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II.2. The TAttribute class

II.2. The TAttribute class

The TAttribute class (as its inherited classes, some of which are discussed here as well), is also a crucial part of any analysis performed through Uranie. It describes any variable (input, output, or internal variable such as iterator) that are passed to the other modules. It does not really contain the data, but it has the statistical information (in case methods such as computeStatistic or computeQuantile have been called, see Section II.4)

II.2.1. Nature of the attribute

Unlike previous Uranie-version where all attribute were double-precision float values, the implementation done from v3.10.0 allows to handle two other types of attribute: string and vector. There are several ways to define the new attribute nature, following the chosen construction process, but all these methods will affect the enumerator URANIE::DataServer::EType whose value can be:

  • kDefault: the default one which is equal to kReal

  • kString: in the case of text input (assuming that this text is no split into more than one word, unless extra-cautions are taken)

  • kVector: for vectors of double-precision values. Even though the number of elements within this vector can change from one pattern to the other, many useful methods discussed in the following sections and chapters will required (in order to make sense) to have a constant number of elements (at least for a sub-selection of patterns). This is particularly true for all mathematical methods and sensitivity analysis. The code should complain if this requirement is needed and not fulfilled.

This new implementation is bringing changes in the way some information are handled, as for the attribute is concerned, but all the resulting modification have been checked to be backward compatible. Default settings are made assuming that attributes are double-precision ones, unless specified otherwise (to be sure that all previous script will work). The corresponding modifications are discussed throughout this documentation.

II.2.2. List of variable information

We will present in this section the list of information contained in a TAttribute of Uranie.

Figure II.2. Attributes of TAttribute class

Attributes of TAttribute class

Name: Variable name
It should be a short name as this information is needed to use this variable (mathematical expressions, graphics, scan, ...).
Title: Variable title.
This information is only needed for graphical display.
Unit: Variable units.
This information is only needed for graphical display.
Note: Variable note.
description of the variable, this is not currently used.
Min, Max, Mean and Std: Minimum, maximum, averaged and standard deviation values.
These information are now vectors and their usage is discussed in Section II.4.3
vquantile: Vector of map containing value of the quantile computed using the key in argument.
These information are now stored in the attribute itself their usage is discussed in Section II.4.4
defaultValue: Default value.
This default value will be considered either by the code launcher or during a parameter optimisation. In the case of a code launcher, this means either that the code failed to proceed or that the code did not return the value.

At this level, there is no notion of random variable. Attributes are variables with a name, a label, a unit, a variation domain (bounded or belonging to R). Despite the large amount of possible combinations to instantiate a variable (name, name+label, name+boundary, name+label+boundary), only a small number of constructors are implemented. Some methods like setTitle, setFileKey, setUnity allow to precise the missing information.

The four constructors currently implemented are the following:

  • Name: since this constructor only knows the name of the variable, the 3 piece of information title, label and key are strictly identical. This variable is not bounded. An example of use, already seen before, is:

    TAttribute *px = new TAttribute("x");

    A random variable "x" ( where px denotes a pointer to x) exists and it has its label also equal to x. Thus, if this variable is visualised on a graph, the default label will also be its title i.e "x".

  • Name + title: constructor defined from the name and the title of the variable

    TAttribute *psdp = new TAttribute("sdp", "#sigma_{#Delta P}");

    A pointer psdp to a variable "sdp" is available with title being #sigma_{#Delta P}. The command setUnity() precises the unit. In this case, by default, the field key is identical to the field name. We will use the ability given by ROOT to write LaTeX expressions in graphics to improve graphics rendering without weighing down the manipulation of variables: as a matter of fact, we can plot the histogram of the variable sdp by:

    tdsGeyser->addAttribute("newx2","x2","#sigma_{#Delta P}","M^{2}");

    The result of this piece of code is shown in Figure II.3.

