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XIV.3. Macros DataServer

XIV.3. Macros DataServer

In a first step, to get accustomed with TDataServer , we propose different macros related to this subject. Since it constitutes the preliminary and almost mandatory step of a proper use of Uranie, these macros are only for educational purposes.

XIV.3.1. Macro "dataserverAttributes.py"

XIV.3.1.1. Objective

The goal of this macro is only to master the objects TAttribute and TDataServer of Uranie. Three attributes will be created and linked to a TDataServer object, then the log of this object will be printed to check internal data of this TDataServer.

XIV.3.1.2. Macro Uranie

Example of attribute management
from rootlogon import DataServer

# Define the attribute "x"
px = DataServer.TAttribute("x", -2.0, 4.0)
px.setTitle("#Delta P^{#sigma}")

# Define the attribute "y"
py = DataServer.TAttribute("y", 0.0, 1.0)

# Define the DataServer of the study
tds = DataServer.TDataServer("tds", "my first TDS")

# Add the attributes in the DataServer.TDataServer
tds.addAttribute(DataServer.TAttribute("z", 0.25, 0.50))

The first attribute "x" is defined on [-2.0, 4.0]; its title is and unity

px=DataServer.TAttribute("x", -2.0, 4.0);
px.setTitle("#Delta P^{#sigma}");

The second attribute "y" is defined on [0.0,1.0]; it will be set with its name as title but without unity.

py=DataServer.TAttribute("y", 0.0, 1.0);

Secondly, a TDataServer object is created and the two attributes x and y created before are linked to this one.

tds=DataServer.TDataServer("tds", "my first TDS");

Finally, the last attribute z (defined on [0.25,0.50]) is directly added to the TDataServer (its title will be its name and it will be set without unity) by creating it. An attribute could, indeed, be added to a TDataServer meanwhile creating it, but then no other information than those available in the constructor would be set.

tds.addAttribute(DataServer.TAttribute("z", 0.25, 0.50));

Then, the log of the TDataServer object is printed.


Generally speaking, all Uranie objects have the printLog method which allows to print internal data of the object.

XIV.3.1.3. Console

Processing dataserverAttributes.py...

--- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02)
                      Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES 
                      Contact: support-uranie@cea.fr 
                      Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024

Name[tds] Title[my first TDS]
** TDataSpecification::printLog  ******
**   Name[uheader__tds] Title[Header of my first TDS]
**   relationName[Header of my first TDS]
**   attributs[4]
**** With _listOfAttributes 
** TAttribute::printLog  ******
**    Name[tds__n__iter__]
**   Title[tds__n__iter__]
**   unity[]
**    type[0]
**   share[1]
**   Origin[kIterator]
**   Attribute[kInput]
**   _snote[]
** - min[] max[]
** - mean[] std[]
**   lowerBound[-1.42387e+64] upperBound[1.42387e+64]
** NOT _defaultValue[]
** NOT _stepValue[]
 ** No Attribute to substitute level[0]
** TAttribute::printLog  ******
**    Name[x]
**   Title[#Delta P^{#sigma}]
**   unity[#frac{mm^{2}}{s}]
**    type[0]
**   share[2]
**   Origin[kAttribute]
**   Attribute[kInput]
**   _snote[]
** - min[] max[]
** - mean[] std[]
**   lowerBound[-2] upperBound[4]
** NOT _defaultValue[]
** NOT _stepValue[]
 ** No Attribute to substitute level[0]
** TAttribute::printLog  ******
**    Name[y]
**   Title[y]
**   unity[]
**    type[0]
**   share[2]
**   Origin[kAttribute]
**   Attribute[kInput]
**   _snote[]
** - min[] max[]
** - mean[] std[]
**   lowerBound[0] upperBound[1]
** NOT _defaultValue[]
** NOT _stepValue[]
 ** No Attribute to substitute level[0]
** TAttribute::printLog  ******
**    Name[z]
**   Title[z]
**   unity[]
**    type[0]
**   share[2]
**   Origin[kAttribute]
**   Attribute[kInput]
**   _snote[]
** - min[] max[]
** - mean[] std[]
**   lowerBound[0.25] upperBound[0.5]
** NOT _defaultValue[]
** NOT _stepValue[]
 ** No Attribute to substitute level[0]
** TDataSpecification::fin de printLog *******************************
fin de TDataServer::printLog[]

XIV.3.2. Macro "dataserverMerge.py"

XIV.3.2.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to merge data contained in a TDataServer with data contained in another TDataServer. Both TDataServer have to contain the same number of patterns. We choose here to merge two TDataServer, loaded from two ASCII files, each of which contains 9 patterns.

