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V.3. Chaos polynomial expansion

V.3. Chaos polynomial expansion

The basic idea of chaos polynomial expansion (later referred to as PC ) is that any square-integrable function can be written as where are the PC coefficients, is the orthogonal polynomial-basis. The index over which the sum is done, , corresponds to a multi-index whose dimension is equal to the dimension of vector (i.e. ) and whose L1 norm () is the degree of the resulting polynomial. More theoretical discussion can be found on this in [metho].

In Uranie only a certain number of laws can be used and they have their own preferred orthogonal polynomial-basis. The association of the law and the polynomial basis is show in Table V.2. This association is not compulsory, as one can project any kind of law on a polynomial basis which will not be the best-suited one, but the very interesting interpretation of the coefficients will then not be meaningful anymore.

Table V.2.  List of best adapted polynomial-basis to develop the corresponding stochastic law

Distribution \ Polynomial typeLegendreHermite Laguerre Jacobi
Uniform X
LogUniform X
Normal X
LogNormal X
Exponential X
Beta X

Presentation of the test cases

The Ishigami function is usually used as a "benchmark" in the domain of sensitivity because we are able to calculate the exact values of the sensitivity index (discussed in Chapter VI and in [metho]). This function is defined by the following equation:

Equation V.1. Ishigami function

where the follow a uniform distribution on , and A, B are constants. We take A=7, B=0.1 (as done in [ishigami1990importance]).

V.3.1. Nisp in a nutshell

The wrapper of the Nisp library, Nisp standing for Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection, is a tool allowing to access to Nisp functionality from the Uranie platform. The main features are detailed below.

The Nisp library [baudininria-00494680] uses spectral methods based on polynomial chaos in order to provide a surrogate model and allow the propagation of uncertainties if they arise in the numerical models. The steps of this kind of analysis, using the Nisp methodology are represented schematically in Figure V.2 and are introduced below:

  • Specification of the uncertain parameters xi,

  • Building stochastic variables associated xi,

  • Building a design-of-experiments

  • Building a polynomial chaos, either with a regression or an integration method (see Section V.3.1.1 and Section V.3.1.1)

  • Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

Figure V.2. Schematic view of the Nisp methodology

Schematic view of the Nisp methodology

V.3.1.1. The regression method

The regression method is simply based on a least-squares approximation: once the design-of-experiments is done, the vector of output is computed with the code. By writing the correspondence matrix and the coefficient-vector , this estimation is just a minimisation of . As already stated in Section V.2, this leads to write the general form of the solution as which also shows that the way the design-of-experiments is performed can be optimised depending on the case under study (and might be of the utmost importance in some rare case).

In order to perform this estimation, it is mandatory to have more points in the design-of-experiments than the number of coefficient to be estimated (in principle, following the rule leads to a safe estimation). For more information on this method, see [metho].

V.3.1.2. The integration method

The integration method relies on a more "complex" design-of-experiments. It is indeed recommended to have dedicated design-of-experiments, made with a Smolyak-based algorithms (as the ones cited in Figure V.2). These design-of-experiments are sparse-grids and usually have a smaller number of points than the regularly-tensorised approaches. In this case, the number of samples has not to be specified by the user. Instead, the argument requested describes the level of the design-of-experiments (which is closely intricated, as the higher the level is, the larger the number of samples is). Once this is done, the calculation is performed as a numerical integration by quadrature methods, which requires a large number of computations.
In the case of Smolyak algorithm, this number can be expressed by the number of dimensions and the requested level as which shows an improvement with respect to the regular tensorised formula for quadrature ().

V.3.2. Step 1: Specification of the uncertain parameters

First, it is necessary to build a dataserver containing the uncertain parameters . These parameters are represented by random variables which follow one of these statistical laws given in Table V.2.[4]


Within the framework of our case-test example, we are going to build a TDS containing 3 attributes which follow a uniform law on the interval .

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdsishigami", "Ex. Ishigami");
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("x1", -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("x2", -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("x3", -1*TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()));

V.3.3. Step 2: Building stochastic variables

Now, it is necessary to build the stochastic variables associated to the uncertain parameters specified above. For that, we create a TNisp object from a TDataServer object by using the constructor TNisp(TDataServer *tds). This constructor builds automatically attributes representing the stochastic variables from the information contained in the tds.