    Figure II.3. Graph of the variable sdp

    Graph of the variable sdp

  • Name + variation boundary: constructor defined by the name of the variable and the lower and upper boundaries. The two other pieces of information, label and key remain equal to the title. An example of use is

    TAttribute *x = new TAttribute("x", -2.0, 4.0);
  • Name + EType: constructor defined by the name of the variable and nature of the corresponding attribute . An example of use is

    TAttribute *xvec = new TAttribute("x", URANIE::DataServer::TAttribute::kVector);

Setter methods allow to fill the other fields (title, key, etc ) generally by calling set and the name of the information to be modified (a restricted list of available methods being given below). For instance, the plot "x2:x1" of TDataServer data tdsGeyser (whose data file geyser.dat can be found in the Uranie-macros folder) can be considered again and we can replace the fields title and unit with new values by using LaTeX instructions. For instance, let us consider once again the graph of TDataServer data tdsGeyser:

TAttribute *px1 = tdsGeyser->getAttribute("x1");
px1->setTitle("#Delta P^{#sigma}"); // Change the title
px1->setUnity("#frac{mm^{2}}{s}"); // Change the unit
tdsGeyser->Draw("x2:x1"); // Draw the plot 

The first line consists in retrieving the attribute pointer x1, while the others are self explanatory. This results in a new graph (scatterplot) of x2 versus x1 for the TDataServer constructed from the geyser file with updated field title and unit values, shown in Figure II.4.

Figure II.4. Scatterplot x2 versus x1 for the geyser data with modification of fields title and unit.

Scatterplot x2 versus x1 for the geyser data with modification of fields title and unit.

Most of the information can be modified by "setter" methods. Here is a short list of the most relevant one starting with simple and already discussed attribute properties:

  • setTitle(TString str): assigns the character string str passed as argument to the field title;

  • setUnity(TString str): assigns the character string str passed as argument to the field unity;

  • setNote(TString str): assigns the character string str passed as argument to the field note;

  • setUpperBound/setLowerBound/setDefaultValue(double val): assigns or changes (if it already existed) respectively the upper, lower or default value for this attribute.

  • setDataType(EType thetype or TString str): changes the nature of the attribute given the enumerator value or a character chain (case insensitive). In the latter case, the enumerator is set to:

    • kReal: str= "double" or "real" or "d";

    • kString: str= "string" or "s"

    • kVector: str= "vector" or "v"

Given the new nature of attributes (meaning vectors and strings) a more generic method has been created to put default values to all type. The generic methods takes only one argument, a string containing values whatever the type. In cas of doubt, dedicated methods have also been created, with dedicated prototypes:

  • kReal: both setDefault(TString value) and Bool_t setDefaultValue(Double_t val) can be used as shown below

    TAttribute *real = new TAttribute("real");
    double real_value=1.23456789;
    real->setDefaultValue(real_value); // Default with double value
    real->setDefault("1.23456789"); // Default with generic method

  • kVector: both setDefault(TString value) and setDefaultVectorvector<double> &vec) can be used as shown below

    TAttribute *vector = new TAttribute("vector",TAttribute::kVector);
    std::vector<double> v_value={1.2,2.3,3.4};             
    vector->setDefaultVector(v_value); // Default with double value
    vector->setDefault("1.2,2.3,3.4"); // Default with generic method

  • kString: both setDefault(TString value) and setDefaultString(TString val) can be used as shown below

    TAttribute *string = new TAttribute("string",TAttribute::kString);
    TString str_value="chocolat";              
    string->setDefaultString(str_value); // Default with double value
    string->setDefault(str_value); // Default with generic method

There are also important setters, used to connect attributes to ASCII files. Most of the time, ASCII files are indeed used to communicate with an external code and Uranie must know in this case where to find the useful information for the corresponding attributes (either to write a new value that would be used as input to perform a calculation or to read the output of another computation). This is more carefully detailed in Section IV.3.1.

  • setFileKey(TString sfile, TString skey,TString sformatToSubstitute, TAttributeFileKey::EFileType sFileType): allows to specify for an attribute a file sfile, a key linked to this file skey, a writing format of the value of this key in the previous file sformatToSubstitute, and also the type of the file sFileType. This is heavily discussed in Chapter IV.

