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Chapter II. Basic statistical elements

Chapter II. Basic statistical elements


This chapter is introducing the very basic statistical operations that can be done using the Uranie platform, on a set of points provided by the user, or generated by Uranie itself.

This chapter introduces the various probability laws implemented in Uranie and illustrates, for each every one of them, with a few sets of parameters, the resulting shape of three of their characteristic functions. Some of the basic statistical operations are also described in a second part.

II.1. Random variable modelisation

II.1.1. The probability distributions

There are several already-implemented statistical laws in Uranie, that can be called marginal laws as well, used to described the behaviour of a chosen input variable. They are usually characterised by two functions which are intrinsically connected: the PDF (probability density function) and CDF (cumulative distribution function). One can recap briefly the definition of these two functions for every random variable :

  • PDF: if the random variable X has a density , where is a non-negative Lebesgue-integrable function, then

  • CDF: the function , given by

For some of the distributions discussed later on, the parameters provided to define them are not limiting the range of their PDF and CDF: these distributions are said to be infinite-based ones. It is however possible to set boundaries in order to truncate the span of their possible values. One can indeed define an lower bound and or an upper bound so that the resulting distribution range is not infinite anymore but only in . This truncation step affects both the PDF and CDF: once the boundaries are set, the CDF of these two values are computed to obtain (the probability to be lower than the lower edge) and (the probability to be lower than the upper edge). Two new functions, the truncated PDF and the truncated CDF are simply defined as

These steps to produce a truncate distribution are represented in Figure II.1 where the original distribution is shown on the left along with the definition of (the blue shaded part) and (the green shaded part). The right part of the plot is the resulting truncated PDF.

Figure II.1.  Principle of the truncated PDF generation (right-hand side) from the orginal one (left-hand side).

Principle of the truncated PDF generation (right-hand side) from the orginal one (left-hand side).

It is possible to combine different probability law, as a sum of weighted contributions, in order to create a new law. This approach, which is further discussed and illustrated in Section II.1.1.19, leads to a new probability density function that would look like

These distributions can be used to model the behaviour of variables, depending on chosen hypothesis, probability density function being used as a reference more oftenly by physicist, whereas statistical experts will generally use the cumulative distribution function [Appel13].

Table II.1 gathers the list of implemented statistical laws, along with the list of parameters used to define them. For every possible law, a figure is displaying the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for different sets of parameters (the equation of the corresponding PDF is reminded as well on every figure). The inverse CDF is basically the CDF whose x and y-axis are inverted (it is convenient to keep in mind what it looks like, as it will be used to produce design-of-experiments, later-on).

Table II.1. List of Uranie classes representing the probability laws

LawClass UranieParameter 1Parameter 2Parameter 3Parameter 4
Normal (Gauss)TNormalDistributionMean ()Sigma ()  
Log-NormalTLogNormalDistributionMean ()Error factor ()Min 
ExponentialTExponentialDistributionRate ()Min  
CauchyTCauchyDistributionScale ()Median  
GumbelMaxTGumbelMaxDistributionMode ()Scale ()   
WeibullTWeibullDistributionScale () Shape () Min 
BetaTBetaDistribution alpha () beta () MinMax
GenParetoTGenParetoDistributionLocation ()Scale ()Shape () 
GammaTGammaDistribution Shape () Scale () Location () 
InvGammaTInvGammaDistribution Shape () Scale () Location () 
StudentTStudentDistribution DoF ()    
GeneralizedNormalTGeneralizedNormalDistribution Location () Scale () Shape () 

//Uniform law
TUniformDistribution *pxu = new TUniformDistribution("x1", -1.0 , 1.0); 1
// Gaussian Law
TNormalDistribution *pxn = new TNormalDistribution("x2", -1.0 , 1.0); 2


Allocation of a pointer pxu to a random uniform variable x1 in interval [-1.0, 1.0].


Allocation of a pointer pxn to a random normal variable x2 with mean value μ=-1.0 and standard deviation σ=1.0.

# Uniform law
pxu = DataServer.TUniformDistribution("x1", -1.0 , 1.0) 1
# Gaussian Law
pxn = DataServer.TNormalDistribution("x2", -1.0 , 1.0) 2


Allocation of a pointer pxu to a random uniform variable x1 in interval [-1.0, 1.0].


Allocation of a pointer pxn to a random normal variable x2 with mean value μ=-1.0 and standard deviation σ=1.0.

II.1.1.1. Uniform Law

The Uniform law is defined between a minimum and a maximum, as

The property of the law lies on the fact that all points of the interval have the same probability. The mean value of the uniform law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as . The mode is not really defined as all points have the same probability.

Figure II.2 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for a given set of parameters.

Figure II.2.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Uniform distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Uniform distribution.

II.1.1.2. Log Uniform Law

The LogUniform law is well adapted for variations of high amplitudes. If a random variable follows a LogUniform distribution, the random variable follows a Uniform distribution, so

From the statistical point of view, the mean value of the LogUniform law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as . By definition, the mode is equal to .

Figure II.3 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.3.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogUniform distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogUniform distributions.

II.1.1.3. Triangular law

This law describes a triangle with a base between a minimum and a maximum and a highest density at a certain point , so

The mean value of the triangular law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as .

Figure II.4 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.4.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Triangular distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Triangular distributions.

