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Uranie / Uncertainty Modeler v4.9.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
67 };
Interface with statistical test.
Definition TCirce.h:60
ECirceMethod _nCirceMethod
the Circe method from (kBiais, kBiaisBloc, kBiaisBlocCInitAlea, kBiaisBlocBootstrap)
Definition TCirce.h:78
Int_t getNParameters()
Get the number of parameters.
Definition TCirce.h:146
Int_t _nPatterns
The number of patterns.
Definition TCirce.h:75
virtual void printLog(Option_t *option="")
Print the log of the class.
Definition TCirce.cxx:1214
void setBVectorInitial(TVectorD vec)
Set the initial vector B.
Definition TCirce.cxx:371
TList * _listOfTDS
The list of TDS which contain data.
Definition TCirce.h:82
void printResults(Option_t *option="")
Print the results.
Definition TCirce.cxx:1140
Double_t _dTol
The tolerance to test the convergence (default 1e-5)
Definition TCirce.h:70
void setTolerance(Double_t dtol)
Set the tolerance parameter.
Definition TCirce.cxx:282
TMatrixD _matVarianceMu
The matrix of variance of mu computed Confidence Interval by the Fisher Matrix.
Definition TCirce.h:93
Double_t getLikelihood()
Get the Likelihood for the optimal parameters.
Definition TCirce.h:136
TMatrixD getMatrixVarianceMu()
Get the matrix of variance of mu.
Definition TCirce.h:151
Int_t getNPatterns()
Get the number of patterns.
Definition TCirce.h:141
TVectorD getBVector()
Get the final vector of biais (Circe)
Definition TCirce.h:186
TMatrixD _matCorrelation
The final matrix of correlation.
Definition TCirce.h:74
TVectorD _vecYStarVariance
The vector of experimental variance.
Definition TCirce.h:88
void estimate(Option_t *option="")
the estimate procedure
Definition TCirce.cxx:733
TList * _listOfInformations
The list of information for Circe.
Definition TCirce.h:83
void setNCMatrix(Int_t n)
Set the number of random matrix C to generate.
Definition TCirce.h:124
const char * getInputFile()
Get the Circe Input File.
Definition TCirce.h:216
TMatrixD getCMatrixInitial()
Get the initial Matrix C.
Definition TCirce.h:169
Int_t _nParameters
The number of parameters.
Definition TCirce.h:76
TList * _listOfBloc
The list of bloc (default NULL : when only one is as blias.f)
Definition TCirce.h:84
TList * _listOfSensitivity
The list of sensitivity parameter.
Definition TCirce.h:85
TString _sCirceInputFile
The input file of Circe.
Definition TCirce.h:77
TMatrixD _matVarianceSigma
The matrix of variance of sigma computed Confidence Interval by the Fisher Matrix.
Definition TCirce.h:94
Int_t getNCMatrix()
Get the number of random matrix C to generate.
Definition TCirce.h:129
void readInputFile(const char *sfile="", ECirceMethod nCirceMethod=kBiaisBloc)
Set and Read the Circe Input File.
Definition TCirce.cxx:333
TVectorD _vecInitialB
The initial vector B.
Definition TCirce.h:91
TMatrixD _matSensibility
The matrix of sensibility.
Definition TCirce.h:89
TMatrixD _matInitialC
The initial matrix of C.
Definition TCirce.h:90
Int_t getNTDS()
Get the number of TDS.
Definition TCirce.cxx:270
TMatrixD initCMatrix(Int_t nrows, Double_t dMulti)
Generate a ramdom finite positive matrix C.
Definition TCirce.cxx:389
Double_t getTolerance()
Get the Tolerance parameter.
Definition TCirce.h:119
void init(Option_t *option="")
The init method.
Definition TCirce.cxx:419
Int_t _nInitCAlea
the number of Matrix C alea (default 1)
Definition TCirce.h:80
void terminate(Option_t *option="")
the terminate method
Definition TCirce.cxx:1064
TVectorD _vecBiais
The final vector of biais.
Definition TCirce.h:72
void addBloc(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *sbloc, const char *sname="")
The addBloc method.
Definition TCirce.cxx:635
TVectorD _vecDiff
The vector Y = Texp - Ycode.
Definition TCirce.h:87
TMatrixD _matC
The final matrix of Covariance.
Definition TCirce.h:73
void setInputFile(const char *sfile)
Set the Circe Input File.
Definition TCirce.cxx:307
void setSeed(Int_t ind=0)
Init the seed.
Definition TCirce.cxx:1121
void setCMatrixInitial(TMatrixD mat)
Set The initial Matrix C.
Definition TCirce.cxx:354
TVectorD getBVectorInitial()
Get the initial vector B.
Definition TCirce.h:181
Double_t _dLikelihood
The Likelihood for the optimal parameter.
Definition TCirce.h:71
void addData(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, const char *systar, const char *syhat, const char *ssensi, const char *sexpuncert="")
Add data from a new TDS.
Definition TCirce.cxx:129
TMatrixD getCMatrix()
Get the final matrix C of coriance (Circe)
Definition TCirce.h:174
Int_t _nSeed
the Seed of the random generator
Definition TCirce.h:69
TMatrixD getMatrixVarianceSigma()
Get the matrix of variance of sigma.
Definition TCirce.h:156
Definition TUncertModeler.h:48
Definition TCirce.cxx:58