients of the deterministic trend.
Double_t * _hbeta
 Estimates of the deterministic trend parameters (size: _nP)
Double_t * _vbeta
 Covariance matrix of the trend parameters (size: _nP*_nP)
Double_t * _M
 Matrix M = L^{-T} H (size: _nS * _nP)
Double_t * _iR
 Inverse of the matrix R, from the QR decomposition of M (size: _nP * _nP)
Double_t * _errorLoo
 If available, vector of the Leave One Out errors for the model.
Double_t * _varLoo
 If available, vector of the variances of the Leave One Out errors for the model.
Double_t _mseLoo
 if available, Leave one Out mean squared error of the model.

Private Attributes

Bool_t _blog
 Boolean for edit the log.

Set methods

void setCorrFunction (TCorrelationFunction *corrFunc)
 Set the correlation function of the gaussian process.
void setVariance (Double_t var)
 Set the variance of the gaussian process.
void setLooErrors (Double_t *err, Double_t *var, Double_t mse)
 Set the information about the leave one out error of the model.
void createTrend ()
 Create the list of trend coefficients.
void computeCovarianceMatrix (int ns, double *xObs, bool bVariance_in_factor, bool bHas_measurement_error, double alpha, double reg, double sigma2, double *Vmes, double *C, double *K)
static void StatMat (std::string title, int n1, int n2, Double_t *v)
static void StatMat (std::string title, int n1, int n2, Double_t *v, std::vector< double > &tvmin, std::vector< double > &tvmax, std::vector< double > &tmean, std::vector< double > &tvar, std::vector< double > &tnorm)
static void StatVect (std::string title, int n, Double_t *v)
static void StatVect (std::string title, int n, Double_t *v, double &vmin, double &vmax, double &mean, double &var, double &norm)

Detailed Description

Description of the class TKriging.

This class defines a Kriging model. It can predict the output of new observations using the TKriging::eval function or the URANIE::Relauncher module formalism. It is created by TGPBuilder::buildGP. It is a wrapper to the gpPredX functions from the "gaussian process Library" (gpL), by Jean-Marc Martinez.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TKriging()

URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::TKriging ( Int_t  nX,
Int_t  nS,
Double_t *  xObs,
Double_t *  xNormParams,
Double_t *  yObs,
Double_t *  gamma,
Double_t *  iL,
Double_t  gpVar,
Double_t  vErrMes,
URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction corrFunc,
TString  varNames,
Int_t  nP = 0,
Double_t *  hbeta = NULL,
Double_t *  vbeta = NULL,
Double_t *  M = NULL,
Double_t *  iR = NULL,
TString  trend = "" 

Default constructor.

Constructs a TKriging from the raw matrices and other stuff produced by TGPBuilder. This constructor is not supposed to be used by a human being.

nX(Int_t): number of variables
nS(Int_t): number of observations
xObs(Double_t*): the normalised observations (size = nX * nS)
xNormParams(Double_t*): the normalisation parameters of xObs (size = 2 * nX)
yObs(Double_t*); the outputs (size = _nS)
gamma(Double_t*): parameters of the Kriging model (size = nS)
iL(Double_t*): inverse of matrix L (size = nS * nS)
gpVar(Double_t): variance of the Gaussian Process
vErrMes(Double_t): variance of the measurement error
corrFunc(TCorrelationFunction*): correlation function of the Gaussian Process
varNames(TString ): name of the variables separated by ":". The last name is the output variable.
nP(Int_t): number of parameters of the trend (default = 0)
hbeta(Double_t *): parameters of the trend (size = nP) (default = NULL)
M(Double_t*): matrice M (size = nS * nP) (default = NULL)
iR(Double_t*): inverse de la matrice R (size = nP * nP) (default = NULL)
trend(TString): string listing the trend coefficients (default = "")
the TKriging object is copying every information provided. This means that the source of this information can be safely destroyed after creating the TKriging object.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ ~TKriging()

virtual URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::~TKriging ( )

Default destructor.

Referenced by ClassImp().

