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II.3. Data handling

II.3. Data handling

This section describes the data import from an ASCII flat file in a TDataServer of Uranie using the formalism of Salome tables and JSON format. In both cases, the ASCII file is composed of 2 parts: the header and the experiment matrix.

  • The header describes the information related to the database and related to its attributes:

    • the name of the database (optional);

    • the title of the database (optional);

    • the date of the database's saving (optional);

    • the name of variables (mandatory if the title/label's not specified). This information will enable to have access to theses variables either to transform them or to produce graphs. The chosen name has to be explicit but rather short (smaller than 50 characters);

    • the title/label of variables (mandatory if the name of variables is not specified). This information will be the axis tick marks when this variable is visualised on the plot. As it is possible to use LaTeX commands, the name (must be explicit and short) is distinguished from the label so as to obtain a good graph rendering.

    • the variable units (optional). This information aims at improving the graph rendering (the unit being displayed next to the label).

    • the nature of the variables (optional unless dealing with new types). This information is not mandatory if one wants to handle only double-precision variables. The possible value being "D" for double, "S" for string and "V" for vectors.

  • The second part is the numerical experiment matrix.

Using this formalism, it is enough to provide the name of attributes of the ASCII file in order to load the file in Uranie.

II.3.1. Main format of input/output

II.3.1.1. The Salome-table format

This is the main format used throughout the history of the Uranie-platform. The different header information are set thanks to keywords. A header line begins with the character '#' followed by a keyword characterising the type of information and by the ':' character . Then, the information are separated by the '|' character. The list of keywords is:

Table II.2. List of keywords of header in ASCII files.

NAMEThe name of the database
TITLEThe title of the database
DATEThe date of saving (only towards writing or export)
COLUMN_NAMESThe names of attributes
COLUMN_TYPESThe natures of attributes
COLUMN_TITLESThe titles of attributes
COLUMN_UNITSThe units of attributes

An example is the file "geyser.dat"in the data directory of installation of Uranie ( $URANIESYS/share/uranie/macros/geyser.dat)

> more $URANIESYS/share/uranie/macros/geyser.dat

#NAME: geyser
#TITLE:  geyser data
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{1}| "#delta P_{#sigma}"
#COLUMN_UNITS: Sec^{-1}| bar

3.600 79.000 
1.800 54.000 
3.333 74.000 
2.283 62.000 
4.533 85.000 
2.883 55.000 
4.700 88.000 
3.600 85.000 
1.950 51.000 
4.350 85.000 
1.833 54.000 
3.917 84.000 
4.200 78.000 
1.750 47.000 
4.700 83.000 
2.167 52.000 

Uranie accepts several forms of file endings: it is possible the file ends with a white line or with a line with empty spaces, but also to end just after the last data.

Uranie does not accept data with "holes" (empty lines) like as follows in this modified version of the "geyser.dat" file:

#NAME: geyser
#TITLE:  geyser data
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{1}| "#delta P_{#sigma}"
#COLUMN_UNITS: Sec^{-1}| bar

3.600 79.000 
1.800 54.000 
3.333 74.000 
2.283 62.000 
4.533 85.000 

2.883 55.000 
4.700 88.000 
3.600 85.000 
1.950 51.000 
4.350 85.000 
1.833 54.000 
3.917 84.000 
4.200 78.000 
1.750 47.000 
4.700 83.000 
2.167 52.000 

In this case, Uranie considers that data processing ends with the white line located in the middle of the data lines. This would be equivalent to use the following data:

#NAME: geyser
#TITLE:  geyser data
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{1}| "#delta P_{#sigma}"
#COLUMN_UNITS: Sec^{-1}| bar

3.600 79.000 
1.800 54.000 
3.333 74.000 
2.283 62.000 
4.533 85.000


Only the line associated to the keyword COLUMN_NAMES is mandatory except if COLUMN_TITLES is specified. Moreover, the keyword itself is also optional; the next line is correct # x1| x2 to specify both variables of the geyser data.


An empty line MUST be kept between the header and data matrix .