II.2.3. Examples of use of the class TAttribute

The following instruction defines a pointer px to an unbounded variable x.

TAttribute *px = new TAttribute("x");

The following instruction defines a pointer px to a variable x bounded between 0. and 1.

TAttribute *px = new TAttribute("x", 0., 1.);

The following instruction defines a pointer px to a variable x bounded between -2. and 4. with as label:

TAttribute *px = new TAttribute("x", -2.0, 4.0);
px->setTitle("#Delta P_{e}^{F_{iso}}");  

The following instruction defines a pointer px to a variable x that describes string

TAttribute *px = new TAttribute("x", URANIE::DataServer::TAttribute::kString);

II.2.4. Adding TAttribute when data are already available

It is possible to add new attribute in a given TDataServer object that would contain data using two different methods. The first one rely on the already existing data to create a new variable by simply writting the equation, which internally is calling a TAttributeFormula object. The following piece of code shows how to create a third variable from the geyser.dat file, simply as an equation from the existing variables:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("foo","pouet");
// Adding a new attribute
TAttribute *x3 = new TAttribute("x3","0.5*x2+sin(x1)");

This method can deal with double and vector-based attributes (of course no equation can be estimate when one of the input variable in the formula is a string one, so this method will crash).

Another way recently introduced is to add an attribute from an array of double (or it's equivalent in python, meaning a numpy.array) by calling the method addAttributeUsingData. The idea is to be able to add information that would have been processed by methods aside from the Uranie ones. The signature of the function is the name of the new attribute as first argumet, the second one is an array of double and the third one is the size of the array. There are two ways, recommended, that uses object with built-in method that provide the size (to prevent from mis-typing problem between the array and its size). Obviously, the size of the array must be equal to the number of patterns in the existing TDataServer object. Here is an example using the myData.dat, in C++:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("foo","tru");
// Defining a vector with 11 elements
vector<double> x2 = {-10,-8,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,8,10};
// Call the method using the address of first element and the size of it
tds->addAttributeUsingData("x2", &x2[0], x2.size());

This method should only be used to create double-based attributes (as the size of the array would be chaotic if it were to be a vector of varying size). Obviously, no string-based attribute can be constructed like this.


The method addAttributeUsingData should only be called either when no data AND no attribute are stored in the dataserver or when there are data and the new array of double provided has the same size (number of patterns) as the data already available within the dataserver.

II.2.5. Introducing the TStochasticAttribute classes

The TStochasticAttribute is the parent class to all attributes which values can be generated by a TSampler (as discussed in Section III.2). All child objects are random variables, following a specific law, that depends on a small number of parameters.

As from version 4.8 of the Uranie platform it is possible to combine different probability law, as a sum of weighted contributions, in order to create a new law. This approach, which is further discussed and illustrated in Section II.2.5.19, leads to a new probability density function that would look like

These distributions can be used to model the behaviour of variables, depending on chosen hypothesis, probability density function being used as a reference more oftenly by physicist, whereas statistical experts will generally use the cumulative distribution function [Appel13].

Table II.1 gathers the list of implemented statistical laws, along with its class name in Uranie and the list of parameters used to define them. For every possible law, a piece of code is provided to show how to draw a simple PDF, along with a figure that displays the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF[1] for different sets of parameters (the equation of the corresponding PDF is reminded as well on every figure). The inverse CDF is basically the CDF whose x and y-axis are inverted (it is convenient to keep in mind what it looks like, as it will be used to produce design-of-experiments, later-on). For all these laws, the parameters can be set at the constructor (as shown in the previous example block) but, if this has not been done it is possible to change their value using the setParameters method.

