/ Manuel utilisateur en C++
The objective of the macro is to build a multilinear regression between the predictors related to the
normalisation of the variables x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 and a target variable y from the database contained in the ASCII file cornell.dat
#NAME: cornell #TITLE: Dataset Cornell 1990 #COLUMN_NAMES: x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | y #COLUMN_TITLES: x_{1} | x_{2} | x_{3} | x_{4} | x_{5} | x_{6} | x_{7} | y 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.03 98.7 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.74 0.04 97.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.74 0.04 96.6 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.37 0.02 92.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.12 0.18 0.08 86.6 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.01 91.2 0.17 0.27 0.10 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.08 81.9 0.17 0.19 0.10 0.38 0.02 0.06 0.08 83.1 0.17 0.21 0.10 0.38 0.00 0.06 0.08 82.4 0.17 0.15 0.10 0.38 0.02 0.10 0.08 83.2 0.21 0.36 0.12 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.06 81.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.37 0.08 88.1
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
tds->normalize("*", "cr"); // ("x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:y", "cr", TDataServer::kCR)
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","pad",0, 0.03, 1, 1); pad->Draw();
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds,"x1cr:x2cr:x3cr:x4cr:x5cr:x6cr", "ycr", "nointercept");
The ASCII data file cornell.dat
is loaded in the TDataServer
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
The variables are all normalised with a standardised method. The normalised attributes are created with the cr extension:
tds->normalize("*", "cr");
The linear regression is initialised and characteristic values are computed for each normalised variable with the
method. The regression is built with no intercept:
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds,"x1cr:x2cr:x3cr:x4cr:x5cr:x6cr", "ycr", "nointercept");
The objective of this macro is to build a linear regression between a predictor rw and a target variable yhat from the database contained
in the ASCII file flowrate_sampler_launcher_500.dat
defining values for the eight variables
described in Section IV.1.2.1 on 500 patterns.
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","pad",0, 0.03, 1, 1); pad->Draw();
pad->cd(1); tds->draw("yhat:rw");
// tds->getAttribute("yhat")->setOutput();
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds, "rw","yhat");
pad->cd(2); tds->draw("yhathat:yhat");
The TDataServer
is loaded with the database contained in the file flowrate_sampler_launcher_500.dat
with the fileDataRead
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
The linear regression is initialised and characteristic values are computed for rw
with the estimate
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds, "rw","yhat");
The objective of the macro is to build a multilinear regression between the predictors ,
and a target
variable yhat from the database contained in the ASCII file
defining values for these eight variables described in Section IV.1.2.1 on 500 patterns. Parameters of the regression are then
exported in a .C file _FileContainingFunction_.C
void MultiLinearFunction(double *param, double *res)
// *********************************************
// ** Uranie v3.12/0 - Date : Thu Jan 04, 2018
// ** Export Modeler : Modeler[LinearRegression]Tds[tdsFlowrate]Predictor[rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw]Target[yhat]
// ** Date : Tue Jan 9 12:08:27 2018
// *********************************************
// *********************************************
// ** TDataServer
// ** Name : tdsFlowrate
// ** Title : Design of experiments for Flowrate
// ** Patterns : 500
// ** Attributes : 10
// *********************************************
// INPUT : 8
// rw : Min[0.050069828419999997] Max[0.14991758599999999] Unit[]
// r : Min[147.90551809999999] Max[49906.309529999999] Unit[]
// tu : Min[63163.702980000002] Max[115568.17200000001] Unit[]
// tl : Min[63.169232649999998] Max[115.90147020000001] Unit[]
// hu : Min[990.00977509999996] Max[1109.786159] Unit[]
// hl : Min[700.14498509999999] Max[819.81105760000003] Unit[]
// l : Min[1120.3428429999999] Max[1679.3424649999999] Unit[]
// kw : Min[9857.3689890000005] Max[12044.00546] Unit[]
// OUTPUT : 1
// yhat : Min[13.09821] Max[208.25110000000001] Unit[]
// R2 = 0.948985
// R2a = 0.948154
// Q2 = 0.946835
// Intercept
double y = -156.03;
// Attribute : rw
y += param[0]*1422.21;
// Attribute : r
y += param[1]*-3.07412e-07;
// Attribute : tu
y += param[2]*2.15208e-06;
// Attribute : tl
y += param[3]*-0.00498512;
// Attribute : hu
y += param[4]*0.261104;
// Attribute : hl
y += param[5]*-0.254419;
// Attribute : l
y += param[6]*-0.0557145;
// Attribute : kw
y += param[7]*0.00813552;
// Return the value
res[0] = y;
This file contains a MultiLinearFunction
function. Comparison is made with a database generated from
random variables obeying uniform laws and output variable calculated with this database and the
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
c->cd(1); tds->draw("yhat:rw");
// tds->getAttribute("yhat")->setOutput();
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds, "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yhat");
tlin->exportFunction("c++", "_FileContainingFunction_", "MultiLinearFunction");
// Define the DataServer
TDataServer *tds2 = new TDataServer("tdsFlowrate", "Design of experiments for Flowrate");
// Add the study attributes
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("rw", 0.05, 0.15));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("r", 100.0, 50000.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tu", 63070.0, 115600.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tl", 63.1, 116.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hu", 990.0, 1110.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hl", 700.0, 820.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("l", 1120.0, 1680.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("kw", 9855.0, 12045.0));
Int_t nS = 1000;
// \test Générateur de plan d'expérience
TSampling *sampling = new TSampling(tds2, "lhs", nS);
// Create a TLauncherFunction from a TDataServer and an analytical function
// Rename the outpout attribute "ymod"
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds2, "MultiLinearFunction","","ymod");