Particular case of strings and vector

The following example shows how to precise the content of vectors and strings if such information have to be read. In this case, the field #COLUMN_TYPES: is mandatory and the way it works is equivalent to the column name one (the delimiter is the "|" sign) but it needs only one letter to define the type. Apart from that, the string can be written as it comes as long as it does not contains blanks (!!), while the vectors values are dump with the same format as the double-precision one, using a comma as separator. The following file is a correct input file for a TDataServer

#COLUMN_NAMES: day|place|hour|guest_list|food

5 restaurant 4 2,3,4,5 chocolate
21 home 3 6,1,8,4,3 almond

The example shown above is working properly as there is no problematic behaviour in the data. Handling strings and vectors can however be tricky as they respectively can be an empty string and an empty vector. This would result in a missing number of field in a specific line which will make the fileDataRead crashed. To avoid this, all the files used in the Launcher and Relauncher (and the Salome-table discussed here as well) contains properties specific to both vectors and strings:

  • String properties: a character can be specified as begin and end for dumping and reading purpose. The ones chosen by default for the Salome-table format shown here being the double-quote sign ".

  • Vector properties: a character can be specified as begin, end and delimiter for dumping and reading purpose. The ones chosen by default for the Salome-table format shown here being respectively [, ] and the commas.

This results in the fact, that the following file gives the exact same dataserver as the one shown previously. It is actually the style chosen when calling the exportData method of a TDataServer to allow the user to handle empty strings and vectors if wanted.

#COLUMN_NAMES: day|place|hour|guest_list|food

5 "restaurant" 4 [2,3,4,5] "chocolate"
21 "home" 3 [6,1,8,4,3] "almond"

II.3.1.2. The JSON format

Brought in version 3.9, the format has been implemented as it is broadly used to transmit data in a very simple way. A choice has been made on the way the header are displayed: a "_metadata" field is compulsory inside which the list of flag is gathered in Table II.3.

Table II.3. List of keywords of header in ASCII files.

table_nameThe name of the database
table_descriptionThe title of the database
dateThe date of saving (only towards writing or export)
short_namesThe names of attributes
typesThe natures of attributes
long_namesThe titles of attributes
unitsThe units of attributes

The second part that provides the data itself, looks alike a key-value table and handles easily all the attribute types. Here is an example of file with the "geyser" data content, shown previously:

  "_metadata" : 
    "_comment" : "CurrentComment",
    "date" : "Fri Oct 28 10:41:44 2016",
    "short_names" : [ "x1", "x2", "geyser__n__iter__" ],
    "table_description" : "Les donnees du geyser",
    "table_name" : "geyser",
    "types" : [ "D", "D", "D" ],
    "units" : [ "Sec", "", "" ]
  "items" : 
      "geyser__n__iter__" : 1.0,
      "x1" : 3.60,
      "x2" : 79.0
      "geyser__n__iter__" : 2.0,
      "x1" : 1.80,
      "x2" : 54.0

      "geyser__n__iter__" : 272.0,
      "x1" : 4.4670,
      "x2" : 74.0

II.3.2. Import data from an ASCII file

An example of import of the data file "geyser.dat" (available in the Uranie-macros folder) is shown below leading to a 2D scatterplot of the variable x2 versus the variable x1

from rootlogon import DataServer 1

tdsGeyser = DataServer.TDataServer("tdsgeyser", "Geyser database") 2

Description of the import of an ASCII file


Setting the namespace. This instruction is useless when the provided rootlogon has been loaded as all Uranie-namespaces have been loaded as well.


Defining a pointer tdsGeyser to an object of type TDataServer whose name is "tdsgeyser" and whose title is "Geyser database". These information are used by the export or printLog methods.


Loading data contained in an ASCII file $URANIESYS/share/uranie/macros/geyser.dat.


Plot of the scatterplot of the variable x2 versus the variable x1

The obtained graph is the following:

Figure II.36. Import data from an ASCII file

Import data from an ASCII file

Various examples of macros loading data in a TDataServer with different treatment applied on, are provided in the use-case chapter of this user manual, between Section XIV.3.3 and Section XIV.3.7.

