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Uranie / Sampler v4.9.0
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Creation of the abstract class TDistribution.
Creation of the abstract class TSampler.
Definition TMCMC.h:76
TNtupleD * gibbsSampling(TNormale *f, TVectorD X)
Method implementing the algorithm of Gibbs, used to simulate a gaussian vector.
Definition TMCMC.cxx:164
TNtupleD * varTimeMetropolisSampling(TNormale *f, TVectorD X)
Method of simulation of a gaussian vector using the algorithm variable-at-a-time of MH....
Definition TMCMC.cxx:62
TNormale * q
Variable representing a normal law which is used in all intermediary calculations.
Definition TMCMC.h:83
TNtupleD * randomWalkMetropolisSampling(TNormale *f, TVectorD X)
Method of simulation of a gaussian vector using the algorithm random walk of MH. The components are...
Definition TMCMC.cxx:119
TNtupleD * NKCSampling(TMelange *mel, TVectorD *X)
Method allowing to deal with the "Normal Kernel Coupler", a MMC methode MCMC efficient for the simula...
Definition TMCMC.cxx:707
TNtupleD * NKCSampling2(TMelange *mel, TVectorD *X)
Method implementing the NKC using 100 state vectors.
Definition TMCMC.cxx:811
Int_t selectComponentState()
Method used in the NKC, to determine the vector which will be used as mean of the instrumental law.
Definition TMCMC.cxx:685
void Draw(TMelange *mel, TNtupleD *ntd, Option_t *option)
Method allowing to visualize the results of the MCMC methods programmed in this class,...
Definition TMCMC.cxx:473
Definition TMelange.h:42
Definition TNormale.h:48