The first ASCII file "tds1.dat" defines the four variables x, dy, z, theta:

#COLUMN_NAMES: x| dy| z| theta
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{n}| "#delta y"| ""| #theta
#COLUMN_UNITS: N| Sec| KM/Sec| M^{2}

1 1 11 11
1 2 12 21
1 3 13 31
2 1 21 12
2 2 22 22
2 3 23 32
3 1 31 13
3 2 32 23
3 3 33 33

and the second ASCII file "tds2.dat" defines the four other variables x2, y, u, ua:

#COLUMN_NAMES: x2| y| u| ua

1 1 102 11
1 2 104 12
1 3 106 13
2 1 202 21
2 2 204 22
2 3 206 23
3 1 302 31
3 2 304 32
3 3 306 33

The merging operation will be executed in the first TDataServer tds1; so it will contain all the attributes at the end.

XIV.3.2.2. Macro Uranie

Example of data merging
from rootlogon import DataServer

tds1 = DataServer.TDataServer()
tds2 = DataServer.TDataServer()

print("Dumping tds1")

print("Dumping tds2")

print("Dumping merged tds1 and tds2")
tds1.Scan("*", "", "colsize=3 col=9::::::::")

Both TDataServers are filled with ASCII data files with the method filedataRead().


Data of the second dataserver tds2 are then merged into the first one.


Data are then dumped in the terminal:


XIV.3.2.3. Console

Processing dataserverMerge.py...

--- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02)
                      Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES 
                      Contact: support-uranie@cea.fr 
                      Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024

Dumping tds1
*    Row   * tds1__n__ *       x.x *     dy.dy *       z.z * theta.the *
*        0 *         1 *         1 *         1 *        11 *        11 *
*        1 *         2 *         1 *         2 *        12 *        21 *
*        2 *         3 *         1 *         3 *        13 *        31 *
*        3 *         4 *         2 *         1 *        21 *        12 *
*        4 *         5 *         2 *         2 *        22 *        22 *
*        5 *         6 *         2 *         3 *        23 *        32 *
*        6 *         7 *         3 *         1 *        31 *        13 *
*        7 *         8 *         3 *         2 *        32 *        23 *
*        8 *         9 *         3 *         3 *        33 *        33 *
Dumping tds2
*    Row   * tds2__n__ *     x2.x2 *       y.y *       u.u *     ua.ua *
*        0 *         1 *         1 *         1 *       102 *        11 *
*        1 *         2 *         1 *         2 *       104 *        12 *
*        2 *         3 *         1 *         3 *       106 *        13 *
*        3 *         4 *         2 *         1 *       202 *        21 *
*        4 *         5 *         2 *         2 *       204 *        22 *
*        5 *         6 *         2 *         3 *       206 *        23 *
*        6 *         7 *         3 *         1 *       302 *        31 *
*        7 *         8 *         3 *         2 *       304 *        32 *
*        8 *         9 *         3 *         3 *       306 *        33 *
Dumping merged tds1 and tds2
*    Row   * tds1__n__ * x.x * dy. * z.z * the * x2. * y.y * u.u * ua. *
*        0 *         1 *   1 *   1 *  11 *  11 *   1 *   1 * 102 *  11 *
*        1 *         2 *   1 *   2 *  12 *  21 *   1 *   2 * 104 *  12 *
*        2 *         3 *   1 *   3 *  13 *  31 *   1 *   3 * 106 *  13 *
*        3 *         4 *   2 *   1 *  21 *  12 *   2 *   1 * 202 *  21 *
*        4 *         5 *   2 *   2 *  22 *  22 *   2 *   2 * 204 *  22 *
*        5 *         6 *   2 *   3 *  23 *  32 *   2 *   3 * 206 *  23 *
*        6 *         7 *   3 *   1 *  31 *  13 *   3 *   1 * 302 *  31 *
*        7 *         8 *   3 *   2 *  32 *  23 *   3 *   2 * 304 *  32 *
*        8 *         9 *   3 *   3 *  33 *  33 *   3 *   3 * 306 *  33 *

XIV.3.3. Macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFilePasture.py"

XIV.3.3.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to load two TDataServer objects using two different ways: either with an ASCII file "pasture.dat" or with a design-of-experiments. Then, we evaluate the analytic function ModelPasture on this two TDataServer. The data file "pasture.dat" is written in the "Salome-table" format of Uranie:

#COLUMN_NAMES: time| yield

9 8.93
14 10.8
21 18.59
28 22.33
42 39.35
57 56.11
63 61.73
70 64.62
79 67.08

XIV.3.3.2. Macro Uranie

Example of  data loading with pasture file
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer, Sampler, Launcher

