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IV.5. The kriging method

IV.5. The kriging method

First developed for geostatistic needs, the kriging method, named after D. Krige and also called Gaussian Process method (denoted GP hereafter) is another way to construct a surrogate model. It recently became popular thanks to a series of interesting features:

  • it provides a prediction along with its uncertainty, which can then be used to plan the simulations and therefore improve the predictions of the surrogate model

  • it relies on relatively simple mathematical principle

  • some of its hyper-parameters can be estimated in a Bayesian fashion to take into account a priori knowledge.

Kriging is a family of interpolation methods developed in the 1970s for the mining industry [Matheron70]. It uses information about the "spatial" correlation between observations to make predictions with a confidence interval at new locations. In order to produce the prediction model, the main task is to produce a spatial correlation model. This is done by choosing a correlation function and search for its optimal set of parameters, based on a specific criterion.

The gpLib library [gpLib] provides tools to achieve this task. Based on the gaussian process properties of the kriging [bacho2013], the library proposes various optimisation criteria and parameter calculation methods to find the parameters of the correlation function and build the prediction model.

The present chapter describes the integration of the gpLib inside Uranie, from a methodological point of view. For a more practical point of view, see the gpLib tutorial [KrigUranie].

IV.5.1. Theoretical introduction

The modelisation relies on the assumption that the deterministic output can be written as a realisation of a gaussian process that can be decomposed as where is the deterministic part that describes the expectation of the process and is the stochastic part that allows the interpolation. This method can also take into account the uncertainty coming from the measurements. In this case, the previously-written is referred to as and the gaussian process is then decomposed into , where is the uncertainty introduced by the measurement.

The first step is to construct the model from the known measurements, that will be hereafter called the training site. To do so, a parametric correlation function has to be chosen amongst a list of provided one (discussed in Section IV.5.1.1); a deterministic trend can also be imposed to bring more information on the behaviour of the output expectation. These steps define the list of hyper-parameters to be estimated, which is done in Uranie through an optimisation loop. The training site and the estimated hyper-parameters constitute the kriging model that can then be used to predict the value of a new sets of points.

It is possible, at this stage, even before applying the kriging model to a new set of points, to make a verification of the covariance function at hand. This is done in Uranie using a Leave-One-Out (LOO) technique. This method consists in the prediction of a value for using the rest of the known values in the training site, i.e. for . From there, it is possible to use the LOO prediction and the expectation to estimate both the and (see Section IV.1.1 for completeness). The first criterion should be close to 0 while, if the covariance function is correctly specified, the second one should be close to 1. Another possible test to check whether the model seems reasonable consists in using the predictive variance vector to look at the distribution of the ratio for every point in the training site. A good modelling should result in a standard normal distribution, so one can find in the literature (see [jones98EGO] for instance) quality criteria proposal such as having at least 99.7% of the points comply with

The next section will introduce the correlation functions implemented, that can be used to learn from the data and set the value of the corresponding hyper-parameters. This is a training step which should lead to the construction of the covariance matrix of the stochastic part introduced previously. From there, the predictions to new points can be performed, as discussed in Section IV.5.1.2.

IV.5.1.1. Correlation functions implemented

To end this introduction it might be useful to introduce one of the most used correlation function (at least a very-general one): the Matern function. It uses the Gamma function and the modified Bessel function of order called hereafter . This parameter describes the regularity (or smoothness) of the trajectory (the larger it is, the smoother the function will be) which should be greater than 0.5. In one dimension, with the distance, this function can be written as

Equation IV.6. General Matern function

In this function, is the correlation length parameter, which has to be positive. The larger is, the more is correlated between two fixed locations and and hence, the more the trajectories of vary slowly with respect to . As discussed in Section IV.5.1 this is a crucial part to specify a GP and there are many possible functions implemented in Uranie. In the following list, are the correlation lengths and are the regularity parameters. For the rest of this discussion, the variance parameter will be glossed over as it will be determined in all case and it is global (one value for a problem disregarding the number of input variable). The impact of these parameters, variance, correlation length and smoothness are displayed respectively in Figure IV.9, Figure IV.10and Figure IV.11 (these plots are taken from [bacho2013]).

Figure IV.9.  Influence of the variance parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1 and 2 (from left to right). The correlation length is set to 1 while the smoothness is set to 3/2.

Influence of the variance parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1 and 2 (from left to right). The correlation length is set to 1 while the smoothness is set to 3/2.

Figure IV.10.  Influence of the correlation length parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1 and 2 (from left to right). The variance is set to 1 while the smoothness is set to 3/2.

Influence of the correlation length parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1 and 2 (from left to right). The variance is set to 1 while the smoothness is set to 3/2.

Figure IV.11.  Influence of the smoothness parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 (from left to right). Both the variance and the correlation length are set to 1.

Influence of the smoothness parameter in the Matern function once fix at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 (from left to right). Both the variance and the correlation length are set to 1.

  • Gauss: it is defined with one parameter per dimension, as .

  • Isogauss: it is defined with one parameter only, as .

  • Exponential: it is defined with two parameters per dimension, as , where are the power parameters. If , the function is equivalent to the Gaussian correlation function.

