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Uranie / Uncertainty Modeler v4.9.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
229 void addBetaLaw(Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Double_t min, Double_t max, Color_t color = kBlack, TString stitle = "");
286 Double_t computePValue_AD_Case3(Double_t dz, URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw);
294 Double_t computePValue_CvM_Case3(Double_t dz, URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw);
virtual void printLog(Option_t *option="")
void addUniformLaw(Double_t min, Double_t max, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Add in the current graph the CDF of a uniform law defined by theses parameters .
virtual const char * getTitleStatistic()=0
Return the name of the statistic.
TString _sAttributes
The string of attributes separated by the colon ":" character.
Definition TTester.h:71
void addLogNormalLaw(Double_t mu, Double_t sigma, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Adds in the current graph the CDF of a LogNormal law defined by theses parameters of the law.
Double_t computePValue_AD_Case3(Double_t dz, URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw)
Compute the PValue of the test AD in case Case3 (all parameters of the PDF are estimated by MLE)
void computePValue(URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw)
Compute the PValue of the test.
void addNormalLaw(Double_t mu, Double_t sigma, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Add in the current graph the CDF of a normal law defined by theses parameters .
Double_t computeScore(Option_t *option="")
Compute the score of the statistic.
Int_t nTimesValueLTvalVector(Double_t dval, TVectorD vecValues)
TTester(URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer *tds, ETestType nTestType, const char *varexpinput, Option_t *option="")
Constructor by the type of Test.
void findParametersLaw(TString soption, TVectorD &vec)
Finds the parameters in the option string.
void addGammaLaw(Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Adds in the current graph the CDF of a Gamma law defined by theses parameters .
virtual void computeModifiedScore(URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw)=0
Compute the modified value of the statistic.
Bool_t _bquiet
Boolean for being quiet.
Definition TTester.h:88
Bool_t _bDrawSame
Boolean for drawing in the current pad.
Definition TTester.h:73
Double_t _dModifiedScore
The Modified value score of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:70
Double_t getModifiedScore()
Get the modified score of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:117
TGraph * createGraph(Color_t color=kBlack)
Double_t computePValue_KS_CaseAll(Double_t dz)
Compute the PValue of the test KS in all cases (Case0 && Case3)
virtual Double_t computeTheCurrentScore(Int_t i, Double_t dzi)=0
The true computation with a vector of information and return the current value.
void addBetaLaw(Double_t alpha, Double_t beta, Double_t min, Double_t max, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Add in the current graph the CDF of a Beta law defined by theses parameters .
void addWeibullLaw(Double_t beta, Double_t m, Color_t color=kBlack, TString stitle="")
Add in the current graph the CDF of a Weibull law defined by theses parameters .
Double_t getPValue()
Get the pValue of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:122
Double_t computePValue_CvM_Case3(Double_t dz, URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::ELawType tlaw)
Compute the PValue of the test CvM in case Case3 (all parameters of the PDF are estimated by MLE)
void treatOption(Option_t *option)
Treats the options of the computeScore method.
Double_t _dScore
The score of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:69
Double_t computePValue_AD_Case0(Double_t dz)
Compute the PValue of the test AD in case Case0 (all parameters of the PDF are given)
Double_t _pValue
The pValue of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:68
TList * _listOfLaws
The list of law to test.
Definition TTester.h:72
Double_t getScore()
Get the score of the last test.
Definition TTester.h:112
ETestType _nTestType
The type of test.
Definition TTester.h:80
URANIE::DataServer::TDataServer * _tds
Pointer to a TDS.
Definition TTester.h:86
Definition TCirce.cxx:58