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeCovarianceMatrix()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::computeCovarianceMatrix ( int  ns,
double *  xObs,
bool  bVariance_in_factor,
bool  bHas_measurement_error,
double  alpha,
double  reg,
double  sigma2,
double *  Vmes,
double *  C,
double *  K 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ createTrend()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::createTrend ( )

Create the list of trend coefficients.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ estimate()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::estimate ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tdsQuery,
TString  listOfInputs = "",
TString  listOfOutputs = "",
Option_t *  option = "",
Bool_t  useGPU = false 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ estimate_CPU()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::estimate_CPU ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tdsQuery,
TString  listOfInputs = "",
TString  listOfOutputs = "",
Option_t *  option = "" 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ estimateWithCov()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::estimateWithCov ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tdsQuery,
TString  listOfInputs = "",
TString  listOfOutputs = "",
TString  realValue = "",
Option_t *  option = "" 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ eval()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::eval ( Double_t *  x0,
Double_t *  y0,
int  = 0 

Evaluate the gaussian process at the new location x0.

This function aims to be compatible with the TEval prototype, which will allow to call it from a launcher or an optimizer.

x0(Double_t*): a single set of input variables values.
y0(Double_t*): output of the gaussian process for x0.
the size of x0 is not checked. If it is different from the expected number of input variables, this will lead to unexpected results or an error.
Calls the gpPred0 function from the gpL

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ exportFunction()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::exportFunction ( const char *  lang,
const char *  file,
const char *  name,
Option_t *  option = "" 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ exportModelCplusplus()

virtual void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::exportModelCplusplus ( std::ofstream *  sourcefile,
const char *  name = "" 

Export the model as a C function (not implemented)

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ exportModelFortran()

virtual void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::exportModelFortran ( std::ofstream *  sourcefile)

Export the model as a Fortran function (not implemented)

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ exportModelPMML()

virtual void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::exportModelPMML ( const char *  file,
const char *  name,
Option_t *  option 
) const

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ freeze()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::freeze ( )

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getCorrFunction()

TCorrelationFunction * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getCorrFunction ( )

Return a pointer to the correlation function of the gaussian process.

References _correlationFunction.

◆ getCorrFunctionParams()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getCorrFunctionParams ( )

Return all the parameters of the correlation function.

this is an alias to TCorrelationFunction::getParameters(). This means that the correlation lengths are stored at the end of the array, and are normalised.

References _correlationFunction, and URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction::getParameters().

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getCorrLengths()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getCorrLengths ( )

Return the correlation lengths.

these are NOT the correlation lengths stored in the correlation function. These values are denormalised in order to be interpretable in the "real" input space.

References _corrLengths.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getCorrLengthsNormalised()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getCorrLengthsNormalised ( )

Return the normalised correlation lengths.

this corresponds to the correlation lengths stored in the correlation function.

References _normCorrLengths.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getGPParams()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getGPParams ( )

Return the array of the Gaussian Process parameters.

References _gamma.

◆ getiL()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getiL ( )

Return the iL matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)

References _iL.

◆ getInputNames()

const char * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getInputNames ( )

Return the input variable names.

References _inputVarNames.

◆ getiR()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getiR ( )

Return the iR matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)

References _iR.

◆ getLooData()

URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooData ( )

Return a pointer to a TDataServer containing the observations and the Leave One Out results.

the user is responsible of the memory allocated for the data server.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getLooErrors() [1/2]

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooErrors ( )

Return the vector of the leave one out errors.

References _errorLoo.

◆ getLooErrors() [2/2]

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooErrors ( double *  arr,
int  size 

Return the vector of the leave one out errors.

References _errorLoo, and _nS.

◆ getLooQ2()

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooQ2 ( )

Return the Q2 of the model on the observation.

References _mseLoo, _nS, and _yObs.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getLooRMSE()

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooRMSE ( )

Return the leave one out mean squared error.

References _mseLoo.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getLooVariances() [1/2]

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooVariances ( )

Return the vector of the leave one out prediction variances.

References _varLoo.

◆ getLooVariances() [2/2]

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getLooVariances ( double *  arr,
int  size 

Return the vector of the leave one out prediction variances.

References _nS, and _varLoo.

