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V.7.  The Johnson relative weight

V.7.  The Johnson relative weight

This section introduces indices whose purpose is mainly to obtain good estimators of the Shapley's values defined in Section V.1.1.4. The underlying assumption is to state that the model can be considered linear so that the results can be considered as proper estimation of the Shapley indices (with or without correlation between the input variables).

V.7.1. Introducing the method

The idea here is very similar to the standard regression coefficients introduced in Section V.1.1.1, as one will use orthogonal transformation to represent our data, with dependent inputs. The method has been introduced by Johnson in [johnson2000heuristic] and its principle can be split into three steps:

  1. transform the dependent input variables through a linear transformation into so that ;

  2. compute sensitivity index of with respect to ;

  3. reconstruct the sensitivity index of with respect to the component of .

Practically, the method proposed by [johnson2000heuristic] relies on the singular value decomposition of , written as for which , contains the eigenvectors of , contains the eigenvectors of and is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values of . From there, the best-fitting orthogonal approximation of can be obtained (c.f. [johnson1966minimal] for the demonstration) as

The second steps consists in regressing onto , which is obtained by

The squared elements of represent the proportion of predictable variance in accounted for by the , but in the case where two or more original variables are highly correlated, the variables are not a close representation of the ones. To take this into account, Johnson proposed to regress onto , leading to other weights defined as:

From there, the variance of explained by can be written as and estimated from the following formula

where and bearing in mind that

The resulting sensitivity indices are written
