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Uranie / DataServer v4.9.0
Description of the class TComposedDistribution. More...
#include <TComposedDistribution.h>

Public Member Functions | |
Constructor and Destructor | |
TComposedDistribution () | |
Default constructor. | |
TComposedDistribution (TString name) | |
Constructor by name only. | |
virtual | ~TComposedDistribution () |
Default destructor. | |
Getters and Setters methods | |
Getting and setting attribute values. | |
int | addDistribution (URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute *statt, double weight=1.) |
add a distribution | |
int | getNbComponent () |
Statistical methods | |
The statistical methods ( pdf, cdf, quantile, ...). | |
virtual void | computeTheoreticalInformation () |
Mean and Variance are meaningless for non ordered discrete values. | |
void | computeTheoreticalInformation (int info=0) |
virtual Double_t | getCDF (Double_t x) |
CDF is meaningless for non ordered discrete values. | |
virtual Double_t | getPDF (Double_t x) |
Returns the probability of a value. | |
virtual Double_t | getInvCDF (Double_t p) |
Returns a value from the distribution. | |
virtual double | getTheoreticalMean () |
Returns the theoretical value of the mean. | |
virtual double | getTheoreticalStdDev () |
Returns the theoretical value of the standard deviation. | |
virtual double | getTheoreticalMode () |
Returns the theoretical value of the mode. | |
Printing Log | |
virtual void | printLog (Option_t *option="") |
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TInfiniteDistribution () | |
Default Constructor. | |
TInfiniteDistribution (TString str) | |
Constructor setting the name. | |
TInfiniteDistribution (TString str, ELawType value) | |
Constructor setting the name and the law type. | |
TInfiniteDistribution (TAttribute *object, ELawType value) | |
Construction of a TInfiniteDistribution from an existing TAttribute object. | |
virtual | ~TInfiniteDistribution () |
Default Destructor. | |
virtual void | setLowerBound (Double_t val) |
Sets the lower bound of the attribute. | |
virtual void | setUpperBound (Double_t val) |
Sets the upper bound of the attribute. | |
virtual void | setBounds (Double_t lower, Double_t upper) |
Sets the lower and upper bounds of the attribute. | |
virtual void | printLog () |
Display information specific to this class. | |
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TStochasticAttribute () | |
Default Constructor. | |
TStochasticAttribute (TString str) | |
Constructor setting the name. | |
TStochasticAttribute (TString str, ELawType value) | |
Constructor setting the name and the law type. | |
TStochasticAttribute (TString str, ELawType value, Double_t min, Double_t max) | |
Constructor setting the name, the law type, and the range (lower and upper bounds) | |
TStochasticAttribute (TAttribute *object, ELawType value) | |
Construction of a TStochasticAttribute from an existing TAttribute object. | |
virtual | ~TStochasticAttribute () |
Default Destructor. | |
double | getPDFforTF1 (double *x) |
double | getCDFforTF1 (double *x) |
double | getInvCDFforTF1 (double *x) |
void | setLawType (ELawType value) |
Sets the law type from an integer value. | |
void | setLawType (TString name) |
Sets the law type from a law name. | |
int | getLawType () |
Returns the law type as an integer. | |
void | setStochasticBasis (EStochasticBasis n) |
Defines an orthogonal polynomial family to represent the stochastic attribute. | |
void | setDefaultStochasticBasis () |
Sets the default orthogonal polynomial family representing the stochastic attribute. | |
EStochasticBasis | getStochasticBasis () const |
Returns the orthogonal polynomial which is used to represent the attribute. | |
virtual Double_t | getPMin () |
Returns the minimum value of the cumulative distribution function. | |
virtual Double_t | getPMax () |
Returns the maximum value of the cumulative distribution function. | |
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TAttribute () | |
Default constructor. | |
TAttribute (const char *name, const char *title) | |
TAttribute (TString name) | |
Constructor by name only. | |
TAttribute (TString name, EType type) | |
Constructor by name and type only. | |
TAttribute (TString name, TString value, EType type) | |
Constructor by name and range. | |
TAttribute (TString name, Double_t lower, Double_t upper) | |
Constructor by name and range. | |
TAttribute (const TAttribute &attr) | |
Copy constructor. | |
TAttribute * | Clone (const char *newname) const |
Clone an attribute with a new name. | |
virtual | ~TAttribute () |
Default destructor. | |
void | checkSizeBeforePush (const char *type, int iel, Double_t val) |
Internal method used to check the validity of all setters when dealing with vectors. | |
Double_t | checkSizeBeforeGet (const char *type, int iel=0) |
