Documentation / Manuel développeur
Modules disponibles
Calibration,  DataServer,  Launcher,  MetaModelOptim,  Modeler,  Optimizer,  ReLauncher,  Reliability,  ReOptimizer,  Sampler,  Sensitivity,  UncertModeler,  XmlProblem,  ![]() |
Uranie / Modeler v4.9.0
Todo List
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TANNModeler::exportModelFortran (std::ofstream *sourcefile) const
Write this method as a TModeler method / void exportModelCplusplus(std::ofstream * sourcefile) const; { cerr << " --- Method TANNModeler::exportModelCplusplus(ofstream * sourcefile) not yet implemented" << endl; cerr << " --- Then using the method TANNModeler::exportModelCplusplus(file, name, option)" << endl; } ;
Write this method as a TModeler method
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TGLM::fillData (TMatrixD &Aw, TVectorD &yw, TMatrixD &matY)
- To deplace in the TModeler Class because it is the same for TLinearRegression.
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TKernel::fillData ()
- To deplace in the TModeler Class because it is the same for TLinearRegression.
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::generateSample (TString type, Int_t np, Int_t order=1)
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::getAnova (Int_t nt)
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::getAnovaOrdered (Double_t seuil, Int_t j)
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::getAnovaOrderedCoefficients (Double_t seuil, Int_t j)
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::getSample (Int_t k, Int_t j)
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialChaos::realisation ()
- Member URANIE::Modeler::TPolynomialMultiDimFit::fillData (TMatrixD &Aw, TVectorD &yw)
- To deplace in the TModeler Class because it is the same for TLinearRegression.