C = ROOT.TCanvas("mycanvas", "mycanvas", 1)

tds = DataServer.TDataServer()


tlf = Launcher.TLauncherFunction(tds, "ModelPasture", "time", "yhat")


tds.draw("yhat:time", "", "lpsame")

tds2 = DataServer.TDataServer()
tds2.addAttribute(DataServer.TUniformDistribution("time2", 9, 80))

tsamp = Sampler.TSampling(tds2, "lhs", 1000)

tlf = Launcher.TLauncherFunction(tds2, "ModelPasture", "", "yhat2")

tds2.draw("yhat2:time2", "", "psame")
tds.draw("yhat:time", "", "lpsame")


The design ModelPasture is defined in a function

void ModelPasture(Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
  Double_t theta1=69.95, theta2=61.68, theta3=-9.209, theta4=2.378;

  y[0] = theta1;
  y[0] -= theta2* TMath::Exp( -1.0 * TMath::Exp( theta3 + theta4 * TMath::Log(x[0])));

Which is C++ and is loaded thanks to the function ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro("UserFunctions.C").

The first TDataServer is filled with the ASCII file "pasture.dat" through the fileDataRead method


The design is evaluated with the function ModelPasture applied on the input attribute time, leading to the output attribute named yhat.

tlf=Launcher.TLauncherFunction(tds, "ModelPasture", "time", "yhat");

A TAttribute, obeying an uniform law on [9;80] is added to the second TDataServer which is filled with a design-of-experiments of 1000 patterns, using the LHS method.

tsamp=Sampler.TSampling(tds2, "lhs", 1000);

The design is now evaluated with this TDataServer on the attribute time2

tlf = Launcher.TLauncherFunction(tds2, "ModelPasture","","yhat2");tlf.setDrawProgressBar(False);

XIV.3.3.3. Graph

Figure XIV.2. Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFilePasture.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFilePasture.py"

XIV.3.3.4. Console

Processing loadASCIIFilePasture.py...

--- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02)
                      Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES 
                      Contact: support-uranie@cea.fr 
                      Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024

Info in <TCanvas::Print>: png file pasture.png has been created

XIV.3.4. Macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFile.py"

XIV.3.4.1. Objective

Loading data in a TDataServer, using the "Salome-table" format of Uranie and applying basic visualisation methods on attributes.

The data file is named "flowrateUniformDesign.dat" and data correspond to an Uniform design-of-experiments of 32 patterns for a "code" with 8 inputs (, , , , , , , ) along with a response ("yhat"). The data file "flowrateUniformDesign.dat" is in the "Salome-table" format of Uranie.

#NAME: flowrateborehole
#TITLE: Uniform design of flow rate borehole problem proposed by Ho and Xu(2000)
#COLUMN_NAMES: rw| r| tu| tl| hu| hl| l| kw | ystar
#COLUMN_TITLES: r_{#omega}| r | T_{u} | T_{l} | H_{u} | H_{l} | L | K_{#omega} | y^{*}
#COLUMN_UNITS: m | m | m^{2}/yr | m^{2}/yr | m | m | m | m/yr | m^{3}/yr

