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VII.5. The Markov-chain approach

VII.5. The Markov-chain approach

Unlike the Monte-Carlo methods already discussed in Chapter III to obtain design-of-experiments and which usually provides independent samples (which means that the successive observations are statistically independent unless correlation is purposely injected), the Monte-Carlo techniques describe here are called "Markov-chain" and they provide dependent samples as the estimation of the i-Th iteration only depends of the value of the previous one, the (i-1)Th.

VII.5.1. Markov-chain principle

An usual approach to explain the Markov-chain theory on a continuous space is to start with a transition kernel where and , where is the Borel -algebra on [wakefield2013bayesian]. This transition kernel is a conditional distribution function that represents the probability of moving from to a point in the set . It is interesting to notice two properties: and is not necessarily zero, meaning than a transition might be possible from to . For a single estimation, from a given starting point , this can be summarised as . The Markov-chain is defined as a sequence using this transition kernel a certain number of time, leading to the k-Th estimation () where denotes the k-Th iteration of the kernel [tierney1994markov].

The important property of a Markov-chain is the invariant distribution, , which is the only distribution satisfying the following relation

Equation VII.11. 

where is the density with respect to the Lebesgue measure of (meaning ). This invariant distribution is an equilibrium distribution for the chain that is the target of the sequence of transition, as

The Monte-Carlo Markov-chain approach (hereafter called MCMC) is the following one: the invariant distribution is considered known, as it is the one from which one wishes to sample, while the transition kernel is unknown and to be determined. This might seem to be "the proverbial needle in a haystack" but the idea is to be able to write the target kernel through a transition kernel probability (describing the move from to ) as

Equation VII.12. 

where and 0 otherwise, while is the probability that the chain remains at its current location. If the transition part of this function, , satisfies the reversibility condition (also called time reversibility, detailed balance, microscopic reversibility...)

Equation VII.13. 

then is the invariant density of [tierney1994markov].

VII.5.2. The Metropolis-Hasting algorithm

In the Metropolis-Hasting approach, the candidate-generating density is traditionally denoted . If this density satisfies the reversibility condition in equation Equation VII.13 for all and the search is over (but this is very unlikely). What's more probable is to find something like that states that moving from to is happening too often (or the other way too scarcely).

The proposed way to correct this is to introduce a probability where this is called the probability of move that is injected in the reversibility condition to help fulfil it. Without getting in too much details (see [chib1995understanding] which nicely discusses this), the probability of move is usually set to

If the chain is currently at a point , then it generates a value accepted as with the probability . If rejected the chain remains at the current location and another drawing is performed from there.

With this, one can define the off-diagonal density of the Metropolis-Hasting kernel as function, if and 0 otherwise and with thanks to equation Equation VII.12, one has the invariant distribution for [tierney1994markov].


Two important things to notice here
  • the obtained sample is obviously not independent as the k+1-Th location is taken out from the k-Th one.

  • the very first drawn locations are usually rejected as part of the burn-in (also called warm-up) process. As discussed above, the algorithm needs a certain number of iteration to converge through the invariant distribution.

VII.5.2.1. The random walk choice

The idea here is to choose a family of candidate-generating densities that follows where is a multivariate density [muller1991generic], a classical choice being set as a multivariate normal density. The candidate is indeed drawn as current value plus a noise, which is the origin of the random walk name.

Once the newly selected configuration-candidate is chosen, let's call it , the comparison with respect to the latest configuration kept, called here , is done through the ratio of likelihood, which allows to get rid of any constant factors and should look like this once transformed to its log form:

This result is then compared to the logarithm of a random uniform drawing between 0 and 1 to decide whether one should keep this configuration (as usually done in Mpnte-Carlo approach, see [chib1995understanding]).

There are few more properties for this kind of algorithm such as the acceptation rate, that might be tuned or used as validity check according to the dimension of our parameter space for instance [gelman1996efficient,roberts1997weak] or the lag definition, sometimes used to thin the resulting sample (whose usage is not always recommended as discussed in [link2012thinning]). These subjects being very close to the implementation choices, they are not discussed here.
