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IV.3. Chaos polynomial expansion

IV.3. Chaos polynomial expansion

IV.3.1. Introduction

IV.3.1.1. Theoretical background

The concept of polynomial chaos development relies on the homogeneous chaos theory introduced by Wiener in 1938 [Wiener38] and further developed by Cameron and Martin in 1947 [Cameron47]. Using polynomial chaos (later referred to as PC ) in numerical simulation has been brought back to the light by Ghanem and Spanos in 1991 [Ghanem91]. The basic idea is that any square-integrable function can be written as where are the PC coefficients, is the orthogonal polynomial-basis. The index over which the sum is done, , corresponds to a multi-index whose dimension is equal to the dimension of vector (i.e. ) and whose L1 norm () is the degree of the resulting polynomial. Originally written to deal with normal law, for which the orthogonal basis is Hermite polynomials, this decomposition is now generalised to few other distributions, using other polynomial orthogonal basis (the list of those available in Uranie is shown in Table IV.1).

Table IV.1.  List of best adapted polynomial-basis to develop the corresponding stochastic law

Distribution \ Polynomial typeLegendreHermite Laguerre Jacobi
Uniform X
LogUniform X
Normal X
LogNormal X
Exponential X
Beta X

This decomposition can be helpful in many ways: it can first be used as a surrogate model but it gives also access, through the value of its coefficient, to the sensitivity index (this will be first introduced in Section IV.3.1.2 and further developed in Chapter V).

IV.3.1.2. Simple example

We'll discuss here a simple example of polynomial chaos development and its implication. In the case where a system is depending on two random variables, and that follow respectively an uniform and normal distribution, giving rise to a single output . Following the remark about square-integrable functions, both inputs can be decomposed on a specific orthogonal polynomial-basis, such as , and , where and are the PC coefficients that respectively multiply the Legendre () and Hermite () polynomials, for the uniform and normal law and where is the multi-index (here of dimension 1) over which the sum is done. These basis are said to be orthogonal because for any degrees and , taking the Legendre case as an example, one can write , for .

It is now possible to write the output, , as a function of these polynomials. For the -Th simulation,

Equation IV.4. Chaos polynomial function

where is the multi-index of dimension 2 () over which the sum is performed. The polynomials are built by tensor products of the inputs basis following the previously defined degree. In the specific case of the simple example discussed here, this leads to a decomposition of the output that can be written as

Equation IV.5.  polynomial chaos decomposition

From this development, it becomes clear that a threshold must be chosen on the order of the polynomials used, as the number of coefficient is growing quickly, following this rule , where is the cut-off chosen on the polynomial degree. In this example, if we choose to use , this leads to only 6 coefficients to be measured: . Their estimation is discussed later.

These coefficients are characterising the surrogate model and can be used, when the inputs are independent, to estimate the corresponding Sobol's coefficients (a deeper discussion about these coefficients and their meaning can be found in Section V.1). For the uniform and normal example, the first order coefficients are respectively given by

whereas the total order coefficients are respectively given by

The complete variance of the output, can also be written as


One can use chaos polynomial expansion with a training database without knowing the probability laws used to generate it, as long as the polynomial coefficients estimation is done with a regression method and not an integration one (for which the integration-oriented design-of-experiments is made specifically knowing the laws, see discussion in Section IV.3.2.1 and Section IV.3.2.2).
The interpretation of the polynomial coefficients as Sobol's coefficients, on the other hand, is strongly relying on the hypothesis that the probability laws have been properly defined, so it becomes not suitable if the training database is made without knowing the probability laws. The explanations for this is way beyond the scope of this documentation but more information can be found in the literature (for instance in [roustant2019sensitivity]).

IV.3.2. Nisp in a nutshell

The wrapper of the Nisp library, Nisp standing for Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection, is a tool allowing to access to Nisp functionality from the Uranie platform. The main features are detailed below.

The Nisp library [baudininria-00494680] uses spectral methods based on polynomial chaos in order to provide a surrogate model and allow the propagation of uncertainties if they arise in the numerical models. The steps of this kind of analysis, using the Nisp methodology are represented schematically in Figure IV.5 and are introduced below:

  • Specification of the uncertain parameters xi,

  • Building stochastic variables associated xi,

  • Building a design-of-experiments

  • Building a polynomial chaos, either with a regression or an integration method (see Section IV.3.2.1 and Section IV.3.2.1)

  • Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

Figure IV.5. Schematic view of the Nisp methodology

Schematic view of the Nisp methodology

IV.3.2.1. The regression method

The regression method is simply based on a least-squares approximation: once the design-of-experiments is done, the vector of output is computed with the code. The regression coefficients are estimated considering that every computed output points can be represented following Equation IV.5. By writing the correspondence matrix and the coefficient-vector , this estimation is just a minimisation of , where, once back to our simple example from Section IV.3.1.2 for illustration purpose,

As already stated in Section IV.2, this leads to write the general form of the solution as which also shows that the way the design-of-experiments is performed can be optimised depending on the case under study (and might be of the utmost importance in some rare case).

In order to perform this estimation, it is mandatory to have more points in the design-of-experiments than the number of coefficient to be estimated (in principle, following the rule leads to a safe estimation).

IV.3.2.2. The integration method

The integration method relies on a more "complex" design-of-experiments. It is indeed recommended to have dedicated design-of-experiments, made with a Smolyak-based algorithms (as the ones cited in Figure IV.5). These design-of-experiments are sparse-grids and usually have a smaller number of points than the regularly-tensorised approaches. In this case, the number of samples has not to be specified by the user. Instead, the argument requested describes the level of the design-of-experiments (which is closely intricated, as the higher the level is, the larger the number of samples is). Once this is done, the calculation is performed as a numerical integration by quadrature methods, which requires a large number of computations.
In the case of Smolyak algorithm, this number can be expressed by the number of dimensions and the requested level as which shows an improvement with respect to the regular tensorised formula for quadrature ().