0.0500 33366.67  63070.0 116.00 1110.00 768.57 1200.0 11732.14  26.18
0.0500   100.00  80580.0  80.73 1092.86 802.86 1600.0 10167.86  14.46
0.0567   100.00  98090.0  80.73 1058.57 717.14 1680.0 11106.43  22.75
0.0567 33366.67  98090.0  98.37 1110.00 734.29 1280.0 10480.71  30.98
0.0633   100.00 115600.0  80.73 1075.71 751.43 1600.0 11106.43  28.33
0.0633 16733.33  80580.0  80.73 1058.57 785.71 1680.0 12045.00  24.60
0.0700 33366.67  63070.0  98.37 1092.86 768.57 1200.0 11732.14  48.65
0.0700 16733.33 115600.0 116.00  990.00 700.00 1360.0 10793.57  35.36
0.0767   100.0  115600.0  80.73 1075.71 751.43 1520.0 10793.57  42.44
0.0767 16733.33  80580.0  80.73 1075.71 802.86 1120.0  9855.00  44.16
0.0833 50000.00  98090.0  63.10 1041.43 717.14 1600.0 10793.57  47.49
0.0833 50000.00 115600.0  63.10 1007.14 768.57 1440.0 11419.29  41.04
0.0900 16733.33  63070.0 116.00 1075.71 751.43 1120.0 11419.29  83.77
0.0900 33366.67 115600.0 116.00 1007.14 717.14 1360.0 11106.43  60.05
0.0967 50000.00  80580.0  63.10 1024.29 820.00 1360.0  9855.00  43.15
0.0967 16733.33  80580.0  98.37 1058.57 700.00 1120.0 10480.71  97.98
0.1033 50000.00  80580.0  63.10 1024.29 700.00 1520.0 10480.71  74.44
0.1033 16733.33  80580.0  98.37 1058.57 820.00 1120.0 10167.86  72.23
0.1100 50000.00  98090.0  63.10 1024.29 717.14 1520.0 10793.57  82.18
0.1100   100.00  63070.0  98.37 1041.43 802.86 1600.0 12045.00  68.06
0.1167 33366.67  63070.0 116.00  990.00 785.71 1280.0 12045.00  81.63
0.1167   100.00  98090.0  98.37 1092.86 802.86 1680.0  9855.00  72.5
0.1233 16733.33 115600.0  80.73 1092.86 734.29 1200.0 11419.29 161.35
0.1233 16733.33  63070.0  63.10 1041.43 785.71 1680.0 12045.00  86.73
0.1300 33366.67  80580.0 116.00 1110.00 768.57 1280.0 11732.14 164.78
0.1300   100.00  98090.0  98.37 1110.00 820.00 1280.0 10167.86 121.76
0.1367 50000.00  98090.0  63.10 1007.14 820.00 1440.0 10167.86  76.51
0.1367 33366.67  98090.0 116.00 1024.29 700.00 1200.0 10480.71 164.75
0.1433 50000.00  63070.0 116.00  990.00 785.71 1440.0  9855.00  89.54
0.1433 50000.00 115600.0  63.10 1007.14 734.29 1440.0 11732.14 141.09
0.1500 33366.67  63070.0  98.37  990.00 751.43 1360.0 11419.29 139.94 
0.1500   100.00 115600.0  80.73 1041.43 734.29 1520.0 11106.43 157.59

XIV.3.4.2. Macro Uranie

Example of data loading file
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

# Create a DataServer.TDataServer
tds = DataServer.TDataServer()
# Load the data base in the DataServer

# Graph
Canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro loadASCIIFile",
                      5, 64, 1270, 667)
pad = ROOT.TPad("pad", "pad", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
pad.Divide(2, 2)



XIV.3.4.3. Graph

Figure XIV.3. Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFile.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFile.py"

XIV.3.5. Macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileYoungsModulus.py"

XIV.3.5.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to load the ASCII data file "youngsmodulus.dat" and to apply visualisations on the attribute E with different options. The data file "youngsmodulus.dat" is in the "Salome-table" format of Uranie.

#NAME: youngsmodulus
#TITLE: Young's Modulus E for the Golden Gate Bridge
#COLUMN_TITLES: Young's Modulues


Data are then exported in header file "youngsmodulus.h" which can be imported in some C file:

// File "youngsmodulus.h" generated by ROOT v5.34/32
// DateTime Tue Nov  3 10:40:13 2015
// DataServer : Name="youngsmodulus" Title="Young's Modulus E for the Golden Gate Bridge" Global Select=""

#define youngsmodulus_nPattern 41

//  Attribute Name="E"
Double_t E[youngsmodulus_nPattern] = {
// End of attribute E

// End of File youngsmodulus.h

XIV.3.5.2. Macro Uranie

Example of young modulus data loading
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

tds = DataServer.TDataServer()
# gEnv.SetValue("Hist.Binning.1D.x", 10)
# tds.getTuple().Draw("E>>Attribute E(6, 25000, 34000)", "", "text")
# tds.getTuple().Draw("E>>Attribute E(16, 25000, 34000)")



Canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro loadASCIIFile",
                      5, 64, 1270, 667)
pad = ROOT.TPad("pad", "pad", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
pad.Divide(2, 2)

tds.draw("E", "", "nclass=sturges")
tds.draw("E", "", "nclass=scott")
tds.draw("E", "", "nclass=fd")

The TDataServer is filled with the ASCII data file "youngsmodulus.dat" with the method fileDataRead:


Variable E is then visualised with different options:

tds.draw("E" ,"", "nclass=sturges");
tds.draw("E" ,"", "nclass=scott");
tds.draw("E" ,"", "nclass=fd");

Characteristic values are computed (maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation) with:


Data are exported in a header file with


XIV.3.5.3. Graph

Figure XIV.4. Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileYoungsModulus.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileYoungsModulus.py"

XIV.3.5.4. Console

Processing loadASCIIFileYoungsModulus.py...

--- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02)
                      Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES 
                      Contact: support-uranie@cea.fr 
                      Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024

** TAttribute::printLog  ******
**    Name[E]
**   Title[ Young's Modulues]
**   unity[ksi]
**    type[0]
**   share[1]
**   Origin[kAttribute]
**   Attribute[kInput]
**   _snote[]
** - min[25900] max[33400]
** - mean[29575.6] std[1506.95]
**   lowerBound[-1.42387e+64] upperBound[1.42387e+64]
** NOT _defaultValue[]
** NOT _stepValue[]
 ** No Attribute to substitute level[0]

XIV.3.6. Macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileIonosphere.py"

XIV.3.6.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to load the ASCII data file ionosphere.dat which defines 34 input variables and one output variable y and applies visualisation on one of these variables. The data file ionosphere.dat is in the "Salome-table" format of Uranie but is not shown for convenience.

XIV.3.6.2. Macro Uranie

Example of data loading for Ionosphere dataset
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

tds = DataServer.TDataServer()

tds.getAttribute("x28").SetTitle("#Delta P_{e}^{F_{iso}}")

# Graph
Canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "Graph for the Macro loadASCIIFileIonosphere",
                      5, 64, 1270, 667)

The TDataServer is filled with ionosphere.dat with the fileDataRead method


A new title is set for the variable x28

tds.getAttribute("x28").SetTitle("#Delta P_{e}^{F_{iso}}");

This variable is then drawn with its new title


XIV.3.6.3. Graph

Figure XIV.5. Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileIonosphere.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileIonosphere.py"

XIV.3.7. Macro "dataserverLoadASCIIFileCornell.py"

XIV.3.7.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to load the ASCII data file cornell.dat which defines seven input variables and one output variable y on twelve patterns. The input file cornell.dat is in the "Salome-table" format of Uranie

#NAME: cornell
#TITLE: Dataset Cornell 1990
#COLUMN_NAMES: x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | y
#COLUMN_TITLES: x_{1} | x_{2} | x_{3} | x_{4} | x_{5} | x_{6} | x_{7} | y

0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.03 98.7
0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.74 0.04 97.8
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.74 0.04 96.6
0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.37 0.02 92.0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.12 0.18 0.08 86.6
0.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.01 91.2
0.17 0.27 0.10 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.08 81.9
0.17 0.19 0.10 0.38 0.02 0.06 0.08 83.1
0.17 0.21 0.10 0.38 0.00 0.06 0.08 82.4
0.17 0.15 0.10 0.38 0.02 0.10 0.08 83.2
0.21 0.36 0.12 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.06 81.4
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.37 0.08 88.1

XIV.3.7.2. Macro Uranie

Example of data loading and stat analysis
from rootlogon import DataServer

tds = DataServer.TDataServer()

matCorr = tds.computeCorrelationMatrix("")

The TDataServer is filled with cornell.dat with the fileDataRead method:


Then the correlation matrix is computed on all attributes:

matCorr = tds.computeCorrelationMatrix("");

XIV.3.7.3. Console

Processing loadASCIIFileCornell.py...

--- Uranie v0.0/0 --- Developed with ROOT (6.32.02)
                      Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA/DES 
                      Contact: support-uranie@cea.fr 
                      Date: Tue Jan 09, 2024

8x8 matrix is as follows

     |      0    |      1    |      2    |      3    |      4    |
   0 |          1      0.1042      0.9999      0.3707      -0.548 
   1 |     0.1042           1      0.1008     -0.5369     -0.2926 
   2 |     0.9999      0.1008           1       0.374     -0.5482 
   3 |     0.3707     -0.5369       0.374           1     -0.2113 
   4 |     -0.548     -0.2926     -0.5482     -0.2113           1 
   5 |    -0.8046     -0.1912     -0.8052     -0.6457      0.4629 
   6 |     0.6026       -0.59      0.6071      0.9159     -0.2744 
   7 |    -0.8373    -0.07082      -0.838     -0.7067      0.4938 

     |      5    |      6    |      7    |
   0 |    -0.8046      0.6026     -0.8373 
   1 |    -0.1912       -0.59    -0.07082 
   2 |    -0.8052      0.6071      -0.838 
   3 |    -0.6457      0.9159     -0.7067 
   4 |     0.4629     -0.2744      0.4938 
   5 |          1     -0.6564      0.9851 
   6 |    -0.6564           1     -0.7411 
   7 |     0.9851     -0.7411           1 

XIV.3.8. Macro "dataserverComputeQuantile.py"

XIV.3.8.1. Objective

The objective of this macro is to test the classical quantile estimation and compare it to the Wilks estimation for a dummy gaussian distribution. Four different estimations of the 95% quantile value are done (along with one estimation of th 99% quantile) for illustration purposes:

  • using the usual method with a 200-points sample.
  • using the usual method with a 400-points sample.
  • using the Wilks method with a 95% confidence level (with 59-points sample).
  • using the Wilks method with a 95% confidence level (with 400-points sample).
  • using the Wilks method with a 99% confidence level (with 90-points sample).

