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The LIAD team

Jean-Baptiste BLANCHARD

Head of LIAD

Jean-Baptiste did his studies at the magistère of fundamental physics of Orsay. He did his PhD at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory, at the french National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (CNRS/IN2P3/LAL) whose subject was "Charge asymmetry and angular measurements of the W boson with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.". This thesis has been followed by a four-year post-doc position at CEA within the Research Institute on Fundamental Laws of the Universe, in the Particle physics division (CEA/IRFU/SPP), focusing on any measurements useful to constraint and be able to provide the very first W boson mass using LHC data.

Jean-Baptiste has then joined the Uranie team in late 2015 in order to be part of the development of the platform, by looking at the methodologies (with new strategies to generate design of experiments, new global sensitivity methods...), also investigating more technical aspects bound to the code itself (architecture re-writting to include vectors as new kind of outputs, code launching uniformisation of good practice,...) along with dissemination (taking over the Uranie training, re-organisation of the documentation with better inclusion of Python, writting down pedagogical notes,...).

Jean-Baptiste has recently taking over the head of the artifical intelligence and data science laboratory with the creation of this laboratory, in january 2023, when the LGLS has officially become the SGLS.

Publications list (non-exhaustive)