II.3.3. Import data from a TNtuple/TDSNtuple/TTree

From a TTree object (or any of its derived-object) contained in a ROOT-file, it is possible to import data, with or without selection of a variable and addition of other ones through formula then deletions of patterns ensuring a criterion

from rootlogon import DataServer 1

tds = DataServer.TDataServer() 2
tds.ntupleDataRead("hsimple.root","ntuple","px*px:*:py*py","px*px+py*py<2.0") 3
tds.draw("py:px") 4     

Description of data importation of a TTree from a ROOT file


Specification of the namespace.


Creation of a pointer tds to an object of type TDataServer without name and title.


Fill the TDataServer with all branches contained in the tree ntuple that is contained in hsimple.root. Two new attributes are computed on the fly and a selection is applied on the patterns to be kept;


Plots scatterplot of the variable py versus the variable px

In this case, tds is constructed from the TTree ntuple contained in the file hsimple.root where all initial variables are kept (* character). Figure II.37 shows the content of the ntuple. Two new variables are then added on top, defined by the equations "px*py" and "py*px" on both side of the "*" string. A cut is finally done, to exclude all data that would satisfy the following equation

Figure II.37. Content of the ntuple tree contained in "hsimple.root" file.

Content of the ntuple tree contained in "hsimple.root" file.

The obtained graph is as follow:

Figure II.38. Data importation from a TNtuple

Data importation from a TNtuple

II.3.4. Adding attributes to a TDataServer

Attributes can always be added to an existing TDataServer object, whether it is empty (just after its constructor) or not (after the data loading from either an ASCII file, or a TTree or a database of type SQL). A simple example is provided and decomposed in Section XIV.3.1.

First of all, let us consider the case of an empty TDataServer. We add attributes using the method addAttribute( TAttribute *att).

tds = DataServer.TDataServer("tds", "new TDataServer")
tds.addAttribute(DataServer.TAttribute("x1"))           1
tds.addAttribute(DataServer.TAttribute("x2", 2.5, 5.))  2
tds.addAttribute( "x3" )                          3
tds.addAttribute( "x4", 2.5, 5.)                  4      

Description of attributes adding to an empty TDataServer


Adding a new attribute x1 to the TDataServer from a TAttribute with a name (minimal constructor).


Adding a new attribute x2 to the TDataServer from a TAttribute with a name and the extreme values (minimal and maximal).


Equivalent to previous one: adding a new attribute x3 to the TDataServer just by giving its name (minimal constructor).


Equivalent to previous one: adding a new attribute x4 to the TDataServer by giving its name and the extreme values (minimal and maximal).

The difference between the methods with new in it and the others, is basically arising from the way one handles the memory. The last ones (3 and 4) allow the user not to worry about anything, while, in the case of implementation 1 and 2, one should be aware that every new should imply at some point a delete. For most user, this is not of utmost importance as usual scripts would contain very few new command and no loop. If this is not the case (for instance if one does have loop and many object creation in it) do not hesitate to contact the Uranie-team to prevent any slowing down of the code.

The specification of a TAttribute is further detailed in Section II.2.

We can define new attributes using mathematical expressions with respect to other existing attributes. The name and the mathematical expression are the only mandatory arguments; its title and unit can also be precised, but both arguments are optional.

tdsGeyser = DataServer.TDataServer("tdsgeyser", "Geyser DataSet")
tdsGeyser.addAttribute("cd1","sqrt(x2) * x1")    1
tdsGeyser.addAttribute("cd2","sqrt(x2*x1)","#Delta p_{#sigma}","sec^{-1}")  2

tdsGeyser.draw("cd2:cd1")    3      

Description attribute adding to a TDataServer from formulas


Adding a new attribute cd1 to the TDataServer defined by a mathematical expression as a function of x1 and x2 attributes:


Adding a new attribute cd2 to the TDataServer with a mathematical formula, precising its title and unit:


Plots the scatterplot of the variable cd2 versus the variable cd1

The obtained graph is:

Figure II.39. Scatterplot of added attributes

Scatterplot of added attributes

This operation is available with vector-type attribute as well. The results depends on the nature of the attributes involved in the formula, their content and the nature of the operation. As an example, a simple dataserver is created from the dummy file tdstest.dat:

#COLUMN_NAMES: x| y| a| v

1,2,3 4,5,6 2 1,2,3
7,8,9 1,2   4 4,5,6
1,4,8 2,5,4 5 7,8,9 

It contains two vectors whose size are not constant and a double. The four usual operations have been performed (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using the double and a vector but also using the two vectors. The code is shown here:

Example of attribute handling
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsop = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "poet")

tdsop.addAttribute("x*y", "x*y")  # Multiply two vectors
tdsop.addAttribute("xovy", "x/y")  # Divide two vectors
tdsop.addAttribute("x-y", "x-y")  # Subtract two vectors
tdsop.addAttribute("x+y", "x+y")  # Add two vectors

tdsop.addAttribute("x*a", "x*a")  # Multiply a vector and a double
tdsop.addAttribute("xova", "x/a")  # Divide a vector and a double
tdsop.addAttribute("x-a", "x-a")  # Subtract a vector and a double
tdsop.addAttribute("x+a", "x+a")  # Add a vector and a double

tdsop.scan("x:y:a:x*y:xovy:x+y:x-y:x*a:xova:x+a:x-a", "",
           "colsize=3 col=1:1:1::4::::4::")

and it gives as a results:

*    Row   * Instance * x * y * a * x*y * xovy * x+y * x-y * x*a * xova * x+a * x-a *
*        0 *        0 * 1 * 4 * 2 *   4 * 0.25 *   5 *  -3 *   2 *  0.5 *   3 *  -1 *
*        0 *        1 * 2 * 5 * 2 *  10 *  0.4 *   7 *  -3 *   4 *    1 *   4 *   0 *
*        0 *        2 * 3 * 6 * 2 *  18 *  0.5 *   9 *  -3 *   6 *  1.5 *   5 *   1 *
*        1 *        0 * 7 * 1 * 4 *   7 *    7 *   8 *   6 *  28 * 1.75 *  11 *   3 *
*        1 *        1 * 8 * 2 * 4 *  16 *    4 *  10 *   6 *  32 *    2 *  12 *   4 *
*        1 *        2 * 9 *   * 4 *   0 *      *   0 *   0 *  36 * 2.25 *  13 *   5 *
*        2 *        0 * 1 * 2 * 5 *   2 *  0.5 *   3 *  -1 *   5 *  0.2 *   6 *  -4 *
*        2 *        1 * 4 * 5 * 5 *  20 *  0.8 *   9 *  -1 *  20 *  0.8 *   9 *  -1 *
*        2 *        2 * 8 * 4 * 5 *  32 *    2 *  12 *   4 *  40 *  1.6 *  13 *   3 *

II.3.5. Merging two DataServer


This section is discussing the merging of two TDataServer not their concatenation. The first operation consists in adding new attributes from an existing TDataServer into another existing one, while the seconds consists in adding the content of two TTree object with the exact same structure. For the merging operation, a specific method TDataServer::merge has been written, while for the concatenation, the interested user is invited to look at the TChain::Merge method from ROOT.

It is sometimes necessary to merge two TDataServer to form a single one. Since the merging is done line by line, one has to check that both objects contain the same number of patterns. In Uranie-version older than 3.10.0 it was assumed that the patterns were exactly stored in the same order. Now the method is looking for the iterator of both TDataServer objects and it checks that both iterators contain the same value all along (not necessary in the same order, for instance when dealing with distributed computations). If the iterators are not found or if some iterator's values are found in one iterator but not the other (possible in some rare cases such as OAT sampling), the merging is done line-by-line and a warning is displayed.

This operation is common when you want to build a surface response between output variables Y and predictors X and these data are located in two different files.


The 2 objects must have the same number of patterns.

Let's take a simple example. Assuming that we have 2 TDataServer tds1 and tds2 respectively located in the ASCII files tds1.dat and tds2.dat. Another example is also provided in Section XIV.3.2.