II.1.1.4. LogTriangular law

If a random variable follows a LogTriangular distribution, the random variable follows a Triangular distribution, so


Figure II.5 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.5.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Logtriangular distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Logtriangular distributions.

II.1.1.5. Normal law

A normal law is defined with a mean (which coincide with the mode) and a standard deviation , as

Figure II.6 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.6.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Normal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Normal distributions.

II.1.1.6. LogNormal law

If a random variable follows a LogNormal distribution, the random variable follows a Normal distribution (whose parameters are and ), so

In Uranie, it is parametrised by default using M, the mean of the distribution, , the Error factor that represents the ration of the 95% quantile and the median () and the minimum . One can go from one parametrisation to the other following those simple relations

The variance of the distribution can be estimated as while its mean is and its mode is .

Figure II.7 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.7.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogNormal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogNormal distributions.

II.1.1.7. Trapezium law

This law describes a trapezium whose large base is defined between a minimum and a maximum and its small base lies between a low and an up value, as

where , and .

For this distribution, the mean can be estimated through while the variance is . The mode is not properly defined as all probability are equals in .

Figure II.8 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.8.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Trapezium distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Trapezium distributions.

II.1.1.8. UniformByParts law

The UniformByParts law is defined between a minimum and a median and between the median and a maximum, as

For this distribution, the mean value is while the variance is .

Figure II.9 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.9.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for UniformByParts distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for UniformByParts distributions.

II.1.1.9. Exponential law

This law describes an exponential with a rate parameter and a minimum , as

The rate parameter should be positive. The mean value of the exponential law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as . The mode is the chosen minimum value.

Figure II.10 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.10.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Exponential distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Exponential distributions.

II.1.1.10. Cauchy law

This law describes a Cauchy-Lorentz distribution with a location parameter and a scale parameter , as

The mean and standard deviation of this distribution are not properly defined.

Figure II.11 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.11.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Cauchy distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Cauchy distributions.

II.1.1.11. GumbelMax law

This law describes a Gumbel max distribution depending on the mode and the scale , as

The mean value of the Gumbel max law can then be computed as , where is the Euler Mascheroni constant and its variance can be written as .

Figure II.12 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.12.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GumbelMax distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GumbelMax distributions.

II.1.1.12. Weibull law

This law describes a weibull distribution depending on the location , the scale and the shape q , as

The mean value of the Weibull law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as .

Figure II.13 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.13.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Weibull distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Weibull distributions.

II.1.1.13. Beta law

Defined between a minimum and a maximum, it depends on two parameters and , as

where and is the beta function.

Figure II.14 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.14.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Beta distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Beta distributions.

II.1.1.14. GenPareto law

This law describes a generalised Pareto distribution depending on the location , the scale and a shape , as

In this formula, should be greater than 0. The resulting mean for this distribution can be estimated as (for ) while its variance can be computed as (for ).

Figure II.15 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.15.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GenPareto distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GenPareto distributions.

II.1.1.15. Gamma law

The Gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. It depends on a shape parameter and a scale parameter . The function is usually defined for greater than 0, but the distribution can be shifted thanks to the third parameter called location () which should be positive. This parametrisation is more common in Bayesian statistics, where the gamma distribution is used as a conjugate prior distribution for various types of laws:

The mean value of the Gamma law can then be computed as while its variance can be written as .

Figure II.16 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.16.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Gamma distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Gamma distributions.

II.1.1.16. InvGamma law

The inverse-Gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. It depends on a shape parameter and a scale parameter . The function is usually defined for greater than 0, but the distribution can be shifted thanks to the third parameter called location () which should be positive.

The mean value of the Inverse-Gamma law can then be computed as (for ) while its variance can be written as (for ).

Figure II.17 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.17.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for InvGamma distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for InvGamma distributions.

II.1.1.17. Student Law

The Student law is simply defined with a single parameter: the degree-of-freedom (DoF). The probability density function is then set as

where is the Euler's gamma function. This distribution is famous for the t-test, a test-hypothesis developed by Fisher to check validity of the null hypothesis when the variance is unknown and the number of degree-of-freedom is limited. Indeed, when the number of degree-of-freedom grows, the shape of the curve looks more and more like the centered-reduced normal distribution. The mean value of the student law is 0 as soon as (and is not determined otherwise). Its variance can be written as as soon as , infinity if , and is not determined otherwise.

Figure II.18 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.18.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Student distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Student distribution.

II.1.1.18. Generalized normal law

This law describes a generalized normal distribution depending on the location , the scale and the shape q , as

The mean value of the generalized normal law is while its variance can be written as .

Figure II.19 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.19.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for generalized normal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for generalized normal distributions.

II.1.1.19. Composing law

It is possible to imagine a new law, hereafter called composed law, by combining different pre-existing laws in order to model a wanted behaviour. This law would be defined with pre-existing laws whose densities are noted , along with their relative weights and the resulting density is then written as

The mean value of this newly generated law can be expressed, assuming that all pre-existing laws have a finite and defined expectation denoted , as where the sum of all weights is . As for the mean value, the variance of this newly generated law can be expressed, assuming that all pre-existing laws have a finite and defined expectation and variance, as done below in a very generic way.

Equation II.1. 

In the case of unweighted composition, this can be written as

Figure II.20 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.20.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.