Families of orthogonal polynomials are automatically associated to the attributes representing the uncertain parameters . Given the type of expected law, the corresponding orthogonal polynomial family will be used (as already spotted in Table V.2). However, Uranie gives the possibility to change the family of orthogonal polynomials associated by default to an attribute. It is then necessary to modify, if needed, at the TNisp call level, the type of polynomial (by using getStochasticBasis of the TDataServer library) in order to have the stochastic variables represented by attributes following the chosen law.


In our example, we do not modify the type of the orthogonal polynomials. Then we call, at once, the constructor TNisp.

// Define of TNisp object
TNisp * nisp = new TNisp(tds);

The stochastic variables are represented by 3 internal attributes following a uniform law on [0,1]. A print of the TNisp object contents, by using the method printLog, gives the listing below:

** TNisp::printLog[]
   Number of simulation :1
   Number of variable   :3
   Level                :0
   Stochastic variables:
		 -->psi_x1: Uniforme 0 1
	      -->psi_x2: Uniforme 0 1
	      -->psi_x3: Uniforme 0 1
	      Uncertain variables:
	      -->x1: Uniforme -3.14159 3.14159
	      -->x2: Uniforme -3.14159 3.14159
	      -->x3: Uniforme -3.14159 3.14159
fin of TNisp::printLog[]

V.3.4. Step 3: Constitution of the sample

Now, it is necessary to generate and evaluate the sample.

V.3.4.1. Generation of the sample

There are two different ways to generate the sample:

  • Using the generateSample functionality of the library Nisp

  • Using the Sampler library of Uranie

V. By Nisp library

The Nisp library permits to build a sample thanks to the generateSample(TString method,Int_t n) method. The parameter n represents the level or the size of the sampler depending on the chosen methodology. The parameter method represents the building methodology of the sampler. The methods offered by Nisp are the following:

Table V.3. Methods of sampler generation

Name of the methodSizeLevel
Quadrature X
SmolyakFejer X
SmolyakTrapeze X
SmolyakGauss X
SmolyakClenchawCurtis X
Petras X


Within the framework of our test case, we build a sampler of type Petras of level 8.

Int_t level = 8;
V. Using the Sampler library

To build a sample using the Sampler library, see Chapter III.

Once the sample has been built, it is necessary to transfer it to the TNisp object. To do that, we use the setSample(TString "method",Option_t *option) method where the parameter method is the type of the method used by the library Sampler and the optional parameter option is the keyword "savegvx" to use if one wants to save the in the TDataServer.

Below is an example using the functionality:

Int_t nombre_simulations = 100;
TSampling *fsampling = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", nombre_simulations);


V.3.4.2. Evaluation of the sampler

We evaluate the sample using the Uranie Launcher library

// Realisation du plan d'experiences
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds, "FctIshigami","","Ishigami");

V.3.5. Step 4: Building the polynomial chaos

Given that we have the set (uncertain parameter, stochastic variables and sampler), we can build a TPolynomialChaos object by means of the constructor TPolynomialChaos(TDataServer *tds, TNisp *nisp).

// build a polynomial chaos
TPolynomialChaos * pc = new TPolynomialChaos(tds,nisp);

One can calculate the coefficients of these polynomials with the computeChaosExpansion(TString method) method where the parameter method is either the keyword Integration or the keyword Regression.


Within the framework of our example, we use the "Integration" method.

Int_t degree = 8;

V.3.6. Step 5: Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

Now, we can do the uncertainty and sensitivity analyses. With the Nisp library, we have access to these following functionality:

  • Mean: getMean() where parameter is either the name or the index of the output variable,

  • SVariance: getVariance() where parameter is either the name or the index of the output variables,

  • Co-variance: getCovariance(, ) where parameters and are either the names or the indexes of the output variables,

  • Correlation: getCorrelation(, ) where parameters and are either the names or the indexes of the output variable,

  • Index of the first order sensitivity getIndexFirstOrder(, ) where parameter is the name or the index of the input variable and the parameter is the name or the index of the output variable,

  • Index of total sensitivity: getIndexTotalOrder(, ) where parameter is the name or the index of the input variable and the parameter is the name or the index of the output variable,


Within the framework of our example, the instructions are the following:

// Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
cout << "Variable Ishigami ================" << endl;
cout << "Mean     = " << pc->getMean("Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "Variance = " << pc->getVariance("Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder("x1","Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder("x2","Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder("x3","Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("x1","Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("x2","Ishigami") << endl;
cout << "First Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("x3","Ishigami") << endl;

The following lines are obtained in the terminal:

