/ Methodological guide
This method consists mainly in the analytical formulation of the posterior distribution when the hypotheses on the prior are well set: the problem can be considered linear and the prior distributions are normally distributed (or flat, this aspect being precised at the end of this section).
In the specific case of a linear model, one can write then
the regressor vector. This way of writing the model can include an "hidden virtual"
whose purpose is to integrate a constant term into
the regression (to describe a pedestal). Using the statistical approach introduced in Section VII.1, one can also define the covariance matrix of the residue which will be written hereafter as
From there, one can construct the conception matrix whose columns are defining the sub-space onto which the model is projected. With a normal prior,
which follows the form
the posterior is expected to be normal as well, meaning that it can be
where its parameters are expressed as
Actually, one can also use, as already introduced in Section VII.1.2.3, non-informative
prior such as the Jeffrey's prior: it is an improper flat prior ()
[bioche2015approximation], whose posterior distribution (in the linear case) is also Gaussian. For
this prior, the parameters of the posterior are equivalent to the parameters of the posterior from a Gaussian prior,
given in Equation VII.7 and Equation VII.8 only removing all reference
, as shown
This final form is the results
expected and obtained when only considering linear regression of the weighted least-squares approach
Once both the posterior parameter values and covariances are estimated, it is possible to get a prediction for a set of data not used to get the estimation. The central value of the prediction is easy to get, as for any other methods shown in this documentation, since one knows the model and can use the newly estimated posterior central values of the parameters.
What's new is the fact that a variance can be estimated as well for the predicted central value using the posterior
covariance matrix of the parameters, , already introduced in Equation VII.8. This variance is the variance for every new estimated points coming from the uncertainty of
the parameters, and it is contained in the covariance matrix
whose dimension is
, where
is the size sample under consideration. To get the
estimation one needs the new conception matrix
which leads to