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V.6.  Fourier-based methods

V.6.  Fourier-based methods

V.6.1. Introducing the method

V.6.1.1. The FAST method

The Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST) [MCRAE198215, SALTELLI1998445] is a procedure that provides a way to estimate the expected value and variance of the output variable of a model, along with the contribution of the input factors to this variance. An advantage of it, is that the evaluation of sensitivity can be carried out independently for each factor using just a set of runs because all the terms in a Fourier expansion are mutually orthogonal. The main idea behind this procedure is to transform the -dimensional integration into a single-dimension one, by using the transformation

where ideally, is a set of angular frequencies said to be incommensurate (meaning that no frequency can be obtained by linear combination of the other ones when using integer coefficients) and is a transformation function chosen in order to ensure that the variable is sampled accordingly with the probability density function of (meaning that they are all uniformly distributed in their respective volume definition). Given these conditions, the parametric variable will evolve in and the vector traces out a curve that fills the entire -dimensional research volume. Practical considerations dictate that an integer rather than an incommensurate set of frequencies must be used, with few consequences: the resulting parametric curve is not longer a space-filling one, the fundamental of each input (the chosen frequency for this input) will have harmonics that interfere with one another and the parametric curve becomes periodic with a -period.

When both and are properly chosen, one can approximate the following relations:

Equation V.6.  Expectation and variance of output in Fourier space

where and and are the Fourier coefficients, defined as

Equation V.7.  Fourier coefficient definition

The first order coefficient is then obtained by estimating the variance for a fundamental and its harmonics. This can be done by using the second half of Equation V.6 running over instead of and replacing in the index by . The important point to notice, for a real computation, is the limitation of the sum that, in the previous equation, runs up to infinity. A truncation is done by imposing a cut-off with a factor called the interference factor (whose default value in Uranie is set to 6). Knowing that the exact same replacements can be done to obtain the corresponding Fourier coefficients in Equation V.7, the contribution to the output variance of a certain frequency, i.e. the first order sensitivity index, can be expressed as

Finally, the sample size used to measure these coefficients should respect the relation .

V.6.1.2. The RBD method

The Random Balance Design (RBD) [Tarantola2006717] method selects design points over a curve in the input space. The input space is explored here using the same frequency . However the curve is not space-filling, therefore, we take random permutations of the coordinates of such points, to generate a set of scrambled points that cover the input space. The model is then evaluated at each design point. Subsequently, the model outputs are re-ordered such that the design points are in increasing order with respect to factor . The Fourier spectrum is calculated on the model output at the frequency and at its higher harmonics and yields the estimate of the sensitivity index of factor . The model outputs are re-ordered with respect to the other factors to obtain all the other sensitivity indices.

In practice the RBD approach selected design points can be written as:

where and denotes the i-Th random permutation of the points. The values of the model output , for are computed and then are reordered () in order to get the corresponding values of ranked in increasing order. The sensitivity of to is determined by the harmonic content of , which is quantified by its Fourier spectrum:

evaluated at equal to 1 and its higher harmonics (2, 3,..., up to equal to 6 in our case), leading to

This relation is used to estimate all the , by re-ordering the output to rank the i-Th input in an increasing order, which provides a complete estimation of the variance. Thanks to the use of permutations, the total cost is of the order of assessments instead of the order of for the FAST one.

V.6.2. Implementation of methods

In the implementation done within Uranie there are several modifiable parameters that can be considered before starting an analysis using the FAST method:

  • The transformation function chosen among the following list:

    • Cukier:

    • SaltelliA:

    • SaltelliB:

    In this list, is the nominal value of the factor , denotes the endpoints that define the estimated range of uncertainty of , is a random phase shift taken value in and evolves in .

  • The interference factor: can be changed as well.

  • The frequencies: by providing a vector, it is possible to set a default at the frequencies' value used instead of having them determined by a specific algorithm to avoid, as best as possible, the interference.

The only common parameter changeable for both methods (and directly in the construction) is the number of samples.
