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Uranie / Sensitivity v4.9.0
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URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD Class Reference

Description of the class TRBD. More...

#include <TRBD.h>

Inheritance diagram for URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD:
Collaboration diagram for URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD:

Public Member Functions

Constructor and Destructor
 TRBD (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, void(*fcn)(Double_t *, Double_t *), const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, Int_t ns=100)
 Default constructor with a function.
 TRBD (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *fcn, Int_t ns=100, const char *varexpinput="", const char *varexpoutput="")
 Default constructor with a function name.
 TRBD (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Launcher::TCode *fcode, Int_t ns)
 Default constructor with a tcode.
 TRBD (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *run, Int_t ns)
 Default constructor with a trun.
virtual ~TRBD ()
 Default destructor.
Functions to the frequencies

The RBD method is to choose the same frequency to each uncertainty attribute

void setFrequencies (Int_t nfreq=0, Int_t valfreq=1)
 Sets the frequencies array.
Generate the sample
virtual void generateSample (Option_t *option="")
Computes the indexes
virtual void evaluateIndexes (Option_t *option="")
 Evaluates the index from the dataserver.
Printing Log
void setLog ()
void unsetLog ()
void changeLog ()
Bool_t getLog ()
virtual void printLog (Option_t *option="")
- Public Member Functions inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast
 TFast ()
 Default constructor.
 TFast (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, void(*fcn)(Double_t *, Double_t *), const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, Int_t ns=100)
 Default constructor with a function.
 TFast (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *fcn, Int_t ns=100, const char *varexpinput="", const char *varexpoutput="")
 Default constructor with a function name.
 TFast (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Launcher::TCode *fcode, Int_t ns)
 Default constructor with a tcode.
 TFast (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *run, Int_t ns)
 Default constructor with a trun.
virtual ~TFast ()
 Default destructor.
void setFrequencies (Int_t nfreq, Int_t *valfreq)
 Sets the frequencies array.
void setTransformFunction (EFunction ntype)
 Sets the Transform fonction.
EFunction getTransformFunction ()
 Gets the transform function.
void setM (Int_t m)
 Sets the max number of harmonic.
Int_t getM ()
 Returns the max number of harmonic to consider.
virtual void parseOption (Option_t *option="")
 Read option specific to TSobol.
- Public Member Functions inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivity
 TSensitivity ()
 Default constructor.
 TSensitivity (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *fcn, Int_t ns, const char *varexpinput="", const char *varexpoutput="", Option_t *option="")
 Default constructor with the name of a function.
 TSensitivity (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, void(*fcn)(Double_t *, Double_t *), const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, Int_t ns, Option_t *option="")
 TSensitivity (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *varexpinput, const char *varexpoutput, Option_t *option="")
 Default constructor.
 TSensitivity (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Launcher::TCode *code, Int_t ns, Option_t *option="")
 Default constructor with TCode arg.
 TSensitivity (URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *run, Int_t ns, Option_t *option="")
 Default constructor with TRun arg.
virtual ~TSensitivity ()
 Default destructor.
Int_t getID ()
virtual TTree * getResultTuple (bool commonresulttuple=true)
 Get the result ntuple (default parameter unused but for Morris method)
double getValue (const char *sorder="", const char *sinputname="", const char *sselect="")
vector< int > * getAttributeElements (string str)
void setFunction (void(*fct)(Double_t *, Double_t *), Int_t nx=-1, Int_t ny=1)
TString getFunctionName ()
void setSeed (UInt_t nval)
UInt_t getSeed ()
virtual void setMethodName (const char *str)
 Set the Method name.
const char * getMethodName ()
 Get the method name.
Bool_t getNoIntermediateSaved ()
 Get the noIntermediateSaved flag.
const char * getIteratorName ()
 Get the name of the iterator attribut of the method.
void setSensitivityIteratorName (const char *str)
 Set the iterator name devoted to compute sensitivity indexes.
void setTimeName (TString sname)
 Set the name of the time attribute (only one)
TString getTimeName ()
 Get the name of the time attribute.
virtual void setDrawProgressBar (Bool_t bbool=kTRUE)
 Set the "draw progress bar" flag.
void setUsingErrors (bool thebool)
 Set the "using error results anyway" option.
Bool_t getDrawProgressBar ()
 Get the clean flag.
Bool_t isInputCorrelated ()
TMatrixD getMatrixInputCorrelation ()
Int_t getNInput ()
 Get the number of input attributes.
Int_t getNOutput ()
 Get the number of output attributes.
void setInputCorrelationMatrix (TMatrixD Corr)
void checkOutputRequested (string attlist, bool fromoption=false)
 Check the output list requested by the user.
void computeIndexes (Option_t *option="")
 Compute the Sensitivity Indexes.
void fillIndex (const char *sinputname, const char *sorder, Double_t dval, const char *algo="", Double_t dvalCILower=-1.0, Double_t dvalCIUpper=-1.0)
 Method to fill in the tree the value of Sensitivity indexes for an input attribute.
virtual void createTuple (Option_t *option="")
virtual void drawIndexes (TString sTitre, const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
 Draws the indexes.
void unsetLog ()
void changeLog ()
Bool_t getLog ()
void setNLauncher (ELauncher codeLauncher)

