/ Manuel utilisateur en C++
EGO[jones98EGO] makes a global search. As a genetic algorithm, it needs an adequate numbers of initial evaluated items to initiate its search: in our case, to be able to construct a sufficiently pertinent model. After this first phase, it builds a surrogate model, and then loops on updating the model with new evaluations, and on searching a new promising solution to evaluate using this model.
For its surrogate model, EGO uses kriging models which provide, for estimated points, a prediction value and an associated variance. EGO defines an objective, the expected improvement, which takes both of them into account and provides a trade-off between a good estimation value and a large uncertainty.
Because of its efficiency in term of evaluation number, this kind of algorithm is well suited when evaluations are expensive to compute. EGO algorithm is expensive: both construction of the surrogate model and search of the next attractive point are complex optimization problems, and are done many times, slowing down the problem resolution.
Extensions to constraints and/or to multi objective should come later in Uranie.
Uranie's EGO provides an asynchronous parallelism. With n resources, synchronous parallelism generates n items, evaluates them and waits for all results and iterates. In asynchronous parallelism, when a result comes, a new item is generated which takes into account the n-1 evaluations in progress.
Usually a new point generation is not expensive and the resource that finishes its evaluation usually waits for it. It is not the case for EGO. To avoid wasting computation time, different approaches are implemented:
the next point is generated before getting the evaluation result back (and so with n ongoing evaluations instead of n-1)
after a point generation, if more than one evaluation are available, we get all results back, and if the solver afford to do so, we generate few points to be evaluated.
otherwise, if no evaluation is available, the search of next attractive points are extended to try to improve them.
This module extends the Reoptimizer module and is kept in a separated module because of its dependency with the Modeler module. Its use follows the same structure and is also based on the Relauncher architecture. Having that in mind, it is suggested to have a look at Chapter VIII and at Chapter IX for a better understanding. As it uses a kriging model, it is also suggested to look at Section V.6.
The principal difference is in the solver definition: we have to define the kriging model and its construction parameters; and to use an adapted optimization solver.
The TMaster
subclass for EGO is
. Its constructor has two standard
arguments, a TDataServer
and a TRun
pointer. Three
kinds of TDataServer
can be passed to the class :
An empty tds with the input
declared: initial points are random;A tds filled with a sampler where input
are declared: initial points are defined by user but they need to be evaluated.A tds filled with a launcher or relauncher where both input and output
are declared: initial filling phase can be skipped;
objects have a method named
with two integer arguments: the first
one, used in the case of an empty tds, gives the number of random
points needed for the construction of the first surrogate model; the second
one gives the maximum evaluation number of the expensive code.
Two different solvers can be defined, one for the surrogate model
construction (using setModeler
method) and
one for the next point search (using
method). If they are not defined a
default solver is used.
Optimization loop ends when either:
max number evaluation is reached;
expected improvement objective is lower than a threshold;
a Cholesky decomposition problem occurs in the surrogate model construction.
In these version, results are not filtered: all evaluated points are
saved in the TDataServer
There is only one modeler currently available
To deal with solutions that are currently under evaluation by the cpu resources (asynchronous parallelism), this modeler uses the kriging believe principle (it trusts in the model prediction). Two models are created: a first one, built with all the evaluated solutions, is used to estimate solutions under evaluation; a second model, built with both evaluated solutions and estimated ongoing solutions, is used by the solver to find the next solution to evaluate. Predictions is not significantly affected in the second model but the variances are, especially around ongoing solutions. The EI objective takes it in account, naturally driving next solutions away from them.
As it is an optimization, advancing in its search, EGO will generate solution near existing ones. It is a difficulty for model construction that can leads to Cholesky decomposition errors. To get around this problem, users can use the kriging regulation.
it uses
The TEgoKBModeler
has a constructor without
argument and 2 user methods:
defines the model that will be used in optimization. It has 3 parameters: aconst char*
defining the model to use ("matern7/2"
for example); anotherconst char *
defining the trend ("const"
for example); adouble
defining a regularization (1.e-8
, use 0.0 for no regularization).setSolver
define how the model will be constructed. It has 4 parameters: aconst char *
defining the objective to minimize ("ML"
for maximum likelihood); aconst char *
defining the NLopt solver to use ("Bobyqa"
for example); anint
defining the size of the preliminary screening; anint
defining the maximum evaluation number for optimization.
Take a look at Section V.6 for details on possible parameter values.
There are 4 available solvers combining two distinct features:
dynamic or static optimization: in static, the search restart with a new random population; in dynamic the search restart from the previous population which should be rich enough to find a point that was put aside. In dynamic, the first search is longer than the following one.
genetic or HJMA algorithm;
This leads to the following classes:
some methods are provided:
with adouble
parameter is used to define the EI threshold to stop the search loopsetManyNewItem
with anint
is used to define the maximum number of new items used to feed the empty resources (unused with TEgoStdSolver).for the class using HJMA,
with twoint
parameters defines the number of global search performed by the optimization in the preliminary search and in the following ones.for the class using Vizir algorithm,
with a pointer on aTVizirSolver
defines the solver to use.for the
, the first and longer search uses the maximum evaluation number defined in the solver. The following search are shorter and is defined usingsetStepSize
and itsint