Table II.1. List of Uranie classes representing the probability laws

LawClass UranieParameter 1Parameter 2Parameter 3Parameter 4
Normal (Gauss)TNormalDistributionMean ()Sigma ()  
Log-NormalTLogNormalDistributionMean ()Error factor ()Min 
ExponentialTExponentialDistributionRate ()Min  
CauchyTCauchyDistributionScale ()Median  
GumbelMaxTGumbelMaxDistributionMode ()Scale ()   
WeibullTWeibullDistributionScale () Shape () Min 
BetaTBetaDistribution alpha () beta () MinMax
GenParetoTGenParetoDistributionLocation ()Scale ()Shape () 
GammaTGammaDistribution Shape () Scale () Location () 
InvGammaTInvGammaDistribution Shape () Scale () Location () 
StudentTStudentDistribution DoF ()    
GeneralizedNormalTGeneralizedNormalDistribution Location () Scale () Shape () 

To define a random variable, the corresponding constructor must be used. The arguments of these constructors are first, the name of the variable and second, the parameters of the law. For example:

//Uniform law
TUniformDistribution *pxu = new TUniformDistribution("x1", -1.0 , 1.0); 1
// Gaussian Law
TNormalDistribution *pxn = new TNormalDistribution("x2", -1.0 , 1.0); 2


Allocation of a pointer pxu to a random uniform variable x1 in interval [-1.0, 1.0].


Allocation of a pointer pxn to a random normal variable x2 with mean value μ=-1.0 and standard deviation σ=1.0.

These distributions can be used to model the behaviour of inputs, the choice being generally based on the way the PDF looks like. For every distributions implemented in Uranie examples of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF are show from Figure II.5 until Figure II.28. Here is a brief description of the probability density functions and their parameters.

II.2.5.1. Uniform Law

The Uniform law is defined between a minimum and a maximum, as

Uranie code to simulate an uniform random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformDistribution("u", -2., 3.));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample 


Figure II.5 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for a given set of parameters.

Figure II.5.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Uniform distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Uniform distribution.

II.2.5.2. Log Uniform Law

The LogUniform law is well adapted for variations of high amplitudes. If a random variable follows a LogUniform distribution, the random variable follows a Uniform distribution, so

Uranie code to simulate a LogUniform random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TLogUniformDistribution("lu", .001, 10.));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample 

tds->Draw("log(lu)"); // Check that ln(x) follows a uniform law 

Figure II.6 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.6.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogUniform distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogUniform distributions.

II.2.5.3. Triangular law

This law describes a triangle with a base between a minimum and a maximum and a highest density at a certain point , so

Uranie code to simulate a triangular random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TTriangularDistribution("t", 5.0, 8., 6.0));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.7 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.7.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Triangular distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Triangular distributions.

II.2.5.4. LogTriangular law

If a random variable follows a LogTriangular distribution, the random variable follows a Triangular distribution, so


Uranie code to simulate a LogTriangular random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TLogTriangularDistribution("lt", .001, 10., 2.5));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample

tds->Draw("log(lt)"); // Check that ln(lt) follows a triangular law  

Figure II.8 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.8.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Logtriangular distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Logtriangular distributions.

II.2.5.5. Normal law

A normal law is defined with a mean and a standard deviation , as

Uranie code to simulate a normal random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TNormalDistribution("n", 0.0, 1.0));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.9 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.9.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Normal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Normal distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated normal law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("n")->setBounds(-1.4,2.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.10 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.10.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Normal truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Normal truncated distribution.

II.2.5.6. LogNormal law

If a random variable follows a LogNormal distribution, the random variable follows a Normal distribution (whose parameters are and ), so

In Uranie, it is parametrised by default using M, the mean of the distribution, , the Error factor that represents the ration of the 95% quantile and the median () and the minimum . One can go from one parametrisation to the other following those simple relations

Uranie code to simulate a LogNormal random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
// using M, Ef and xmin
tds->addAttribute( new TLogNormalDistribution("ln", 1.2, 1.5, -0.5));
// to use ln(x) properties
// double mu = 0.5, sigma=1.; tds->setUnderlyingNormalParameters(mu,sigma);

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample

tds->Draw("log(ln)"); // Check that ln(ln) follows a normal law	  

Figure II.11 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.11.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogNormal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for LogNormal distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated normal law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("ln")->setBounds(0.6,3.1); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.12 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.12.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a LogNormal truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a LogNormal truncated distribution.