// Evaluate the function on all the design of experiments
The TDataServer
is loaded with the database contained in the file flowrate_sampler_launcher_500.dat
with the fileDataRead
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer();
The linear regression is initialised and characteristic values are computed for each variable with the
TLinearRegression *tlin = new TLinearRegression(tds, "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yhat");
The model is exported in an external file in C++ language _FileContainingFunction_.C
where the function name is
tlin->exportFunction("c++", "_FileContainingFunction_", "MultiLinearFunction");
A second TDataServer
is created. The previous variables then obey uniform laws and are linked as
in this new TDataServer
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("rw", 0.05, 0.15));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("r", 100.0, 50000.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tu", 63070.0, 115600.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tl", 63.1, 116.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hu", 990.0, 1110.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hl", 700.0, 820.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("l", 1120.0, 1680.0));
tds2->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("kw", 9855.0, 12045.0));
A sampling is realised with a LHS method on 1000 patterns:
TSampling *sampling = new TSampling(tds2, "lhs", nS=1000);
The previously exported macro _FileContainingFunction_.C
is loaded so as to perform calculation over the database
in the second TDataServer
with the function MultiLinearFunction
. Results are stored in the ymod variable:
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds2, "MultiLinearFunction", "", "ymod");
The objective of this macro is to build a surrogate model (an Artificial Neural Network) from a database. From a
first database created from an ASCII file flowrate_sampler_launcher_500.dat
(which defines
values for eight variables described in Section IV.1.2.1 on 500
patterns), two ASCII files are created: one with the 300st patterns
), the other with the 200 last patterns
). The surrogate model is built with the database
extracted from the first of the two files, the second allowing to perform calculations with a function.
// Create a TDataServer
// Load a database in an ASCII file
TDataServer * tdsu = new TDataServer("tdsu","tds u");
//Create database
tdsu->exportData("_flowrate_sampler_launcher_app_.dat", "","tdsFlowrate__n__iter__<=300");
tdsu->exportData("_flowrate_sampler_launcher_val_.dat", "","tdsFlowrate__n__iter__>300");
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tdsFlowrate", "tds for flowrate");
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
// Buils a surrogate model (Artificial Neural Networks) from the DataBase
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw,3,yhat");
tann->train(3, 2, "test");
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer();
cout << tdsv->getNPatterns() << endl;
// evaluate the surrogate model on the database
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNflowrate", "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yann");
// tdsv->draw("yhat");
The main TDataServer
loads the main ASCII data file flowrate_sampler_launcher_500.dat
TDataServer * tdsu = new TDataServer("tdsu","tds u");
The database is split in two parts by exporting the 300st patterns in a file and the remaining 200 in another one:
tdsu->exportData("_flowrate_sampler_launcher_app_.dat", "","tdsFlowrate__n__iter__<=300");
tdsu->exportData("_flowrate_sampler_launcher_val_.dat", "","tdsFlowrate__n__iter__>300");
A second TDataServer
loads _flowrate_sampler_launcher_app_.dat
and builds the surrogate
model over all the variables:
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tds", "tds for flowrate");
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw,3,yhat");
tann->train(3, 2, "test");
The model is exported in an external file in C++ language "uranie_ann_flowrate.C
where the
function name is ANNflowrate
tann->exportFunction("c++", "uranie_ann_flowrate.C","ANNflowrate");
The model is loaded from the macro "uranie_ann_flowrate.C
and applied on the second database
with the function ANNflowrate
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer();
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNflowrate", "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yann");
Processing modelerFlowrateNeuralNetworks.C... --- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02) Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES Contact: Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024 <URANIE::WARNING> <URANIE::WARNING> *** URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> *** File[${SOURCEDIR}/dataSERVER/souRCE/TDataServer.cxx] Line[759] <URANIE::WARNING> TDataServer::fileDataRead: Expected iterator tdsu__n__iter__ not found but tdsFlowrate__n__iter__ looks like an URANIE iterator => Will be used as so. <URANIE::WARNING> *** END of URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> ** TANNModeler::train niter[3] ninit[2] ** init the ANN ** Input (1) Name[rw] Min[0.101018] Max[0.0295279] ** Input (2) Name[r] Min[25668.6] Max[14838.3] ** Input (3) Name[tu] Min[89914.4] Max[14909] ** Input (4) Name[tl] Min[89.0477] Max[15.0121] ** Input (5) Name[hu] Min[1048.92] Max[34.8615] ** Input (6) Name[hl] Min[763.058] Max[33.615] ** Input (7) Name[l] Min[1401.09] Max[163.611] ** Input (8) Name[kw] Min[10950.2] Max[635.503] ** Output (1) Name[yhat] Min[78.0931] Max[44.881] ** Tolerance (1e-05) ** sHidden (3) (3) ** Nb Weights (31) ** ActivationFunction[LOGISTIC] ** ** iter[1/3] : *= : mse_min[0.00150425] ** iter[2/3] : ** : mse_min[0.0024702] ** iter[3/3] : *= : mse_min[0.00122167] ** solutions : 3 ** isol[1] iter[0] learn[0.00126206] test[0.00150425] * ** isol[2] iter[1] learn[0.00152949] test[0.0024702] ** isol[3] iter[2] learn[0.00107926] test[0.00122167] * ** CPU training finished. Total elapsed time: 1.48 sec ******************************* *** TModeler::exportFunction lang[pmmlc++] file[uranie_ann_flowrate] name[ANNflowrate] soption[] ******************************* ******************************* *** exportFunction lang[pmmlc++] file[uranie_ann_flowrate] name[ANNflowrate] ******************************* PMML Constructor: uranie_ann_flowrate.pmml *** End Of exportModelPMML ******************************* *** End Of exportFunction *******************************
The objective of this macro is to build a surrogate model (an Artificial Neural Network) from a PMML file.