XIV.3.8.2. Macro

Example of quantile estimation (Wilks and not) for illustration purpose
from ctypes import c_double  # For ROOT version greater or equal to 6.20
import numpy as np
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

# Create a DataServer
tds = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "pouet")
tds.addAttribute("x")  # With one attribute

# Create Histogram to store the quantile values
Q200 = ROOT.TH1F("quantile200", "", 60, 1, 4)
Q400 = ROOT.TH1F("quantile400", "", 60, 1, 4)
QW95 = ROOT.TH1F("quantileWilks95", "", 60, 1, 4)
QW95400 = ROOT.TH1F("quantileWilks95400", "", 60, 1, 4)
QW99 = ROOT.TH1F("quantileWilks99", "", 60, 1, 4)

# Defining the sample size
nb = np.array([200, 400, 59, 90])
proba = 0.95  # Quantile value
CL = np.array([0.95, 0.99])  # CL value for Wilks computation
# Loop over the number of estimation
for iq in range(4):

    # Produce 10000 drawing to get smooth distribution
    for itest in range(10000):

        tds.createTuple()  # Create the tuple to store value
        # Fill it with random drawing of centered gaussian
        for ival in range(nb[iq]):
            tds.getTuple().Fill(ival+1, ROOT.gRandom.Gaus(0, 1))

        # Estimate the quantile...
        quant = c_double(0)  # ROOT.Double for ROOT version lower than 6.20
        if iq < 2:

            # ... with usual methods...
            tds.computeQuantile("x", proba, quant)
            if iq == 0:
                Q200.Fill(quant.value)  # ... on a 200-points sample
                Q400.Fill(quant.value)  # ... on a 400-points sample
                tds.estimateQuantile("x", proba, quant, CL[iq-1])
                QW95400.Fill(quant.value)  # compute the quantile at 95% CL


            # ... with the wilks optimised sample
            tds.estimateQuantile("x", proba, quant, CL[iq-2])
            if iq == 2:
                QW95.Fill(quant.value)  # compute the quantile at 95% CL
                QW99.Fill(quant.value)  # compute the quantile at 99% CL

        # Delete the tuple

# Produce the plot with requested style
can = ROOT.TCanvas("Can", "Can", 10, 10, 1000, 1000)
Q400.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Quant_{95%}(Gaus_{(0, 1)})")

# Add the theoretical estimation
lin = ROOT.TLine()
lin.DrawLine(1.645, 0, 1.645, Q400.GetMaximum())

# Add a block of legend
leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.85)
leg.AddEntry(lin, "Theoretical quantile", "l")
leg.AddEntry(Q200, "Usual quantile (200 pts)", "l")
leg.AddEntry(Q400, "Usual quantile (400 pts)", "l")
leg.AddEntry(QW95, "Wilks quantile CL=95% (59 pts)", "l")
leg.AddEntry(QW95400, "Wilks quantile CL=95% (400 pts)", "l")
leg.AddEntry(QW99, "Wilks quantile CL=99% (90 pts)", "l")

In this macro, a dummy dataserver is created with a single attribute named "x". Four histograms are prepared to store the resulting value. Then the same loop will be used to computed 10000 values of every quantile with different switchs to use one method instead of the other, or to change the number of points in the sample and/or the confidence level. All this is defined in the small part before the loop:

#Defining the sample size
quant=ROOT.Double(0.95); #Quantile value
CL =array([0.95, 0.99]);#Confidence level value for the two Wilks computation

Then the computation is performed, first for the usual method (first two iterations of iq), then for the Wilks estimation (last two iterations of iq). Every computational result is stored in the corresponding histogram which is finally displayed and shown in the following subsection.

XIV.3.8.3. Graph

Figure XIV.6. Graph of the macro "dataserverComputeQuantile.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverComputeQuantile.py"

XIV.3.9. Macro "dataserverGeyserStat.py"

XIV.3.9.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.3.

XIV.3.9.2. Macro Uranie

Example of statistical usage
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsGeyser = DataServer.TDataServer("geyser", "poet")

print("min(x1)= "+str(tdsGeyser.getAttribute("x1").getMinimum())+";  max(x1)= "
      + str(tdsGeyser.getAttribute("x1").getMaximum())+";  mean(x1)= " +
      str(tdsGeyser.getAttribute("x1").getMean())+";  std(x1)= " +

XIV.3.9.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console:

min(x1)= 1.6;  max(x1)= 5.1;  mean(x1)= 3.48778;  std(x1)= 1.14137

XIV.3.10. Macro "dataserverGeyserRank.py"

XIV.3.10.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.2.