II.2.5.7. Trapezium law

This law describes a trapezium whose large base is defined between a minimum and a maximum and its small base lies between a low and an up value, as

where , and .

Uranie code to simulate a Trapezium random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TTrapeziumDistribution("tr", 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.75) );

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.13 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.13.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Trapezium distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Trapezium distributions.

II.2.5.8. UniformByParts law

The UniformByParts law is defined between a minimum and a median and between the median and a maximum, as

Uranie code to simulate a UniformByParts random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TUniformByPartsDistribution("ubp", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) );

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.14 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.14.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for UniformByParts distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for UniformByParts distributions.

II.2.5.9. Exponential law

This law describes an exponential with a rate parameter and a minimum , as

The rate parameter should be greater than 0.0001.

Uranie code to simulate an Exponential random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TExponentialDistribution("exp", 0.5));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.15 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.15.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Exponential distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Exponential distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated Exponential law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("exp")->setBounds(0.4,6.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.16 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.16.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Exponential truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Exponential truncated distribution.

II.2.5.10. Cauchy law

This law describes a Cauchy-Lorentz distribution with a location parameter and a scale parameter , as

The parameter should be greater than 0.0001.

Uranie code to simulate a Cauchy random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TCauchyDistribution("cau", 0.3, 1.0));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.17 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.17.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Cauchy distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Cauchy distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated Cauchy law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("cau")->setBounds(-1.0,2.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.18 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.18.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Cauchy truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Cauchy truncated distribution.

II.2.5.11. GumbelMax law

This law describes a Gumbel max distribution depending on the mode and the scale , as

The scale should be greater than 0.000001 times

Uranie code to simulate a GumbelMax random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TGumbelMaxDistribution("gm", 0.5, 2.0));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.19 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.19.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GumbelMax distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GumbelMax distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated GumbelMax law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("gm")->setBounds(-1.0,12.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.20 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.20.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a GumbelMax truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a GumbelMax truncated distribution.

II.2.5.12. Weibull law

This law describes a weibull distribution depending on the location , the scale and the shape q , as

Both and should be greater than 0.0001.

Uranie code to simulate a Weibull random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TWeibullDistribution("wei", 0.5, 2.0, -0.01) );

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.21 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.21.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Weibull distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Weibull distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated Weibull law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("wei")->setBounds(0.2,1.8); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.22 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.22.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Weibull truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Weibull truncated distribution.

II.2.5.13. Beta law

Defined between a minimum and a maximum, it depends on two parameters and , as

where and is the beta function. In the current implementation, both and must be greater than 0.0001.

Uranie code to simulate a Beta random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TBetaDistribution("bet", 6.0, 6.0, 0.0, 2.0) );

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.23 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.23.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Beta distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Beta distributions.

II.2.5.14. GenPareto law

This law describes a generalised Pareto distribution depending on the location , the scale and a shape , as

In this formula, should be greater than 0.

Uranie code to simulate a GenPareto random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TGenParetoDistribution("gpa", 1.0, 1.0, 0.3));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.24 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.24.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GenPareto distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for GenPareto distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated GenPareto law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("gpa")->setBounds(1.4,4.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.25 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.25.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a GenPareto truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a GenPareto truncated distribution.

II.2.5.15. Gamma law

The Gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. It depends on a shape parameter and a scale parameter . The function is usually defined for greater than 0, but the distribution can be shifted thanks to the third parameter called location () which should be positive. This parametrisation is more common in Bayesian statistics, where the gamma distribution is used as a conjugate prior distribution for various types of laws:

Uranie code to simulate a Gamma random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TGammaDistribution("gam", 1.0, 2.0, 0.0)) ;

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.26 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.26.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Gamma distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Gamma distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated Gamma law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("gam")->setBounds(0.1,1.6); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.27 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.27.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Gamma truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Gamma truncated distribution.