Data file tds1.dat

#COLUMN_NAMES: x| dy| z| theta
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{n}| "#delta y"| ""| #theta
#COLUMN_UNITS: N| Sec| KM/Sec| M^{2}

1 1 11 11
1 2 12 21
1 3 13 31
2 1 21 12
2 2 22 22
2 3 23 32
3 1 31 13
3 2 32 23
3 3 33 33 

Data file tds2.dat

#COLUMN_NAMES: x2| y| u| ua

1 1 102 11
1 2 104 12
1 3 106 13
2 1 202 21
2 2 204 22
2 3 206 23
3 1 302 31
3 2 304 32
3 3 306 33 

Both TDataServer incorporate 9 patterns.

These 2 ASCII files must be loaded in 2 TDataServer (cf Section II.3.2), the merging being done by calling the merge method of the first TDataServer

Example of data merging (merging two files)
from rootlogon import DataServer

tds1 = DataServer.TDataServer()

tds2 = DataServer.TDataServer()


Thus, the object tds1 also contains the attributes of the second TDataServer tds2

*    Row   * tds * x. * dy * z. * theta * x2 * y. * u.u * ua *
*        0 *   1 *  1 *  1 * 11 *    11 *  1 *  1 * 102 * 11 *
*        1 *   2 *  1 *  2 * 12 *    21 *  1 *  2 * 104 * 12 *
*        2 *   3 *  1 *  3 * 13 *    31 *  1 *  3 * 106 * 13 *
*        3 *   4 *  2 *  1 * 21 *    12 *  2 *  1 * 202 * 21 *
*        4 *   5 *  2 *  2 * 22 *    22 *  2 *  2 * 204 * 22 *
*        5 *   6 *  2 *  3 * 23 *    32 *  2 *  3 * 206 * 23 *
*        6 *   7 *  3 *  1 * 31 *    13 *  3 *  1 * 302 * 31 *
*        7 *   8 *  3 *  2 * 32 *    23 *  3 *  2 * 304 * 32 *
*        8 *   9 *  3 *  3 * 33 *    33 *  3 *  3 * 306 * 33 *

II.3.6. Pattern selection

It can be necessary during a study to apply filters on the patterns; i.e. to include or to exclude patterns depending on criterion. For example, to select the patterns with x1 lower than 3.0 and x2 lower than 55.0 from the geyser database, Uranie code is as follows:

tdsGeyser.setSelect("( x1<3.0 ) && ( x2<55.)")

The obtained figure is:

Figure II.40. Graph with a selection definition

Graph with a selection definition

The result of the scan method applied on this TDataServer object yields:

*    Row   *        x1 *        x2 * n__iter__ *
*        1 *       1.8 *        54 *         2 *
*        8 *      1.95 *        51 *         9 *
*       10 *     1.833 *        54 *        11 *
*       13 *      1.75 *        47 *        14 *
*       15 *     2.167 *        52 *        16 *
*      268 *      2.15 *        46 *       269 *
*      270 *     1.817 *        46 *       271 *
==> 53 selected entries

We have obtained 53 patterns among 278 respecting the given criterion without having to specify this criterion for the draw and scan calls. To get the same result, we could have executed the following command as well:

tdsGeyser.draw("x2:x1", "( x1<3.0 ) && ( x2<55.)")
# tdsGeyser.scan("*", "( x1<3.0 )  && ( x2<55.)")      

However, in this case, we have to repeat the criterion for each command.

It is also possible to exclude patterns coming from TDataServer with the setCut method.

tdsGeyser.setCut("x1 >= 3.")

The obtained figure is as follows:

Figure II.41. Graph with a definition of Cut

Graph with a definition of Cut

It can be noticed in the title of Figure II.41, that it simply corresponds to the opposite of criterion's meaning with respect to the one given by the setCut method with the ! ( ) character. Thus, the setCut method consists in passing on the negation of the criterion to the setSelect command.

Finally, it is perfectly possible to delete the current filters with the methods clearSelect and clearCut, and retrieving the unfiltered results.


Every modifications of the ongoing selection (meaning doing a new selection or removing it) is now clearing automatically the vectors that contain statistical properties of attributes and the database of already computed quantiles. This is reminded with an information line shown below:

 <URANIE::INFO>  Selection is changing ==> clearing the TAttribute computed statistics and quantiles

II.3.7. Export to an ASCII file

In the same way as the data are imported from an ASCII file, we can also save the data of a TDataServer in an ASCII file. Currently, four methods of export are available in Uranie:

  • using the same format as that observed during import ("Salome Table");

  • using a C file containing the data vectors that can be inserted in a C program.

