The LIAD team
Engineer-researcherAfter obtaining an engineering degree from ENSTA Paris and a Master's degree (MS)2SC from Paris-Saclay University in 2019, Julien pursued a CIFRE doctoral thesis between the MSME laboratory at Gustave Eiffel University and the research department of the french railway company SNCF. This thesis focused on the Constrained optimization under uncertainty of the driver’s command for energy saving of high-speed trains using computational stochastic nonlinear dynamics and statistics. This work was rewarded with the special "enterprise" thesis price of Paris-Est Sup in november 2023. Through this thesis, he gained expertise in topics such as uncertainty quantification (calibration of uncertain parameters, model error identification, uncertainty propagation, ...) and optimization applied to railway dynamics.
In 2024, Julien joined the CEA and the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Data science (LIAD) as engineer-researcher to work on these same topics in the energy sector. He also joined the Uranie team, where he participates in both the methodological and algorithmic development of the platform.

Publications list (non-exhaustive)
- J. Nespoulous, G. Perrin, C. Funfschilling, C. Soize, Measurements-based constrained control optimization in presence of uncertainties with application to the driver commands for high-speed trains, PhysicaD: Nonlinear Phenomena, 457 133977 (2024)
- J. Nespoulous, C. Soize, C. Funfschilling, G. Perrin, Optimisation of train speed to limit energy consumption, Vehicle System Dynamics, 60 10 (2022)
- J. Nespoulous, Constrained optimization under uncertainty of the driver’s command for energy saving of high-speed trains using computational stochastic nonlinear dynamics and statistics, PhD Thesis (2022)