Internal method used to check the validity of all getters when dealing with vectors and return the request. | |
void | setQuantile (double prob, double quantile, int iel=0) |
Set the quantile value. | |
void | getQuantilesSize (int &nb, int iel=0) |
Returns the number of quantile computed and stored for element iel. | |
void | getQuantiles (double *prob, double *quantile, int iel=0) |
Returns all the probabilities and corresponding quantiles computed for element iel. | |
void | getQuantile (double &prob, double &quantile, int iel=0) |
Returns the value of the quantile for element iel, given the probability. | |
void | getQuantileVector (double &prob, vector< double > &quantile) |
Returns the vector of quantile given the probability. | |
Double_t | getMinimum (int iel=0) |
Double_t | getMinimumSize () |
Returns the size of the vector of minimum. | |
Bool_t | hasDefault () |
Details whether this attribute has a default value. | |
void | setMinimum (Double_t val, int iel=0) |
Set the minimum value oef element iel. | |
Double_t | getMaximum (int iel=0) |
Double_t | getMaximumSize () |
Returns the size of the vector of maximum. | |
void | setMaximum (Double_t val, int iel=0) |
Set the maximum value oef element iel. | |
void | getStatisticalVector (const char *type, vector< double > &vec) |
Returns the vector of considered statistical value. | |
Double_t | getMean (int iel=0) |
Double_t | getMeanSize () |
Returns the size of the vector of mean. | |
void | setMean (Double_t val, int iel=0) |
Set the mean value oef element iel. | |
Double_t | getStd (int iel=0) |
Double_t | getStdSize () |
Returns the size of the vector of std. | |
void | setStd (Double_t val, int iel=0) |
Set the std value oef element iel. | |
void | setSlurmOption (TString value) |
EType | getDataType () const |
Returns the datatype of the considered attribute. | |
TString | getDataTypeStr () |
Returns the datatype as TString. | |
void | setTitle (const char *title) |
Defines the title of the attribute. | |
void | setTitle (TString str) |
TString | getTitle () |
void | setDataType (EType thetype) |
Change the type of data. | |
void | setDataType (TString name) |
Change the type of data. | |
TString | getLegend () |
Returns the legend of the attribut. | |
TString | getUnit () |
void | setUnit (TString str) |
TString | getUnity () |
void | setUnity (TString str) |
TString | getNote () |
void | setNote (TString str) |
Bool_t | setDefault (TString value) |
TString | getDefault (TString format="%e") |
Bool_t | setDefaultValue (Double_t val) |
Bool_t | getDefaultValue (Double_t &val) |
Bool_t | hasDefaultValue () |
Bool_t | setDefaultVector (vector< double > &vec) |
Bool_t | getDefaultVector (vector< double > *val) |
Bool_t | hasDefaultVector () |
Bool_t | setDefaultString (TString str) |
Bool_t | getDefaultString (string &str) |
Bool_t | hasDefaultString () |
void | setStepValue (Double_t val) |
Bool_t | getStepValue (Double_t &val) |
TString | getSlurmOption () |
EOrigin | getOrigin () |
void | setOrigin (EOrigin ind) |
Int_t | getShare () |
void | setOutput () |
Sets the attribute as an output attribute. | |
void | setInput () |
Sets the attribute as Input. | |
EAttribute | getInputOutput () |
Returns the input/Output information of the attribute. | |
void | setFileNameOfKey (TString str) |
Sets the file name for a key. | |
list< URANIE::DataServer::TAttributeFileKey * > | getKeyList () |
Gets KeyList for the attribute. | |
void | setFieldOfKey (Int_t ind) |
Sets index ind in the unique field related to a unique key. | |
void | setFieldOfKey (Int_t sIndex, Int_t ind) |
void | setFileKey (TString sfile, TString skey="", TString sformatToSubstitute="%e", TAttributeFileKey::EFileType FileType=TAttributeFileKey::kKey) |
Defines the input files and eventually others informations like key, format to substitute. | |
void | setFileFlag (TString sfile, TString skey="", TString sformatToSubstitute="%e") |
Defines the input files as in the "flag" format and eventually others informations like key, format to substitute. | |
void | setFileXMLAttribute (TString sfile, TString sXPathAttribute, TString sformatToSubstitute="%e") |
Defines the input files as an "XML" input file with XPath attribute format and eventually the format to substitute. | |
void | setFileXMLField (TString sfile, TString sXPathField, TString sformatToSubstitute="%e") |
Defines the input files as an "XML" input file with XPath field and eventually the format to substitute. | |
void | setFileFMU (TString sfile, TString sXPathField, TString sformatToSubstitute="%e") |
const char * | getFormatToSubstitute () |
Returns the format of substitution. | |
void | setFormatToSubstitute (TString str) |
Sets the format of substitution. | |
Bool_t | isInput () |
Tests if the attribute is an input attribute. | |
Bool_t | isOutput () |
Tests if the attribute is an output attribute. | |