XIV.3.10.2. Macro Uranie

Example of rank usage for illustration purpose
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsGeyser = DataServer.TDataServer("geyser", "poet")

print("NPatterns="+str(tdsGeyser.getNPatterns())+";  min(Rk_x1)= " +
      str(tdsGeyser.getAttribute("Rk_x1").getMinimum())+";  max(Rk_x1)= " +

XIV.3.10.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console:

NPatterns=272;  min(Rk_x1)= 1;  max(Rk_x1)= 272

XIV.3.11. Macro "dataserverNormaliseVector.py"

XIV.3.11.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.1.

XIV.3.11.2. Macro Uranie

Example of vector normalisation
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsop = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "pouet")

# Compute a global normalisation of v, CenterReduced
tdsop.normalize("v", "GCR", DataServer.TDataServer.kCR, True)
# Compute a normalisation of v, CenterReduced (not global but entry by entry)
tdsop.normalize("v", "CR", DataServer.TDataServer.kCR, False)

# Compute a global normalisation of v, Centered
tdsop.normalize("v", "GCent", DataServer.TDataServer.kCentered)
# Compute a normalisation of v, Centered  (not global but entry by entry)
tdsop.normalize("v", "Cent", DataServer.TDataServer.kCentered, False)

# Compute a global normalisation of v, ZeroOne
tdsop.normalize("v", "GZO", DataServer.TDataServer.kZeroOne)
# Compute a normalisation of v, ZeroOne (not global but entry by entry)
tdsop.normalize("v", "ZO", DataServer.TDataServer.kZeroOne, False)

# Compute a global normalisation of v, MinusOneOne
tdsop.normalize("v", "GMOO", DataServer.TDataServer.kMinusOneOne, True)
# Compute a normalisation of v, MinusOneOne (not global but entry by entry)
tdsop.normalize("v", "MOO", DataServer.TDataServer.kMinusOneOne, False)

tdsop.scan("v:vGCR:vCR:vGCent:vCent:vGZO:vZO:vGMOO:vMOO", "",
           "colsize=4 col=2:5::::::::")

XIV.3.11.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console:

*    Row   * Instance *  v *  vGCR *  vCR * vGCe * vCen * vGZO *  vZO * vGMO * vMOO *
*        0 *        0 *  1 * -1.46 *   -1 *   -4 *   -3 *    0 *    0 *   -1 *   -1 *
*        0 *        1 *  2 * -1.09 *   -1 *   -3 *   -3 * 0.12 *    0 * -0.7 *   -1 *
*        0 *        2 *  3 * -0.73 *   -1 *   -2 *   -3 * 0.25 *    0 * -0.5 *   -1 *
*        1 *        0 *  4 * -0.36 *    0 *   -1 *    0 * 0.37 *  0.5 * -0.2 *    0 *
*        1 *        1 *  5 *     0 *    0 *    0 *    0 *  0.5 *  0.5 *    0 *    0 *
*        1 *        2 *  6 * 0.365 *    0 *    1 *    0 * 0.62 *  0.5 * 0.25 *    0 *
*        2 *        0 *  7 * 0.730 *    1 *    2 *    3 * 0.75 *    1 *  0.5 *    1 *
*        2 *        1 *  8 * 1.095 *    1 *    3 *    3 * 0.87 *    1 * 0.75 *    1 *
*        2 *        2 *  9 * 1.460 *    1 *    4 *    3 *    1 *    1 *    1 *    1 *

XIV.3.12. Macro "dataserverComputeStatVector.py"

XIV.3.12.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.3.1.

XIV.3.12.2. Macro Uranie

Example of statistical estimation on vector attributes
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsop = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "poet")

# Considering every element of a vector independent from the others
px = tdsop.getAttribute("x")

print("min(x[0])="+str(px.getMinimum(0))+";  max(x[0])="+str(px.getMaximum(0))
      + ";  mean(x[0])="+str(px.getMean(0))+";  std(x[0])="+str(px.getStd(0)))
print("min(x[1])="+str(px.getMinimum(1))+";  max(x[1])="+str(px.getMaximum(1))
      + ";  mean(x[1])="+str(px.getMean(1))+";  std(x[1])="+str(px.getStd(1)))
print("min(x[2])="+str(px.getMinimum(2))+";  max(x[2])="+str(px.getMaximum(2))
      + ";  mean(x[2])="+str(px.getMean(2))+";  std(x[2])="+str(px.getStd(2)))
print("min(xtot)="+str(px.getMinimum(3))+";  max(xtot)="+str(px.getMaximum(3))
      + ";  mean(xtot)="+str(px.getMean(3))+";  std(xtot)="+str(px.getStd(3)))

