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Uranie / Sensitivity v4.9.0
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Interface of class URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivityTest.
void setThresholdPermutation(Int_t n)
Int_t _nThresholdPermutation
The number of permutation sample ( permutation ) (default NDefaultPermutation)
Definition THSIC.h:350
void generateHMatrix(Option_t *option="")
generate the matrix
void printSummary(Option_t *option="")
Print the summary of the HSIC method.
Int_t getNPermutationSample()
Definition THSIC.h:180
void setEstimatedVariance(EEstimatedVariance nMethod)
Set the method used to estimate the variance of the gaussian kernel ( kUnknown | kStdEmpirical | kMed...
virtual void generateSample(Option_t *option="")
The generate Sample method.
Int_t getThresholdGamma()
Get the Threshold (nS/nX) to use the Gamma approximation to cumpute the p-value (default NDefaultThre...
Definition THSIC.h:214
TMatrixDSym doubleCentering(const TMatrixDSym &mat)
compute the matrix matrix
virtual void parseOption(Option_t *option="")
Parse the option given by the user.
void drawIndexes(TString sTitle, const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
Draw the indexes computed by the method.
Double_t unBiasedHSIC(TMatrixD matKx, TMatrixD matKy)
Use the unbiased formula to compute .
void setNPermutationSample(Int_t ns)
Set the Permutation sample permutation Size (default NDefaultPermutation)
Int_t getThresholdPermutation()
Get the Threshold (nS/nX) to use the permutation permutation test to cumpute the p-value (default NDe...
Definition THSIC.h:198
TMatrixDSym getMatrixKGaussian(const char *sAtt, Double_t dvariance)
Int_t _nPermutationSample
the method to compute the variance for the gaussian kernel
Definition THSIC.h:349
void permutedPermMatrix(TMatrixDSym &theMatK, TList *tlstIndex, TList *tlstMatrix)
Create the list of permuted Permutation sample.
Double_t computeTrace(TMatrixD mat, TMatrixD crtMatHLH)
compute the trace of the product matrix
Int_t _nThresholdGamma
The Threshold (nS/nX) to use the permutation permutation test to cumpute the p-value (default 5)
Definition THSIC.h:351
Double_t getSumOfMatrixBk(TMatrixD matHLkH, TMatrixD matHLH)
void setThresholdGamma(Int_t n)
Set the Threshold (nS/nX) to use the Gamma approximation to cumpute the p-value (default NDefaultThre...
EEstimatedVariance getEstimatedVariance()
Which method used to estimate the variance of the gaussian kernel ( kUnknown | kStdEmpirical | kMedia...
Definition THSIC.h:164
THSIC(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *sInputs, const char *sOutputs, Option_t *option="")
THSIC constructor with data contined in the TDS and the inputs and outputs attributes.
Double_t estimateSigma(const char *sAtt, Option_t *option="")
EEstimatedVariance _nEstimatedVariance
< The H matrix defined by H := ( Kronecker(i,j) - 1/nS)
Definition THSIC.h:348
Description of the class TSensitivityTest.
Definition TSensitivityTest.h:53