void | addShare () |
void | delShare () |
void | initShare () |
void | clearVectors () |
virtual void | setLowerBound (Double_t val, bool internalcall=false) |
Sets the lower bound value of the attribute. | |
Double_t | getLowerBound () |
Gets the lower bound value of the attribute. | |
Bool_t | isLowerBounded () |
Returns a boolean if the attribute have a lower bound. | |
virtual void | setUpperBound (Double_t val, bool internalcall=false) |
Sets the upper bound value of the attribute. | |
Double_t | getUpperBound () |
Gets the upper bound value of the attribute. | |
Bool_t | isUpperBounded () |
Returns a boolean if the attribute have an upper bound. | |
Bool_t | isBounded () |
Returns a boolean if the attribute have a lower AND an upper bounds. | |
void | setLog () |
void | unsetLog () |
void | changeLog () |
Bool_t | getLog () |
TAttribute * | getSonAttribute () |
void | setSonAttribute (TAttribute *tatt) |
void | removeSonAttribute () |
Int_t | getLevel () |
void | setLevel (Int_t nlevel) |
Bool_t | haveSon () |
Protected Attributes | |
int | _iNbLaws |
Number of laws in the composition. | |
double | _dSumWeights |
Sum of all weights. | |
vector< TStochasticAttribute * > | _inputLaws |
Pointers of laws in the composition. | |
vector< double > | _inputWeights |
Weights of laws in the composition. | |
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ELawType | _lawType |
The law type ELawType. | |
Double_t | _dtheoreticalMean |
The theoretical mean. | |
Double_t | _dtheoreticalStdDev |
The theoretical standard deviation. | |
Double_t | _dtheoreticalMode |
The theoretical mode. | |
Double_t | _pmin |
The min value of cumulative density function. | |
Double_t | _pmax |
The max value of cumulative density function. | |
EStochasticBasis | _nStochasticBasis |
The stochastic representation of an orthogonal basis. | |
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TString | _sunity |
Unity. | |
TString | _snote |
Note. | |
Bool_t | _blog |
Log printing. | |
Int_t | _nshare |
The number of time this attribute is shared in TDataServer. | |
TAttribute * | _attSon |
Son attribute. | |
Int_t | _nlevel |
level to its "father" | |
Bool_t | _haveSon |
true if the attribute have a son | |
TString | _sFormatSubstitute |
Format to substitute the value. | |
list< TEventList * > | _nfields |
List of all TEventLists created for the attribute. | |
list< TAttributeFileKey * > | _KeyList |
List of Keys Attributes structures. | |
Double_t | upperBound |
Upper bound. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveUpperBound |
If have an upper bound. | |
Double_t | lowerBound |
Lower bound. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveLowerBound |
If have a lower bound. | |
Double_t | _defaultValue |
Default value. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveDefaultValue |
If have a default value. | |
vector< double > | _defaultVector |
Default value for vector. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveDefaultVector |
If have a default value for vector. | |
string | _defaultString |
Default value for string. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveDefaultString |
If have a default value for string. | |
Double_t | _stepValue |
Step value when using in Optimization. | |
Bool_t | _bHaveStepValue |
If have a step value. | |
vector< Double_t > | _vminimum |
All minimun calculated. | |
vector< Double_t > | _vmaximum |
All maximun calculated. | |
vector< Double_t > | _vmean |
All mean calculated. | |
vector< Double_t > | _vstd |
All std calculated. | |
vector< Double_t > * | _vbuffer |
vector< map< double, double > * > | _vquantile |
| |
EOrigin | _norigin |
The origin of the attribute (Internal of uranie, attribute or Input, Output...) | |
EAttribute | _nAttribute |
The nature of attributes : kInput (default) or kOutput. | |
EType | _nType |
The type of attribute: real (double), vector (of double), string... | |
TString | _slurmValue |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | ELawType { kUniform , kLogUniform , kNormal , kStudent , kLogNormal , kTrapezium , kTriangular , kLogTriangular , kExponential , kBeta , kGamma , kInvGamma , kCauchy , kUniformByParts , kWeibull , kGumbel , kMultinomial , kGenPareto , kGeneralizedNormal , kGeneralizedNormalV2 , kCompose , kUnknown } |
The list of laws that a TStochasticAttribute can follow. More... | |
enum | EStochasticBasis { kUnknownBasis , kHermite , kLegendre , kLaguerre , kJacobi } |
The list of orthogonal polynomial families that can represent a given TStochasticAttribute. More... | |
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enum | EOrigin { kInternal , kIterator , kConstant , kAttribute , kDeleted } |
enum | EAttribute { kInput , kOutput } |
enum | EType { kDefault , kReal , kVector , kString , kCategory , kInconnu } |
Detailed Description
Description of the class TComposedDistribution.