// Create a TDataServer
// Load a database in an ASCII file
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tdsFlowrate", "tds for flowrate");
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
// Build a surrogate model (Artificial Neural Networks) from the PMML file
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, "uranie_ann_flowrate.pmml","ANNflowrate");
// export the surrogate model in a C file
tann->exportFunction("c++", "uranie_ann_flowrate_loaded","ANNflowrate");
// load the surrogate model in the C file
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer("tdsv", "tds for surrogate model");
cout << tdsv->getNPatterns() << endl;
// evaluate the surrogate model on the database
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNflowrate", "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yann");
// tdsv->draw("yhat");
A TDataServer
loads _flowrate_sampler_launcher_app_.dat
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tds", "tds for flowrate");
The surrogate model is loaded from a PMML file:
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, "uranie_ann_flowrate.pmml","ANNflowrate");
The model is exported in an external file in C++ language "uranie_ann_flowrate.C
where the
function name is ANNflowrate
tann->exportFunction("c++", "uranie_ann_flowrate.C","ANNflowrate");
The model is loaded from the macro "uranie_ann_flowrate.C
and applied on the database with
the function ANNflowrate
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer();
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNflowrate", "rw:r:tu:tl:hu:hl:l:kw", "yann");
Processing modelerFlowrateNeuralNetworksLoadingPMML.C... --- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02) Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES Contact: Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024 PMML Constructor: uranie_ann_flowrate.pmml ******************************* *** TModeler::exportFunction lang[c++] file[uranie_ann_flowrate_loaded] name[ANNflowrate] soption[] ******************************* ******************************* *** exportFunction lang[c++] file[uranie_ann_flowrate_loaded] name[ANNflowrate] *** End Of exportFunction *******************************
The objective of this macro is to build a surrogate model (an Artificial Neural Network) from a database for a
"Classification" Problem. From a first database loaded from the ASCII file
, which defines three variables and
on 1000 patterns,
![]() |
two ASCII files are created, one with the 800st patterns (_problem2Classes_app_.dat
), the other with the 200 last patterns
). The surrogate model is built with the database
extracted from the first of the two files, the second allowing to perform calculations with a function.
Int_t nH1 = 15;
Int_t nH2 = 10;
Int_t nH3 = 5;
TString sX = "x:y";
TString sY = "rc01";
TString sYhat = Form("%shat_%d_%d_%d", sY.Data(), nH1, nH2, nH3);
// Load a database in an ASCII file
TDataServer * tdsu = new TDataServer("tdsu","tds u");
// Split into 2 datasets for learning and testing
tdsu->exportData("_problem2Classes_app_.dat", "", Form("%s<=800", tdsu->getIteratorName()));
tdsu->exportData("_problem2Classes_val_.dat", "", Form("%s>800", tdsu->getIteratorName()));
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tdsApp", "tds App for problem2Classes");
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, Form("%s,%d,%d,%d,@%s", sX.Data(), nH1, nH2, nH3, sY.Data()));
tann->train(2, 2, "test", kFALSE);
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer();
// evaluate the surrogate model on the database
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNproblem2Classes", sX, sYhat);
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
// Buils a surrogate model (Artificial Neural Networks) from the DataBase
tds->draw(Form("%s:%s", sY.Data(), sX.Data()));
tdsv->Draw(Form("%s:%s", sYhat.Data(), sX.Data()),"","same");
The main TDataServer
loads the main ASCII data file problem2Classes_001000.dat
TDataServer * tdsu = new TDataServer("tdsu","tds u");
The database is split with the internal iterator attribute in two parts by exporting the 800st patterns in a file and the remaining 200 in another one
tdsu->exportData("_problem2Classes_app_.dat", "",Form("%s<=800", tdsu->getIteratorName()));
tdsu->exportData("_problem2Classes_val_.dat", "", Form("%s>800", tdsu->getIteratorName()));
A second TDataServer
loads _problem2Classes_app_.dat
and builds the surrogate model over all the variables
with 3 hidden layers, a Hyperbolic Tangent (TanH) activation function (normalization) in the 3 hidden layers and set the function tolerance to 1e-.6. The "@" character behind the output name defines a classification problem.
TDataServer * tds = new TDataServer("tds", "tds for the 2 Classes problem");
TANNModeler* tann = new TANNModeler(tds, Form("%s,%d,%d,%d,@%s", sX.Data(), nH1, nH2, nH3, sY.Data()));
tann->train(3, 2, "test");
The model is exported in an external file in C++ language "uranie_ann_problem2Classes.C"
where the
function name is ANNproblem2Classes
tann->exportFunction("c++", "uranie_ann_problem2Classes.C","ANNproblem2Classes");
The model is loaded from the macro "uranie_ann_problem2Classes.C
and applied on the second database
with the function ANNproblem2Classes
TDataServer * tdsv = new TDataServer();
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tdsv, "ANNproblem2Classes", sX, sYhat);
We draw on a 3D graph, the learning database (in green) and the estimations by the Artificial Neural Network with red points.