II.2.5.16. InvGamma law

The inverse-Gamma distribution is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions. It depends on a shape parameter and a scale parameter . The function is usually defined for greater than 0, but the distribution can be shifted thanks to the third parameter called location () which should be positive.

Uranie code to simulate a inverse-Gamma random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TInvGammaDistribution("ing", 2.0, 0.5, 0.0));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.28 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.28.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for InvGamma distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for InvGamma distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated InvGamma law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("ing")->setBounds(-3.0,8.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.29 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.29.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a InvGamma truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a InvGamma truncated distribution.

II.2.5.17. Student Law


This distribution is available only if the ROOT "mathmore" feature has been installed when your ROOT version was brought (you can check this by running root-config --has-mathmore. If not found, this law cannot be used.

The Student law is simply defined with a single parameter: the degree-of-freedom (DoF). The probability density function is then set as

where is the Euler's gamma function.

Uranie code to simulate an student random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TStudentDistribution("stu", 5));

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample 


Figure II.30 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.30.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Student distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for Student distribution.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated Student law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("stu")->setBounds(-1.4,2.0); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.31 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.31.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Student truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a Student truncated distribution.

II.2.5.18. Generalized normal law

This law describes a generalized normal distribution depending on the location , the scale and the shape q , as

Both and should be greater than 0.

Uranie code to simulate a generalized normal random variable is:

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
tds->addAttribute( new TGeneralizedNormalDistribution("gennor", 0.0, 1.0, 3.0) );

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.32 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.32.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for generalized normal distributions.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for generalized normal distributions.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution to create a truncated generalized normal law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("gennor")->setBounds(-0.8,1.6); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.33 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.33.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a generalized normal truncated distribution.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a generalized normal truncated distribution.

II.2.5.19. Composing law

It is possible to imagine a new law, hereafter called composed law, by combining different pre-existing laws in order to model a wanted behaviour. This law would be defined with pre-existing laws whose densities are noted , along with their relative weights and the resulting density is then written as

Uranie code to simulate a composition of three normally-distributed laws (with their own statistical properties):

TDataServer *tds = new TDataServer("tdssampler", "Sampler Uranie demo");
TComposedDistribution *comp = new TComposedDistribution("compo");
comp->addDistribution(new TNormalDistribution("n1", -1.5, 0.2), 1.2);
comp->addDistribution(new TNormalDistribution("n2", 0, 0.8), 1.0);
comp->addDistribution(new TNormalDistribution("n3", 1.5, 0.2), 0.8);

TSampling *fsamp = new TSampling(tds, "lhs", 300);
fsamp->generateSample(); // Create a representative sample


Figure II.34 shows the PDF, CDF and inverse CDF generated for different sets of parameters.

Figure II.34.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.

Is it also possible to set boundaries to the infinite span of this distribution, if it is created from at least one infinite-based law, to create a truncated composed law. This can be done by calling the following method:

tds->getAttribute("compo")->setBounds(-1.6,1.8); //truncate the law

The resulting PDF, CDF and inverse CDF, with and without truncation, can be seen, in this case, in Figure II.35 for a given set of parameters and various boundaries.

Figure II.35.  Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a truncated composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.

Example of PDF, CDF and inverse CDF for a truncated composed distribution made out of three normal distributions with respective weights.

The only specific method that is new for the composition is the addDistribution method whose signature is the following one:

int addDistribution(URANIE::DataServer::TStochasticAttribute *statt, double weight=1.);

The first element is a pointer to a TStochasticAttribute (so any object that is an instance of a class that derives form it). The second one is the weight (which is 1 by default) and which is the constant written in the formula above.


The theoretical element (mean, standard deviation and mode) can not always be measured for certain stochastic distribution (see the Cauchy's one for instance).
  • If one wants to add such a distribution in a composed law, a warning exception should pop-up to state that theoretical properties can not be estimated.
  • As for the mode, several distributions prevent from having a single-point mode estimation (for instance the Uniform distribution). The mode estimation should then be taken with great care.

[1] probability density functioncumulative density function[metho]