  • MaternI: the most general form, it is defined with two parameters per dimension, as

  • MaternII: it is defined as maternI, with only one common smoothness (leading to parameters).

  • MaternIII: it first compute a distance as and then use Equation IV.6 with (leading to parameters).

  • Matern1/2: it is equivalent to maternIII, when

  • Matern3/2: it is equivalent to maternIII, when

  • Matern5/2: it is equivalent to maternIII, when

  • Matern7/2: it is equivalent to maternIII, when

The choice has to be made on a case-by-case basis, knowing the behaviour of the various inputs along with the way the output evolves. A gaussian function is infinitely derivable, so it is expected to work particularly well for cases where the output has a smooth trend, whereas the exponential, when considering small powers, i.e. for instance, could better describe a more erratic output behaviour. The Matern function can easily go from one of this performance to the other by changing the smoothness. Figure IV.12 presents the evolution of the different covariance functions implemented in Uranie.

Figure IV.12.  Evolution of the different covariance functions implemented in Uranie.

Evolution of the different covariance functions implemented in Uranie.

IV.5.1.2. From the training to the prediction

The predictions are done after the estimations of the hyper-parameters of the covariance process, along with the errors if this is requested and the trend parameters as-well. As a reminder, the probabilistic model is depicted as

where and is a gaussian process independent from , possibly including uncertainty measurements. As already stated, is the covariance matrix of the stochastic part and the gaussian vector defined as . For the sake of simplicity, we will discuss only deterministic trend here where are supposed constant and are estimated from the regressor matrix , constructed from the , as already discussed in Section IV.2. For a more general discussion on a bayesian approach to define the trend, see [bacho2013].

Every prediction of the gaussian process at a new location can be calculated from the conditional gaussian law which can be easily obtained from the joined law using the gaussian conditioning theorem[8]. Starting from the simple case where one wants to get the best estimate and its conditional variance for a single new location . Both quantities can be expressed from the previous matrix, using the regressor vector estimated at this new location and the vector (of size ) of covariance computed between this new location and the training set. The results are provided by the following equations:

Equation IV.7.  Best estimate and its conditional variance for a single new location.

In the case where multiple locations have to be estimated and one wants to keep track of their possible correlation, a more complex formula is written, starting from Equation IV.7. The regressor vector is now written as , a regressor matrix gathering all new locations estimation, is a matrix that gathers covariance computed between all new locations and the training set and finally is introduced as the covariance matrix between all the new input locations (with a given size ). The results are then provided by the following equations:

Equation IV.8.  Best estimates and their covariance matrix, for a set of new locations.

The main interest of the second procedure is to provided the complete covariance matrix of the estimation so if one wants to investigate the residuals, when dealing with a validation database, the possible correlation between location can be taken into account (through a whitening procedure for instance, that is partly introduced in Section III.2.2) to have proper residuals distribution. There are different ways to that, see [bastos2009diagnostics], the ones used here are either based on Cholesky decomposition or eigen-value decomposition.

Finally, one interesting thing to notice is the fact that the prediction estimation needs both the inverse of the covariance matrix and the regressor matrix . This means that with a large training database, this would mean keep this possibly two large matrices for every single new location.

IV.5.1.3. A simple example

We illustrate the kriging method on a very simple model, i.e. an uni-dimensional function, and display the resulting kriging model prediction. We use a training site with 6 points along with a test basis that is made of about 100 points. The covariance function used is a Gaussian one (left) and a Matern one (right), precisely a Matern3/2, presented in Figure IV.13. In this figure, one can see the training sites (the six black points), the real values of the testing site (the blue crosses), the predicted value from the kriging model (the red line) and the uncertainty band on this prediction (the red-shaded band). Both the MSE and from LOO are also indicated showing that in this particular case, the Gaussian choice is better than the Matern one.

Figure IV.13.  Example of kriging method applied on a simple uni-dimensional function, with a training site of six points, and tested on a basis of about hundred points, with either a gaussian correlation function (left) or a matern3/2 one (right).

Example of kriging method applied on a simple uni-dimensional function, with a training site of six points, and tested on a basis of about hundred points, with either a gaussian correlation function (left) or a matern3/2 one (right).

IV.5.2. Running a kriging

The kriging procedure in Uranie can be schematised in five steps, depicted in Figure IV.14. Here is a brief description of the steps:

  • get a training site. Either produced by a design-of-experiments from a model definition, or taken from anywhere else, it is mandatory to get this basis (the larger, the better).

  • set the parameter's values. It can be set by hands, but it is highly recommended to proceed through an optimisation, to get the best possible parameters.

  • build the kriging method.

  • test the obtained kriging model. This is done by running the kriging model over a new basis .

Figure IV.14. Schematic description of the kriging procedure as done within Uranie

Schematic description of the kriging procedure as done within Uranie

[8] For a gaussian vector, following the left-hand side relation below, meaning that and are of size and and are of size and the global covariance matrix is made out of a matrix of size , a matrix of size and a matrix of size defining also . Under the hypothesis that can be inverted, the law of conditionally to is gaussian and can be written as the right-hand side equation below.
