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V.4. The Morris screening method

V.4. The Morris screening method

V.4.1. Principle of the Morris' method

The Morris method [Morris95] is an effective screening procedure that robustifies a bit the OAT protocol (One-factor-At-a-Time). Instead of varying every input parameters only once (leading then to a minimum of assessments of the code/function, with an OAT technique), the Morris method repeats this OAT principle times (practically, it is between 5 and 10 times, each time being called a trajectory or a replica), with a randomly chosen starting point (in the input parameters space). In order to do so, it computes Elementary effects (later on called EE), defined as

where is the chosen variation in the trajectory . This variation can be set by the user, but the default (recommended, because it is supposed to be optimal [Salt04]) value is , knowing the evolution range of the considered input and the chosen level that describes in how many interval, the range should be split. The resulting cost (in terms of assessment number) is then . This method is schematised in Figure V.1 for a problem with three inputs. The hyper-volume is normalised and transformed into an unit hyper-cube. The resulting volume is discretised with the requested level and two trajectories are drawn for different values of the elementary variation.

Figure V.1. Schematic view of two trajectories drawn randomly in the discretised hyper-volume (with p=6) for two different values of the elementary variation (the optimal one in black and the smallest one in pink, as detailed on the figure itself).

Schematic view of two trajectories drawn randomly in the discretised hyper-volume (with p=6) for two different values of the elementary variation (the optimal one in black and the smallest one in pink, as detailed on the figure itself).

With the repetition of this procedure times, it is possible to compute basic statistics on the elementary effects computed for every input parameter, as

The variable and represents respectively the mean and standard deviation of the elementary effects of the i-Th input parameters. In the case where the model is not monotonic some may cancel each other out, resulting in a low value even for an important factor. For that reason, a revised version called has been created and defined as the mean of the absolute values of the [Salt08primer].

The results are usually visualised in the (,) plane, allowing to sort its inputs in the following categories:

  • factors that have negligible effects on the output: both and are small.

  • factors that have linear effects, without interaction with other inputs: is large (all variations have an impact) but is small (the impact is the same independently of the starting point).

  • factors that have non-linear effects and/or interaction with other inputs: both and are large.


The optimal value of given previously might be a dangerous choice in very few cases. When the evolution of the output as a function of one input is -periodic (when is the total range of the input under consideration), the "optimal" elementary variation will lead to insensitive trajectories. In this precise cases, one might want to change elementary variation.