  • using the NeMo format: the generated file is useful for the NeMo tool for constructing neural response surface developed at STMF.

  • using the JSON format: the generated file is easily transferable to any other program that include the JSON protocol. This file can also be read through the fileDataReadJSon method of a TDataServer object.

tdsGeyser = DataServer.TDataServer("tdsgeyser", "geyser database")
tdsGeyser.addAttribute("y", "sqrt(x2) * x1")

tdsGeyser.exportData("newfile.dat") 1
tdsGeyser.exportDataHeader("newfile.C", "x1:x2:y") 2
tdsGeyser.exportDataNeMo("newfile.nemo", "x1:x2", "y", "x2<75.0") 3
tdsGeyser.exportDataJSon("newfile.json") 4      

Data export from a TDataServer in an ASCII file


Export the data of the TDataServer tdsGeyser in an ASCII file "newfile.dat":

#NAME: tdsgeyser
#TITLE: Database of the geyser
#DATE: Tue Oct  9 15:41:29 2007
#COLUMN_NAMES: x1| x2| y| n__iter__

3.600000000e+00 7.900000000e+01 3.199749990e+01 1
1.800000000e+00 5.400000000e+01 1.322724461e+01 2
3.333000000e+00 7.400000000e+01 2.867155012e+01 3
2.283000000e+00 6.200000000e+01 1.797635998e+01 4
4.533000000e+00 8.500000000e+01 4.179219502e+01 5
2.150000000e+00 4.600000000e+01 1.458200946e+01 269
4.417000000e+00 9.000000000e+01 4.190334127e+01 270
1.817000000e+00 4.600000000e+01 1.232349358e+01 271
4.467000000e+00 7.400000000e+01 3.842658697e+01 272


Exports the data of attributes x1, x2 and y of the TDataServer tdsGeyser in the ASCII file "newfile.C" A format "Header".

// File "newfile.C" generated by ROOT v5.17/04
// DateTime Tue Oct  9 15:41:30 2007
// DataServer: Name="tdsgeyser" Title="Database of the geyser" Select=""

#define essai_nPattern 272

//  Attribute Name="x1" Title=" x_{1}"
Double_t x1[essai_nPattern] = {
// End of attribute x1

//  Attribute Name="x2" Title=" #delta x_{2}"
Double_t x2[essai_nPattern] = {
// End of attribute y

// End of File newfile.C


Exports the data of the TDataServer tdsGeyser in an ASCII file newfile.nemo with format NeMo with x1:x2 as input vector, "y" as output and applying a filter "x2<75.0"

#NombreExemples 126
#NombreEntrees 2
#NombreSorties 1

1.800000000e+00 5.400000000e+01 1.322724461e+01 
3.333000000e+00 7.400000000e+01 2.867155012e+01 
2.283000000e+00 6.200000000e+01 1.797635998e+01 
2.883000000e+00 5.500000000e+01 2.138090024e+01
2.150000000e+00 4.600000000e+01 1.458200946e+01 
1.817000000e+00 4.600000000e+01 1.232349358e+01 
4.467000000e+00 7.400000000e+01 3.842658697e+01 


Exports the data of the TDataServer tdsGeyser in an ASCII file newfile.json with format JSON.

  "_metadata" : 
    "_comment" : "CurrentComment",
    "date" : "Fri Oct 28 10:41:44 2016",
    "short_names" : [ "x1", "x2", "geyser__n__iter__" ],
    "table_description" : "Les donnees du geyser",
    "table_name" : "geyser",
    "types" : [ "D", "D", "D" ],
    "units" : [ "Sec", "", "" ]
  "items" : 
      "geyser__n__iter__" : 1.0,
      "x1" : 3.60,
      "x2" : 79.0
      "geyser__n__iter__" : 2.0,
      "x1" : 1.80,
      "x2" : 54.0

      "geyser__n__iter__" : 272.0,
      "x1" : 4.4670,
      "x2" : 74.0