Variable Ishigami ================
Mean     = 3.5
Variance = 13.8406
First Order[1] = 0.313997
First Order[2] = 0.442386
First Order[3] = 6.50043e-07
Total Order[1] = 0.557568
Total Order[2] = 0.442477
Total Order[3] = 0.24357

V.3.7. Other functionalities

There are other Nisp functionalities accessible from Uranie:

Auto-determination of the degree

Recently a new possibility has been introduced in order to be more efficient and less model dependant when considering the regression procedure. It is indeed possible to ask for an automatic determination of the best polynomial degree possible. In order to do so, the maximum polynomial degree allowed is computed using the rule of thumb defined above, and the method computeChaosExpansion is called with the option "AutoDegree". A polynomial chaos expansion is done from a minimum degree value (one per default, unless otherwise specified thanks to the setAutoDegreeBoundaries method) up to the maximum allowed value. To compare the results one to another and be able to decide which one is the best, a Leave-One-Out method (LOO, which consists in the prediction of a value for using the rest of the known values in the training basis, i.e. for ) and the total Mean Square Error (MSE) are used as estimator. These notions are better introduced in [metho]. The best estimated degree is evaluated and the polynomial chaos expansion is re-computed, but all results (LOO, MSE...) are stored for all the considered degrees.

This possibility comes with a bunch of new function implemented to modify the behaviour by default. The basic configuration is to start with a degree one polynomial expansion and to scan up to a certain degree that would still satisfy this rule of thumb

being a normalisation factor chosen to be 1.5. The usable methods are listed below:

  • setAutoDegreeFactor(double autodeg): change the value of the factor for the auto normalisation (not recommended). The provided number should be greater than one.

  • setAutoDegreeBoundaries(int amin, int amax): change the degree boundaries from one to amin and, if amax is provided, from the level determined by the automatic procedure described above to the chosen amax value. If amax is greater than the automatic determined limit, the default is not changed.

Save data

It is possible to save polynomial chaos data in a f.dat file with the save(TString sfile) method where sfile is the name of the data file. This file will contains the following data:

  • stochastic dimension,

  • type of the orthogonal polynomial (Legendre, Laguerre or Hermite),

  • the degree of the polynomial chaos,

  • the number of polynomial chaos coefficients,

  • the number of output,

  • a list of the coefficient values where the first element is the the mean of the output.

// Save the polynomial chaos 

Here is a file .dat corresponding to our example:

nx= 3 Legendre Legendre Legendre no= 8 p= 164 ny= 1 Coefficients[1]= 3.500000e+00 1.625418e+00 2.962074e-17 
-2.589041e-17 1.575324e-15 5.233520e-17 -3.175950e-18 -5.947228e-01 -1.278829e-17 1.354792e-15 -1.290638e+00 
-1.858390e-18 5.947865e-18 4.838275e-16 8.497435e-18 1.372419e+00 -1.722653e-19 1.330604e-17 -1.575058e-17 
5.159489e-18 -1.604235e-15 -1.386085e-17 7.823196e-18 -5.101110e-16 1.268601e-17 1.724496e-17 -1.606472e-17 
3.412272e-18 1.035117e-17 1.366688e-18 -1.952291e+00 1.603873e-17 1.960259e-16 9.769466e-18 -5.051477e-16 
1.949287e-01 5.167621e-17 2.218591e-17 -3.783569e-17 1.636383e-17 -1.089702e+00 2.653437e-18 1.820189e-17 
-3.300252e-17 -1.109147e-17 2.613944e-17 -3.982929e-17 -2.644820e-16 -4.711621e-18 4.091730e-01 5.633658e-17 
3.207523e-17 8.469377e-18 -1.623212e-17 -5.221323e-18 -1.348604e-17 -2.549941e-03 -1.380621e-17 4.408383e-18 
2.216698e-16 1.055488e-17 -5.971197e-16 -1.077924e-17 -7.500053e-18 -1.398875e-18 8.323369e-18 -1.828664e-16 
-1.891202e-17 2.846158e-17 1.240056e-18 -7.184406e-17 -4.183157e-17 1.999887e-17 -1.078061e-17 1.320948e-18 
4.955143e-20 6.740688e-18 1.357408e+00 -1.599643e-17 -3.404927e-16 -3.826895e-18 -1.184481e-16 1.175915e-17 
-2.549941e-03 -1.266838e-02 4.550685e-17 1.601655e-17 1.855980e-16 1.171108e-17 1.632677e-01 3.035872e-17 
-4.384243e-18 -3.127246e-17 1.740356e-17 -3.455894e-19 3.372673e-18 -3.556473e-16 -9.162355e-18 -3.247428e-01 
4.190780e-17 -1.547995e-17 -5.808814e-17 9.922144e-18 2.618348e-17 7.213333e-18 -5.300321e-06 -4.983518e-18 
-3.503280e-16 -6.190117e-18 3.713020e-16 1.065906e-17 -5.448912e-06 3.825624e-18 1.359954e-17 -7.719858e-18 
-1.803757e-18 4.289915e-17 -1.214645e-18 5.479922e-17 -3.330110e-18 1.579483e-03 2.670695e-18 9.359714e-19 
2.512771e-02 2.635458e-17 2.622223e-16 -1.309301e-18 8.084506e-18 -1.189488e-17 -4.330879e-18 1.247133e-15 
-1.863642e-17 2.096038e-16 -2.331035e-18 3.034432e-16 -1.363808e-17 -3.762944e-18 -1.524500e-17 -8.487270e-19 
-1.420178e-17 -4.964460e-18 5.812476e-16 2.572312e-17 -2.088466e-17 1.795371e-17 2.011599e-16 1.878423e-17 
1.608204e-15 2.092277e-17 1.776101e-17 -5.185917e-17 -3.704922e-18 -7.070417e-17 2.010136e-17 2.640413e-17 
9.647070e-18 -3.393909e-01 -2.530162e-17 8.354699e-16 -1.223963e-18 6.813105e-16 -1.721674e-17 2.512771e-02 
9.392854e-18 1.579483e-03 