◆ getM()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getM ( )

Return the M matrix as an array (cf. internal variable description)

References _M.

◆ getMeasurementErrorVariance()

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getMeasurementErrorVariance ( )

Return the variance of the measurement error.

if a value of -1.0 is returned, it means that the measurement error used to create the model was user defined. It was not considered useful to saved it with the model.

References _vErrMes.

◆ getNCorrFunctionParams()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getNCorrFunctionParams ( )

Return the number of parameters of the correlation function.

References _correlationFunction, and URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction::getNParameters().

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getNCorrLengths()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getNCorrLengths ( )

Return the number of correlation lengths.

References _correlationFunction, and URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction::getNCorrLengths().

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getNInputs()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getNInputs ( )

Return the number of input parameters.

References _nX.

◆ getNObs()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getNObs ( )

Return the number of observations used to build the GP model.

References _nS.

◆ getNTrendParams()

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getNTrendParams ( )

Return the number of parameters of the deterministic trend.

References _nP.

◆ getObsInputs()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getObsInputs ( )

Return the observations inputs as a flat array: [a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2,...].

References _xObs.

◆ getObsNormParams()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getObsNormParams ( )

Return the normalisation parameters of the inputs as a flat array: [aMin, aMax, bMin, bMax,...].

References _xNormParams.

◆ getObsOutputs()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getObsOutputs ( )

Return the observations outputs.

References _yObs.

◆ getOutputName()

const char * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getOutputName ( )

Return the output variable name.

References _outputVarName.

◆ getTrendFormula()

TObjArray * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getTrendFormula ( )

Return the deterministic trend list of formulas.

References _trendCoefList.

◆ getTrendParams()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getTrendParams ( )

Return the array of the trend parameters.

References _hbeta.

◆ getTrendParamsCovMatrix()

Double_t * URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getTrendParamsCovMatrix ( )

Return the array of the trend parameters covariance matrix.

References _vbeta.

◆ getTrendString()

TString URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getTrendString ( )

Return the deterministic trend string.

References _trendString.

◆ getVariance()

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::getVariance ( )

Return the variance of the gaussian process.

References _sigma2.

◆ hasTrend()

Bool_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::hasTrend ( )

Return kTRUE if a deterministic trend has been defined.

References bHas_trend.

◆ initMatrices()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::initMatrices ( )

Initialisation of the matrices.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ printLog()

virtual void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::printLog ( Option_t *  option = "")

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ setCorrFunction()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::setCorrFunction ( TCorrelationFunction corrFunc)

Set the correlation function of the gaussian process.

corrFunc(URANIE::Modeler::TCorrelationFunction*): a pointer to the correlation function of the gaussian process.

References _correlationFunction.

◆ setLooErrors()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::setLooErrors ( Double_t *  err,
Double_t *  var,
Double_t  mse 

Set the information about the leave one out error of the model.

This function is called by the GPBuilder if the user wants the leave one out error of the model. The errors are computed thanks to the gpLooXError functions of the gpLib.

err(Double_t*): vector of size _nS of the errors from Leave One Out.
var(Double_t*): vector of size _nS of the analytical variances of the leave one out errors.
mse(Double_t): leave one out mean squared error.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and ClassImp().

◆ setVariance()

void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::setVariance ( Double_t  var)

Set the variance of the gaussian process.

var(Double_t): value of the variance.

References _sigma2.

◆ StatMat() [1/2]

static void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::StatMat ( std::string  title,
int  n1,
int  n2,
Double_t *  v 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ StatMat() [2/2]

static void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::StatMat ( std::string  title,
int  n1,
int  n2,
Double_t *  v,
std::vector< double > &  tvmin,
std::vector< double > &  tvmax,
std::vector< double > &  tmean,
std::vector< double > &  tvar,
std::vector< double > &  tnorm 

◆ StatVect() [1/2]

static void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::StatVect ( std::string  title,
int  n,
Double_t *  v 

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ StatVect() [2/2]

static void URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::StatVect ( std::string  title,
int  n,
Double_t *  v,
double &  vmin,
double &  vmax,
double &  mean,
double &  var,
double &  norm 

Member Data Documentation

◆ _blog

Bool_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_blog

Boolean for edit the log.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ _correlationFunction

TCorrelationFunction* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_correlationFunction

◆ _corrLengths

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_corrLengths

The correlation lengths in the real input space.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getCorrLengths().