Private Member Functions

void stdInit ()
 constructor helpers

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast
enum  EFunction { kCukier , kSaltelliA , kSaltelliB }
- Public Types inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivity
enum  ELauncher {
  kCode , kCodeRemote , kFunction , kRun ,
- Public Attributes inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast
Int_t * _nValFreq
 The array of frequences.
Int_t _nM
 The max harmonic to consider.
bool b_plotgraph
 Plot the graph.
- Public Attributes inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivity
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * _tds
 Pointeur vers un TDS.
TList * _listOfInputAttributes
 List of the input branches.
TList * _listOfOutputAttributes
 List of the input branches.
TString _sTimeAttribute
 The name of the Time attribute.
Int_t _nS
 The number of simulation or other information depend on the used method.
Int_t _nX
 Dimension of the input.
UInt_t _nY
 Dimension of the target.
UInt_t _nElY
 Number of element for one selected output.
Int_t _nbOut
 Total number of Output to be considered.
Int_t _iOut
 counter for output
unsigned int _iy
 iterator over number of element
unsigned int _iely
 iterator over number of element
ELauncher _nLauncher
 The type of launcher.
TString _sFunctionName
 The Name of the evaluatuor.
URANIE::Launcher::TCode * _code
 The tcode.
URANIE::Relauncher::TRun * _run
TObjArray * _drawingGarbageCollector
 Garbage collector for prints.
Int_t _nSeed
 The seed of the random generator.
Bool_t _bChosenOutputs
 Fact that the input list is provided or not.
Bool_t _blog
 Boolean for edit the log.
Bool_t _bdrawProgressBar
 Boolean to know if the progress bar has to be drawn.
Bool_t _bnoIntermediateSaved
 Boolean to know if the progress bar has to be drawn.
TString _sIteratorName
 The specific iterator attribute for the method.
TString _sMethodName
 The method name.
TString _sSelectedOutput
 The output.
TString _sSelectedInput
 The input.
map< string, unsigned int > _mAttributeSize
 Map of size of element for attribute;.
map< string, vector< int > > _mAttributeElements
 Map of Elements number to run (if vector subselection is requested)
vector< string > _vOutputNames
 Name of the output.
TCanvas * _canvas
 Canvas object to deal with.
void(* _pFunction )(double *, double *)
TTree * _ntresult
 The TTree of results.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivity
void checkCanvasCreation (bool newcan)
 Create a canvas if needed.
void drawIndexesHistogram (TString sTitre, const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
 Draws indexes with an histogram.
void drawIndexesPie (TString sTitre, const char *select="", Option_t *option="")
 Draws indexes with an pie chart.
virtual void preTreatment ()
 PreTreatment for every output.
virtual void postTreatment ()
 PostTreatment for every output.
void setNoIntermediateSaved (Bool_t bbool=kTRUE)
 Set the "only final file" flag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from URANIE::Sensitivity::TSensitivity
Char_t _sOutputAttribute [MAXLENGTHSTRING]
 The name of the output attribute.
Char_t _sInputAttribute [MAXLENGTHSTRING]
 The name of the input attribute.
 The order of sensitivity indexes.
 The name of the method.
Char_t _sAlgorithm [MAXLENGTHSTRING]
 The name of the algorithm to compute the index.
Double_t _valSobolCrt
 The value of sensitivity indexes.
Double_t _valSobolCILower
 The value of lower Condidence Interval (95)
Double_t _valSobolCIUpper
 The value of upper Condidence Interval (95)
TMatrixD _minputCorr
 Input correlation matrix if sample needs to be correlated.
Bool_t _bisInputCorrelated
 State whether the input correlation matrix is set.
Bool_t _bgoingThroughError
 State whether the error must not block the computation.

Detailed Description

Description of the class TRBD.

To write by the developper.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TRBD() [1/4]

URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::TRBD ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tds,
void(*)(Double_t *, Double_t *)  fcn,
const char *  varexpinput,
const char *  varexpoutput,
Int_t  ns = 100 

Default constructor with a function.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ TRBD() [2/4]

URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::TRBD ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tds,
const char *  fcn,
Int_t  ns = 100,
const char *  varexpinput = "",
const char *  varexpoutput = "" 

Default constructor with a function name.

◆ TRBD() [3/4]

URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::TRBD ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tds,
URANIE::Launcher::TCode *  fcode,
Int_t  ns 

Default constructor with a tcode.

◆ TRBD() [4/4]

URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::TRBD ( URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *  tds,
URANIE::Relauncher::TRun *  run,
Int_t  ns 

Default constructor with a trun.

◆ ~TRBD()

virtual URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::~TRBD ( )

Default destructor.

Referenced by ClassImp().

Member Function Documentation

◆ changeLog()

void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::changeLog ( )

◆ evaluateIndexes()

virtual void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::evaluateIndexes ( Option_t *  option = "")

Evaluates the index from the dataserver.

Reimplemented from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ generateSample()

virtual void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::generateSample ( Option_t *  option = "")

Reimplemented from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ getLog()

Bool_t URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::getLog ( )

◆ printLog()

virtual void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::printLog ( Option_t *  option = "")

Reimplemented from URANIE::Sensitivity::TFast.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ setFrequencies()

void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::setFrequencies ( Int_t  nfreq = 0,
Int_t  valfreq = 1 

Sets the frequencies array.

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ setLog()

void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::setLog ( )

◆ stdInit()

void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::stdInit ( )

constructor helpers

Referenced by ClassImp().

◆ unsetLog()

void URANIE::Sensitivity::TRBD::unsetLog ( )