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro modeler",5,64,1270,667);
tds->draw(Form("%s:%s", sY.Data(), sX.Data()));
tdsv->Draw(Form("%s:%s", sYhat.Data(), sX.Data()),"","same");
Processing modelerClassificationNeuralNetworks.C... --- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02) Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES Contact: Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024 <URANIE::WARNING> <URANIE::WARNING> *** URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> *** File[${SOURCEDIR}/dataSERVER/souRCE/TDataServer.cxx] Line[759] <URANIE::WARNING> TDataServer::fileDataRead: Expected iterator tdsu__n__iter__ not found but _tds___n__iter__ looks like an URANIE iterator => Will be used as so. <URANIE::WARNING> *** END of URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> <URANIE::WARNING> <URANIE::WARNING> *** URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> *** File[${SOURCEDIR}/dataSERVER/souRCE/TDataServer.cxx] Line[759] <URANIE::WARNING> TDataServer::fileDataRead: Expected iterator tdsApp__n__iter__ not found but _tds___n__iter__ looks like an URANIE iterator => Will be used as so. <URANIE::WARNING> *** END of URANIE WARNING *** <URANIE::WARNING> ** TANNModeler::train niter[2] ninit[2] ** init the ANN ** Input (1) Name[x] Min[-0.999842] Max[0.998315] ** Input (2) Name[y] Min[-0.999434] Max[0.998071] ** Output (1) Name[rc01] Min[0] Max[1] ** Tolerance (1e-06) ** sHidden (15,10,5) (30) ** Nb Weights (266) ** ActivationFunction[TanH] ** ** iter[1/2] : ** : mse_min[0.00813999] ** iter[2/2] : ** : mse_min[0.00636923] ** solutions : 2 ** isol[1] iter[0] learn[0.00405863] test[0.00813999] * ** isol[2] iter[1] learn[0.00560685] test[0.00636923] * ** CPU training finished. Total elapsed time: 16.7 sec ******************************* *** TModeler::exportFunction lang[c++] file[uranie_ann_problem2Classes] name[ANNproblem2Classes] soption[] ******************************* ******************************* *** exportFunction lang[c++] file[uranie_ann_problem2Classes] name[ANNproblem2Classes] *** End Of exportFunction *******************************
The objective of this macro is to build a polynomial chaos expansion in order to get a surrogate model along with a
global sensitivity interpretation for the flowrate
function, whose purpose and behaviour have been
already introduced in Section IV.1.2.1. The method used here is
the regression one, as discussed below.
// Define the DataServer
TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdsFlowrate", "Design of experiments for Flowrate");
// Add the eight attributes of the study with uniform law
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("rw", 0.05, 0.15));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("r", 100.0, 50000.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tu", 63070.0, 115600.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tl", 63.1, 116.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hu", 990.0, 1110.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hl", 700.0, 820.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("l", 1120.0, 1680.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("kw", 9855.0, 12045.0));
// Define of TNisp object
TNisp *nisp = new TNisp(tds);
nisp->generateSample("QmcSobol", 500); //State that there is a sample ...
// Compute the output variable
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds, "flowrateModel","*","ymod");
// build a chaos polynomial
TPolynomialChaos *pc = new TPolynomialChaos(tds,nisp);
// compute the pc coefficients using the "Regression" method
Int_t degree = 4;
// Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
cout << "Variable ymod ================" << endl;
cout << "Mean = " << pc->getMean("ymod") << endl;
cout << "Variance = " << pc->getVariance("ymod") << endl;
cout << "First Order Indices ================" << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(0,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(1,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(2,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[4] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(3,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[5] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(4,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[6] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(5,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[7] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(6,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[8] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(7,0) << endl;
cout << "Total Order Indices ================" << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("rw","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("r","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("tu","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[4] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("tl","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[5] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("hu","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[6] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("hl","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[7] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("l","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[8] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("kw","ymod") << endl;
// Dump main factors up to a certain threshold
Double_t seuil = 0.99;
cout<<"Ordered functionnal ANOVA"<<endl;
cout << "Number of experiments = " << tds->getNPatterns() << endl;
//save the pv in a program (C langage)
The first part is just creating a TDataServer
and providing the attributes needed to define the problem. From there, a
object is created, providing the dataserver that specifies the inputs. This class is
used to generate the sample.
// Define of TNisp object
TNisp *nisp = new TNisp(tds);
nisp->generateSample("QmcSobol", 500); //State that there is a sample ...
The function is launched through a TLauncherFunction
instance in order to get the output
values that will be needed to train the surrogate model.
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds, "flowrateModel","*","ymod");
Finally, a TPolynomialChaos
instance is created and the computation of the coefficients is
performed by requesting a truncature on the resulting degree of the polynomial expansion (set to 4) and the use of
a regression method.
// build a chaos polynomial
TPolynomialChaos *pc = new TPolynomialChaos(tds,nisp);
// compute the pc coefficients using the "Regression" method
Int_t degree = 4;
The rest of the code is showing how to access the resulting sensitivity indices either one-by-one, or ordered up to a chosen threshold of the output variance.