◆ _errorLoo

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_errorLoo

If available, vector of the Leave One Out errors for the model.

Referenced by ClassImp(), getLooErrors(), and getLooErrors().

◆ _gamma

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_gamma

Array of parameters of the gaussian process (size: _nS)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getGPParams().

◆ _hbeta

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_hbeta

Estimates of the deterministic trend parameters (size: _nP)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getTrendParams().

◆ _iL

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_iL

Inverse of the matrix L, Cholesky decomposition of K (size: _nS * _nS)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getiL().

◆ _inputNamesList

TObjArray* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_inputNamesList

list of the inputs' names.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ _inputVarNames

TString URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_inputVarNames

Name of the inputs variables separated by ":". This information can be used to remind the user of the original names of the variables.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getInputNames().

◆ _iR

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_iR

Inverse of the matrix R, from the QR decomposition of M (size: _nP * _nP)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getiR().

◆ _M

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_M

Matrix M = L^{-T} H (size: _nS * _nP)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getM().

◆ _mseLoo

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_mseLoo

if available, Leave one Out mean squared error of the model.

Referenced by ClassImp(), getLooQ2(), and getLooRMSE().

◆ _normCorrLengths

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_normCorrLengths

The correlation lengths in the normalised input space. This corresponds to the correlation lengths stored in the correlation function.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getCorrLengthsNormalised().

◆ _nP

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_nP

Number of coefficients of the deterministic trend.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getNTrendParams().

◆ _nS

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_nS

Number of observations.

Referenced by ClassImp(), getLooErrors(), getLooQ2(), getLooVariances(), and getNObs().

◆ _nX

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_nX

Number of input attributes

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getNInputs().

◆ _nXDeclared

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_nXDeclared

Number of attribute added to the tkiging object before running it.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ _nYDeclared

Int_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_nYDeclared

Number of attribute added to the tkiging object before running it.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ _outputVarName

TString URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_outputVarName

Name of the output variable. This information can be used to remind the user of the original names of the variables.

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getOutputName().

◆ _sigma2

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_sigma2

Variance of the gaussian process.

Referenced by ClassImp(), getVariance(), and setVariance().

◆ _trendCoefList

TObjArray* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_trendCoefList

List of the formulas of the trend coefficients (_nP elements)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getTrendFormula().

◆ _trendString

TString URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_trendString

Character string containing the trend parameters separated by ":" or a trend type ("const" or "linear")

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getTrendString().

◆ _varLoo

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_varLoo

If available, vector of the variances of the Leave One Out errors for the model.

Referenced by ClassImp(), getLooVariances(), and getLooVariances().

◆ _vbeta

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_vbeta

Covariance matrix of the trend parameters (size: _nP*_nP)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getTrendParamsCovMatrix().

◆ _vErrMes

Double_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_vErrMes

variance of the measurement error

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getMeasurementErrorVariance().

◆ _xNormParams

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_xNormParams

The matrix of normalisation parameters. Contains min and max value of each input variable: [aMin, aMax, bMin, bMax,...] (size: _nX * 2)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getObsNormParams().

◆ _xObs

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_xObs

The matrix of inputs (dimension: _nX * _nS)

Referenced by ClassImp(), and getObsInputs().

◆ _yObs

Double_t* URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::_yObs

Array representation of the outputs (size: _nS)

Referenced by ClassImp(), getLooQ2(), and getObsOutputs().

◆ bHas_trend

Bool_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::bHas_trend

kFALSE if no deterministic trend is defined, kTRUE otherwise

Referenced by ClassImp(), and hasTrend().

◆ bUse_normalisation

Bool_t URANIE::Modeler::TKriging::bUse_normalisation

if kFALSE, the matrix H will be computed with unormalised input data. This happens when the user is providing his own trend function. When the trend is constructed automatically from a trend type, this attribute is set to kTRUE.

Referenced by ClassImp().