This class allows to define a composition of stochastic laws which can be weighted in order to create a new law.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
◆ TComposedDistribution() [1/2]
URANIE::DataServer::TComposedDistribution::TComposedDistribution | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ TComposedDistribution() [2/2]
URANIE::DataServer::TComposedDistribution::TComposedDistribution | ( | TString | name | ) |
Constructor by name only.
- Parameters
name (TString) Name of the attribute
◆ ~TComposedDistribution()
virtual |
Default destructor.
Referenced by ClassImp().
Member Function Documentation
◆ addDistribution()
int URANIE::DataServer::TComposedDistribution::addDistribution | ( | URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute * | statt, |
double | weight = 1. |
) |
add a distribution
- Parameters
statt a pointer to the TStochasticAttribute to be added weight this is the weight used to normalise the composition
- Exceptions
if the weight is ==0 or negative and if the distribution is already found in the input list
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ computeTheoreticalInformation() [1/2]
inlinevirtual |
Mean and Variance are meaningless for non ordered discrete values.
- Exceptions
always throws a UWarningExceptions.
Implements URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
References computeTheoreticalInformation().
Referenced by ClassImp(), computeTheoreticalInformation(), getTheoreticalMean(), getTheoreticalMode(), and getTheoreticalStdDev().
◆ computeTheoreticalInformation() [2/2]
void URANIE::DataServer::TComposedDistribution::computeTheoreticalInformation | ( | int | info = 0 | ) |
◆ getCDF()
virtual |
CDF is meaningless for non ordered discrete values.
This function returns 0.0.
- Exceptions
always throws a UWarningExceptions.
Implements URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ getInvCDF()
virtual |
Returns a value from the distribution.
The choice of the value is based on a pseudo-cumulative function where the order of the discrete values is the order of appearance in the pValues array.
- Parameters
p (Double_t): a probability value between 0 and 1
Implements URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ getNbComponent()
inline |
References _iNbLaws.
◆ getPDF()
virtual |
Returns the probability of a value.
If x belongs to the distribution, its probability will be equal to the corresponding value in the pFrequencies array divided by the sum of the pFrequencies values. NOTE: only values belonging to the distribution have a non-zero probability.
- Parameters
x (Double_t): the value for which the probability is computed
Implements URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ getTheoreticalMean()
inlinevirtual |
Returns the theoretical value of the mean.
Reimplemented from URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
References URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::_dtheoreticalMean, and computeTheoreticalInformation().
◆ getTheoreticalMode()
inlinevirtual |
Returns the theoretical value of the mode.
Reimplemented from URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
References URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::_dtheoreticalMode, and computeTheoreticalInformation().
◆ getTheoreticalStdDev()
inlinevirtual |
Returns the theoretical value of the standard deviation.
Reimplemented from URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute.
References URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute::_dtheoreticalStdDev, and computeTheoreticalInformation().
◆ printLog()
virtual |
Member Data Documentation
◆ _dSumWeights
protected |
Sum of all weights.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ _iNbLaws
protected |
Number of laws in the composition.
Referenced by ClassImp(), and getNbComponent().
◆ _inputLaws
protected |
Pointers of laws in the composition.
Referenced by ClassImp().
◆ _inputWeights
protected |
Weights of laws in the composition.
Referenced by ClassImp().