Processing modelerFlowratePolynChaosRegression.C... --- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02) Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES Contact: Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024 Variable ymod ================ Mean = 77.651 Variance = 2079.68 First Order Indices ================ Indice First Order[1] = 0.828732 Indice First Order[2] = 1.05548e-06 Indice First Order[3] = 9.86805e-08 Indice First Order[4] = 4.77668e-06 Indice First Order[5] = 0.0414015 Indice First Order[6] = 0.0413215 Indice First Order[7] = 0.039401 Indice First Order[8] = 0.00954644 Total Order Indices ================ Indice Total Order[1] = 0.866773 Indice Total Order[2] = 9.27467e-06 Indice Total Order[3] = 7.01768e-06 Indice Total Order[4] = 1.71944e-05 Indice Total Order[5] = 0.0541916 Indice Total Order[6] = 0.0540578 Indice Total Order[7] = 0.0522121 Indice Total Order[8] = 0.0127809
The objective of this macro is to build a polynomial chaos expansion in order to get a surrogate model along with a
global sensitivity interpretation for the flowrate
function, whose purpose and behaviour have been
already introduced in Section IV.1.2.1. The method used here is
the regression one, as discussed below.
// Define the DataServer
TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdsFlowrate", "Design of experiments for Flowrate");
// Add the eight attributes of the study with uniform law
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("rw", 0.05, 0.15));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("r", 100.0, 50000.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tu", 63070.0, 115600.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("tl", 63.1, 116.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hu", 990.0, 1110.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("hl", 700.0, 820.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("l", 1120.0, 1680.0));
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("kw", 9855.0, 12045.0));
// Define of TNisp object
TNisp *nisp = new TNisp(tds);
nisp->generateSample("Petras", 5); //State that there is a sample ...
// Compute the output variable
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds, "flowrateModel","*","ymod");
// build a chaos polynomial
TPolynomialChaos *pc = new TPolynomialChaos(tds,nisp);
// compute the pc coefficients using the "Integration" method
Int_t degree = 4;
// Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
cout << "Variable ymod ================" << endl;
cout << "Mean = " << pc->getMean("ymod") << endl;
cout << "Variance = " << pc->getVariance("ymod") << endl;
cout << "First Order Indices ================" << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(0,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(1,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(2,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[4] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(3,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[5] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(4,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[6] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(5,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[7] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(6,0) << endl;
cout << "Indice First Order[8] = " << pc->getIndexFirstOrder(7,0) << endl;
cout << "Total Order Indices ================" << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[1] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("rw","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[2] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("r","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[3] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("tu","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[4] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("tl","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[5] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("hu","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[6] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("hl","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[7] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("l","ymod") << endl;
cout << "Indice Total Order[8] = " << pc->getIndexTotalOrder("kw","ymod") << endl;
// Dump main factors up to a certain threshold
Double_t seuil = 0.99;
cout<<"Ordered functionnal ANOVA"<<endl;
cout << "Number of experiments = " << tds->getNPatterns() << endl;
//save the pv in a program (C langage)
The first part is just creating a TDataServer
and providing the attributes needed to define the problem. From there, a
object is created, providing the dataserver that specifies the inputs. This class is
used to generate the sample (Petras being a design-of-experiments dedicated to integration problem).
// Define of TNisp object
TNisp *nisp = new TNisp(tds);
nisp->generateSample("Petras", 5); //State that there is a sample ...
The function is launched through a TLauncherFunction
instance in order to get the output
values that will be needed to train the surrogate model.
TLauncherFunction * tlf = new TLauncherFunction(tds, "flowrateModel","*","ymod");
Finally, a TPolynomialChaos
instance is created and the computation of the coefficients is
performed by requesting a truncature on the resulting degree of the polynomial expansion (set to 4) and the use of
a regression method.
// build a chaos polynomial
TPolynomialChaos *pc = new TPolynomialChaos(tds,nisp);
// compute the pc coefficients using the "Integration" method
Int_t degree = 4;
The rest of the code is showing how to access the resulting sensitivity indices either one-by-one, or ordered up to a chosen threshold of the output variance.
Processing modelerFlowratePolynChaosIntegration.C... --- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02) Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES Contact: Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024 Variable ymod ================ Mean = 77.6511 Variance = 2078.91 First Order Indices ================ Indice First Order[1] = 0.828922 Indice First Order[2] = 1.04477e-06 Indice First Order[3] = 8.94692e-12 Indice First Order[4] = 5.30299e-06 Indice First Order[5] = 0.0413852 Indice First Order[6] = 0.0413852 Indice First Order[7] = 0.0393419 Indice First Order[8] = 0.00952157 Total Order Indices ================ Indice Total Order[1] = 0.866834 Indice Total Order[2] = 2.16178e-06 Indice Total Order[3] = 2.28296e-09 Indice Total Order[4] = 1.07386e-05 Indice Total Order[5] = 0.0541095 Indice Total Order[6] = 0.0541095 Indice Total Order[7] = 0.0520767 Indice Total Order[8] = 0.0127306
This macro is the one described in Section V.6.2.2, that creates a
simple gaussian process, whose training (utf_4D_train.dat
) and testing
) database can both be found in the document folder of the Uranie
installation (${URANIESYS}/share/uranie/docUMENTS
// Load observations
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs", "observations");
// Construct the GPBuilder
TGPBuilder *gpb = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, // observations data
"x1:x2:x3:x4", // list of input variables
"y", // output variable
"matern3/2"); // name of the correlation function
// Search for the optimal hyper-parameters
gpb->findOptimalParameters("ML", // optimisation criterion
100, // screening design size
"neldermead", // optimisation algorithm
500); // max. number of optimisation iterations
// Construct the kriging model
TKriging *krig = gpb->buildGP();
// Display model information
This is the result of the last command:
******************************* ** TKriging::printLog[] ******************************* Input Variables: x1:x2:x3:x4 Output Variable: y Deterministic trend: Correlation function: URANIE::Modeler::TMatern32CorrFunction Correlation length: normalised (not normalised) 1.6181e+00 (1.6172e+00 ) 1.4372e+00 (1.4370e+00 ) 1.5026e+00 (1.5009e+00 ) 6.7884e+00 (6.7944e+00 ) Variance of the gaussian process: 70.8755 RMSE (by Leave One Out): 0.499108 Q2: 0.849843 *******************************
This macro is the one described in Section V.6.2.7, that creates
a gaussian process, whose training (utf_4D_train.dat
) and testing
) database can both be found in the document folder of the Uranie
installation (${URANIESYS}/share/uranie/docUMENTS
), and whose starting point, in the parameter
space, is specified.