Saving the macro

It is possible to save the problem in a C macro with the exportFunction(char *sfile,char *sfunction) method where sfile is the name of the .C file and sfunction is the name of the macro.

//save the pv in a program (C langage)

Here is the NispIshigami.C file corresponding to our example:

#include <math.h>

double NispIshigami_beta[1][165]={
int NispIshigami_indmul[165][3]={
void NispIshigami_legendre(double *phi,double x, int no) {
   int i;
   phi[0]=1.; if(no>0)  phi[1]=x;
   for(i=1;i<no;i++)    phi[i+1]= ((2.*i+1.) * x * phi[i] - i * phi[i-1]) / (i+1.);
   for(i=0;i<=no;i++)   phi[i]  = phi[i] * sqrt(2.* i + 1.);
void NispIshigami(double *x, double *y)
  //     *********************************************
  //     ** Uranie v2.3/1
  //     ** Export Nisp : 
  //     ** Date : Thu Jun 16 15:54:02 2011
  //     *********************************************
  //     *********************************************
  //     ** TDataServer : tdsishigami **
  //     **
  //     ** Ex. Ishigami **
  //     *********************************************
   int i,j,k,nx,ny,no,p;
   double psi[165],phi[3][9],xi[3],s;
   for(i=0;i<nx;i++) xi[i]=x[i];
   for(k=0;k<=p;k++) {
      for(psi[k]=1.,i=0;i<nx;i++) psi[k]=psi[k]*phi[i][NispIshigami_indmul[k][i]];
   for(j=0;j<ny;j++) {
      for(s=0.,k=0;k<=p;k++) s+=NispIshigami_beta[j][k]*psi[k];

Index of sensitivity of a group of input variables

It is possible to compute the sensitivity index for a group of input variable for a given output variable.

cout << "value indice: " <<  pc->getIndex("x1:x3","Ishigami") << endl;

Within the framework of our example, this results in the following message:

value indice: 0.557523

Index of sensitivity of a group of input variables in interaction

It is possible to compute the sensitivity index for a group of input variable in interaction for a given output variable.

cout << "value indice: " <<  pc->getIndexInteraction("x1:x3","Ishigami") << endl;

Within the framework of our example, this leads to the following line in the terminal:

value indice: 0.243525

Recover the various dimensions

It is possible to recover:

  • the number of input variables with getDimensionInput(),

  • the number of output variables with getDimensionOutput()

  • the number of coefficients with getDimensionExpansion()

cout << "nx = "<< pc->getDimensionInput()  << endl;
cout << "ny = "<< pc->getDimensionOutput() << endl;						
cout << "p = "<< pc->getDimensionExpansion() << endl;

With our example, this leads to the following line in the terminal:

nx = 3
ny = 2
p = 165

Calculate output values

It is possible to compute the output of a polynomial chaos for a given input vector.

cout << "Ishigami     = " << pc->getOutput(0) << endl;

With our example, this leads to the following line in the terminal:

Ishigami = 7.80751 
