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The LIAD team

Geoffrey DANIEL


Geoffrey is a research engineer specialising in machine learning and its application to scientific data processing.

He obtained his doctorate in 2020 from the Université de Paris-Cité for his thesis work at the CEA on the subject: "Development and optimisation of a miniature Compton camera with coded mask: method for analysing a radiative environment by spectro-identification and 3D localisation of gamma-ray sources". The core of the work consisted of applying machine learning methods to the analysis of gamma camera data for both spectroscopy and imaging.

Following his PhD, Geoffrey joined the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Laboratory team. His activities cover both theoretical topics, such as uncertainty quantification for neural network predictions or the robustness of machine learning models, and applications. He works in collaboration with other teams at the CEA on the use of AI methods for scientific data analysis and is involved in various projects, such as the European MatCHMaker project dedicated to the development of sustainable materials.

He also coordinates the ALLEGRIA network, which proposes scientific exchanges and seminars on AI applications at the CEA, and he teaches courses in probability and machine learning at the INSTN.

Publications list (non-exhaustive)