// Load observations
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs", "observations");
// Construct the GPBuilder
TGPBuilder *gpb = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, "x1:x2:x3:x4", "y", "matern3/2");
// Set the correlation function parameters
Double_t params[4] = {1.0, 0.25, 0.01, 0.3};
// Find the optimal parameters
gpb->findOptimalParameters("ML", // optimisation criterion
0, // screening size MUST be equal to 0
"neldermead", // optimisation algorithm
500, // max. number of optimisation iterations
kFALSE); // we don't reset the parameters of the GP builder
// Create the kriging model
TKriging *krig = gpb->buildGP();
// Display model information
This is the result of the last command:
******************************* ** TKriging::printLog[] ******************************* Input Variables: x1:x2:x3:x4 Output Variable: y Deterministic trend: Correlation function: URANIE::Modeler::TMatern32CorrFunction Correlation length: normalised (not normalised) 1.6182e+00 (1.6173e+00 ) 1.4373e+00 (1.4371e+00 ) 1.5027e+00 (1.5011e+00 ) 6.7895e+00 (6.7955e+00 ) Variance of the gaussian process: 70.8914 RMSE (by Leave One Out): 0.49911 Q2: 0.849842 *******************************
This macro is the one described in Section V.6.2.4, that creates a gaussian process with a specific trend and an a priori knowledge on the mean and variance of the trend parameters.
// Load observations
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs", "observations");
// Construct the GPBuilder
TGPBuilder *gpb = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, // observations data
"x1:x2:x3:x4", // list of input variables
"y", // output variable
"matern3/2", // name of the correlation function
"linear"); // trend defined by a keyword
// Bayesian study
Double_t meanPrior[5] = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -0.1};
Double_t covPrior[25] = {1e-4, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
0.0 , 1e-4, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
0.0 , 0.0 , 1e-4, 0.0 , 0.0 ,
0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1e-4, 0.0 ,
0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1e-4};
gpb->setPriorData(meanPrior, covPrior);
// Search for the optimal hyper-parameters
gpb->findOptimalParameters("ReML", // optimisation criterion
100, // screening design size
"neldermead", // optimisation algorithm
500); // max. number of optimisation iterations
// Construct the kriging model
TKriging *krig = gpb->buildGP();
// Display model information
This is the result of the last command:
******************************* ** TKriging::printLog[] ******************************* Input Variables: x1:x2:x3:x4 Output Variable: y Deterministic trend: linear Trend parameters (5): [3.06586494e-05; 1.64887174e-05; -9.99986787e-01; 1.51959859e-05; -9.99877606e-02 ] Correlation function: URANIE::Modeler::TMatern32CorrFunction Correlation length: normalised (not normalised) 2.1450e+00 (2.1438e+00 ) 1.9092e+00 (1.9090e+00 ) 2.0062e+00 (2.0040e+00 ) 8.4315e+00 (8.4390e+00 ) Variance of the gaussian process: 155.533 RMSE (by Leave One Out): 0.495448 Q2: 0.852037 *******************************
This macro is the one described in Section V.6.3.1, to create
and use a simple gaussian process, whose training (utf_4D_train.dat
) and testing
) database can both be found in the document folder of the Uranie
installation (${URANIESYS}/share/uranie/docUMENTS
). It uses the simple one-by-one approch described in
the [metho] for completness.
// Load observations
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs", "observations");
// Construct the GPBuilder
TGPBuilder *gpb = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, // observations data
"x1:x2:x3:x4", // list of input variables
"y", // output variable
"matern3/2"); // name of the correlation function
// Search for the optimal hyper-parameters
gpb->findOptimalParameters("ML", // optimisation criterion
100, // screening design size
"neldermead", // optimisation algorithm
500); // max. number of optimisation iterations
// Construct the kriging model
TKriging *krig = gpb->buildGP();
// Display model information
// Load the data to estimate
TDataServer *tdsEstim = new TDataServer("tdsEstim", "estimations");
// Construction of the launcher
TLauncher2 *lanceur = new TLauncher2(tdsEstim, // data to estimate
krig, // model used for the estimation
"x1:x2:x3:x4", // list of the input variables
"yEstim:vEstim"); // name given to the model's outputs
// Launch the estimations
// Display some results
This macro is the one described in Section V.6.3.2, to create
and use a simple gaussian process, whose training (utf_4D_train.dat
) and testing
) database can both be found in the document folder of the Uranie
installation (${URANIESYS}/share/uranie/docUMENTS
). It uses the global approach, computing the input
covariance matrix and translating it to the prediction covariance matrix.
// Load observations
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs", "observations");
// Construct the GPBuilder
TGPBuilder *gpb = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, // observations data
"x1:x2:x3:x4", // list of input variables
"y", // output variable
"matern1/2"); // name of the correlation function
// Search for the optimal hyper-parameters
gpb->findOptimalParameters("ML", // optimisation criterion
100, // screening design size
"neldermead", // optimisation algorithm
500); // max. number of optimisation iterations
// Construct the kriging model
TKriging *krig = gpb->buildGP();
// Display model information
// Load the data to estimate
TDataServer *tdsEstim = new TDataServer("tdsEstim", "estimations");
// Reducing the database to 1000 first event (prediction cov matrix of a million value !)
int nST=1000;
tdsEstim->fileDataRead("utf_4D_test_red.dat",false,true); // Reload reduce sample
krig->estimateWithCov(tdsEstim, // data to estimate
"x1:x2:x3:x4",// list of the input variables
"yEstim:vEstim", // name given to the model's outputs
"y", //name of the true reference if validation database
""); //options
TCanvas *c2=NULL;
// Residuals plots if true information provided
if( tdsEstim->isAttribute("_Residuals_") )
c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",1200,800);
// Usual residual considering uncorrated input points
// Corrected residuals, with prediction covariance matrix
// Retrieve all the prediction covariance coefficient
tdsEstim->getTuple()->SetEstimate( nST * nST ); //allocate the correct size
// Get a pointer to all values
double *cov=tdsEstim->getTuple()->GetV1();
//Put these in a matrix nicely created
TMatrixD Cov(nST,nST);
//Print it if size is reasonnable
The idea is to provide a simple example of a kriging usage, and an how to, to produce plots in one dimension to represent the results. This example is the one taken from [metho] that uses a very simple set of six points as training database:
#TITLE: utf-1D-train.dat #COLUMN_NAMES: x1|y 6.731290e-01 3.431918e-01 7.427596e-01 9.356860e-01 4.518467e-01 -3.499771e-01 2.215734e-02 2.400531e+00 9.915253e-01 2.412209e+00 1.815769e-01 1.589435e+00
The aim will be to get a kriging model that describes this dataset and to check its consistency over a certain number of points (here 100 points) which will be the testing database:
#TITLE: utf-1D-test.dat #COLUMN_NAMES: x1|y 5.469435e-02 2.331524e+00 3.803054e-01 -3.277316e-02 7.047152e-01 6.030177e-01 2.360045e-02 2.398694e+00 9.271965e-01 2.268814e+00 7.868263e-01 1.324318e+00 7.791920e-01 1.257942e+00 6.107965e-01 -8.514510e-02 1.362316e-01 1.926999e+00 5.709913e-01 -2.758435e-01 8.738804e-01 1.992941e+00 2.251602e-01 1.219826e+00 9.175259e-01 2.228545e+00 5.128368e-01 -4.096161e-01 7.692913e-01 1.170999e+00 7.394406e-01 9.062407e-01 5.364506e-01 -3.772856e-01 1.861864e-01 1.551961e+00 7.573444e-01 1.065237e+00 1.005755e-01 2.141109e+00 9.114685e-01 2.201001e+00 3.628465e-01 7.920271e-02 2.383583e-01 1.103353e+00 7.468092e-01 9.716492e-01 3.126209e-01 4.578112e-01 8.034716e-01 1.466248e+00 6.730402e-01 3.424931e-01 8.021345e-01 1.455015e+00 2.503736e-01 9.966807e-01 9.001793e-01 2.145059e+00 7.019990e-01 5.799112e-01 6.001746e-01 -1.432102e-01 4.925013e-01 -4.126441e-01 5.685795e-01 -2.849419e-01 1.238257e-01 2.007351e+00 2.825838e-01 7.124861e-01 4.025708e-01 -1.574002e-01 8.562999e-01 1.875879e+00 3.214125e-01 3.865241e-01 2.021767e-01 1.418581e+00 6.338581e-01 5.717657e-02 3.042007e-01 5.276410e-01 4.860707e-01 -4.088007e-01 9.645326e-01 2.379243e+00 3.583711e-02 2.378513e+00 2.143110e-01 1.314473e+00 7.299624e-01 8.224203e-01 2.719263e-02 2.393622e+00 3.321495e-01 3.020224e-01 8.642671e-01 1.930341e+00 8.893604e-01 2.086039e+00 1.119469e-01 2.078562e+00 9.859741e-01 2.408725e+00 5.594688e-01 -3.166326e-01 1.904448e-01 1.516930e+00 4.232618e-01 -2.529865e-01 1.402221e-01 1.899932e+00 2.647519e-01 8.691058e-01 1.667035e-01 1.706823e+00 2.332246e-01 1.148786e+00 8.324190e-01 1.700059e+00 4.743443e-01 -3.958790e-01 3.435927e-01 2.154677e-01 9.846049e-01 2.407603e+00 9.705327e-01 2.390043e+00 6.631883e-01 2.662970e-01 6.153726e-01 -5.862472e-02 4.632361e-01 -3.766509e-01 6.474053e-01 1.502050e-01 7.161034e-02 2.273461e+00 4.514511e-01 -3.489255e-01 5.976782e-02 2.315661e+00 8.361934e-01 1.729000e+00 5.280981e-01 -3.922313e-01 9.394759e-01 2.313181e+00 2.710088e-01 8.138628e-01 8.161943e-01 1.571375e+00 5.047683e-01 -4.135789e-01 8.427635e-02 2.220534e+00 3.540224e-01 1.400987e-01 4.698548e-03 2.413597e+00 9.124315e-02 2.188105e+00 9.996285e-01 2.414210e+00 4.167139e-01 -2.249546e-01 5.892062e-01 -1.978247e-01 2.929336e-01 6.231119e-01 4.456454e-01 -3.325379e-01 1.148699e-02 2.410532e+00 3.892636e-01 -8.548741e-02 7.188374e-01 7.248622e-01 3.697949e-01 3.323350e-02 6.864519e-01 4.502113e-01 1.586679e-01 1.767741e+00 6.603030e-01 2.445009e-01 6.277168e-01 1.721489e-02 4.305704e-01 -2.817686e-01 1.553435e-01 1.792379e+00 5.476842e-01 -3.512131e-01 8.475444e-01 1.813503e+00 9.527370e-01 2.352313e+00
In this example, two different correlation functions are tested and the obtained results are compared at the end.
void PrintSolutions(TDataServer *tdsObs, TDataServer *tdsEstim, string title)
const int nbObs = tdsObs->getNPatterns();
const int nbEst = tdsEstim->getNPatterns();
vector<double> Rxarr(nbEst,0), x_arr(nbEst,0), y_est(nbEst,0), y_rea(nbEst,0), std_var(nbEst,0);
vector<double> xarr(nbEst,0), yest(nbEst,0), yrea(nbEst,0), stdvar(nbEst,0);
int ind;
for (int i=0; i<nbEst; i++)
ind = int(Rxarr[i]) - 1;
xarr[ind] = x_arr[i];
yest[ind] = y_est[i];
yrea[ind] = y_rea[i];
stdvar[ind] = 2*sqrt(fabs(std_var[i]));
vector<double> xobs(nbObs,0); tdsObs->getTuple()->copyBranchData(&xobs[0],nbObs,"x1");
vector<double> yobs(nbObs,0); tdsObs->getTuple()->copyBranchData(&yobs[0],nbObs,"y");
TGraph *gobs = new TGraph(nbObs,&xobs[0],&yobs[0]);
gobs->SetMarkerColor(1); gobs->SetMarkerSize(1); gobs->SetMarkerStyle(8);
TGraphErrors *gest = new TGraphErrors(nbEst,&xarr[0],&yest[0],0,&stdvar[0]);
gest->SetLineColor(2); gest->SetLineWidth(1); gest->SetFillColor(2); gest->SetFillStyle(3002);
TGraph *grea = new TGraph(nbEst,&xarr[0],&yrea[0]);
grea->SetMarkerColor(4); grea->SetMarkerSize(1); grea->SetMarkerStyle(5); grea->SetTitle("Real Values");
TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph("toto", title.c_str());
mg->Add(gest,"l3"); mg->Add(gobs,"P"); mg->Add(grea,"P");
TLegend *leg= new TLegend(0.4,0.65,0.65,0.8);
leg->AddEntry(gobs, "Observations", "p");
leg->AddEntry(grea, "Real values", "p");
leg->AddEntry(gest, "Estimated values", "lf");
void modelerTestKriging()
//Create dataserver and read training database
TDataServer *tdsObs = new TDataServer("tdsObs","observations");
const int nbObs = 6;
// Canvas, divided in 2
TCanvas *Can = new TCanvas("can","can",10,32,1600,700);
TPad *apad = new TPad("apad","apad",0, 0.03, 1, 1);
apad->Draw(); apad->Divide(2,1);
//Name of the plot and correlation functions used
string outplot="GaussAndMatern_1D_AllPoints.png";
string Correl[2] = {"Gauss","Matern3/2"};
//Pointer to needed objects, created in the loop
TGPBuilder *gpb[2];
TKriging *kg[2];
TDataServer *tdsEstim[2];
TLauncher2 *lkrig[2];
stringstream sstr;
//Looping over the two correlation function chosen
for (int imet=0; imet<2; imet++)
//Create the TGPBuiler object with chosen option and find optimal parameters
gpb[imet] = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, "x1", "y", Correl[imet].c_str(), "");
gpb[imet]->findOptimalParameters("LOO", 100, "Subplexe", 1000);
//Get the kriging object
kg[imet] = gpb[imet]->buildGP();
//open the dataserver and read the testing basis
sstr.str(""); sstr << "tdsEstim_" << imet;
tdsEstim[imet] = new TDataServer(sstr.str().c_str(),"base de test");
//applied resulting kriging on test basis
lkrig[imet] = new TLauncher2(tdsEstim[imet], kg[imet], "x1", "yEstim:vEstim");
//do the plot
PrintSolutions(tdsObs, tdsEstim[imet], Correl[imet]);
stringstream sstr; TLatex *lat=new TLatex(); lat->SetNDC(); lat->SetTextSize(0.025);
sstr.str(""); sstr << "RMSE (by Loo) " << kg[imet]->getLooRMSE();
sstr.str(""); sstr << "Q2 " << kg[imet]->getLooQ2();
The first function of this macro (called PrintSolutions
) is a complex part that will not
be detailed, used to represent the results.
The macro itself starts by reading the training database and storing it in a dataserver. A
is created with the chosen correlation function and the hyper-parameters are
estimation by an optimisation procedure in:
gpb[imet] = new TGPBuilder(tdsObs, "x1", "y", Correl[imet].c_str(), "");
gpb[imet]->findOptimalParameters("LOO", 100, "Subplexe", 1000);
kg[imet] = gpb[imet]->buildGP()
The last line shows how to build and retrieve the newly created kriging object.
Finally, this kriging model is tested against the training database, thanks to a TLauncher2
object, as following:
lkrig[imet] = new TLauncher2(tdsEstim[imet], kg[imet], "x1", "yEstim:vEstim");