# Statistic for a single realisation of a vector, not considering other events
tdsop.addAttribute("Min_x", "Min$(x)")
tdsop.addAttribute("Max_x", "Max$(x)")
tdsop.addAttribute("Mean_x", "Sum$(x)/Length$(x)")

tdsop.scan("x:Min_x:Max_x:Mean_x", "", "colsize=5 col=2:::6")

XIV.3.12.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console, split in two parts, the first one being from Uranie's method

min(x[0])= 1;  max(x[0])= 7;  mean(x[0])= 3;  std(x[0])= 3.4641
min(x[1])= 2;  max(x[1])= 8;  mean(x[1])= 4.66667;  std(x[1])= 3.05505
min(x[2])= 3;  max(x[2])= 9;  mean(x[2])= 6.66667;  std(x[2])= 3.21455
min(xtot)= 1;  max(xtot)= 9;  mean(xtot)= 4.77778;  std(xtot)= 3.23179

The second on the other hand results from ROOT's methods (the second part of the code shown above):

*    Row   * Instance *  x * Min_x * Max_x * Mean_x *
*        0 *        0 *  1 *     1 *     3 *      2 *
*        0 *        1 *  2 *     1 *     3 *      2 *
*        0 *        2 *  3 *     1 *     3 *      2 *
*        1 *        0 *  7 *     7 *     9 *      8 *
*        1 *        1 *  8 *     7 *     9 *      8 *
*        1 *        2 *  9 *     7 *     9 *      8 *
*        2 *        0 *  1 *     1 *     8 * 4.3333 *
*        2 *        1 *  4 *     1 *     8 * 4.3333 *
*        2 *        2 *  8 *     1 *     8 * 4.3333 *

XIV.3.13. Macro "dataserverComputeCorrelationMatrixVector.py"

XIV.3.13.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.5.1.

XIV.3.13.2. Macro Uranie

Example of correlation matrix computation for vector
from rootlogon import DataServer

tdsop = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "poet")

# Consider a and x attributes (every element of the vector)
globalOne = tdsop.computeCorrelationMatrix("x:a")

# Consider a and x attributes (cherry-picking a single element of the vector)
focusedOne = tdsop.computeCorrelationMatrix("x[1]:a")

XIV.3.13.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console.

4x4 matrix is as follows

     |      0    |      1    |      2    |      3    |
   0 |          1      0.9449      0.6286       0.189 
   1 |     0.9449           1      0.8486         0.5 
   2 |     0.6286      0.8486           1      0.8825 
   3 |      0.189         0.5      0.8825           1 

2x2 matrix is as follows

     |      0    |      1    |
   0 |          1         0.5 
   1 |        0.5           1 

XIV.3.14. Macro "dataserverComputeQuantileVec.py"

XIV.3.14.1. Objective

This part shows the complete code used to produce the console display in Section II.4.4.1.

XIV.3.14.2. Macro Uranie

Example of quantile estimation for many values at once
from sys import stdout
from ctypes import c_int, c_double
import numpy as np
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

tdsvec = DataServer.TDataServer("foo", "bar")

probas = np.array([0.2, 0.6, 0.8], 'd')
quants = np.array(len(probas)*[0.0], 'd')
tdsvec.computeQuantile("rank", len(probas), probas, quants)

prank = tdsvec.getAttribute("rank")
nbquant = c_int(0)
prank.getQuantilesSize(nbquant)  # (1)
print("nbquant = " + str(nbquant.value))

aproba = c_double(0.8)
aquant = c_double(0)
prank.getQuantile(aproba, aquant)  # (2)
print("aproba = " + str(aproba.value) + ", aquant = " + str(aquant.value))

theproba = np.array(nbquant.value*[0.0], 'd')
thequant = np.array(nbquant.value*[0.0], 'd')
prank.getQuantiles(theproba, thequant)  # (3)
for i_q in range(nbquant.value):
    print("(theproba, thequant)[" + str(i_q) + "] = (" + str(theproba[i_q]) +
          ", " + str(thequant[i_q]) + ")")

allquant = ROOT.vector('double')()
prank.getQuantileVector(aproba, allquant)  # (4)
stdout.write("aproba = " + str(aproba.value) + ", allquant = ")
for quant_i in allquant:
    stdout.write(str(quant_i) + " ")

XIV.3.14.3. Console

This macro should result in this output in console:

nbquant = 3
aproba = 0.8, aquant = 6.4
(theproba, thequant)[0] = (0.2, 1.6)
(theproba, thequant)[1] = (0.6, 4.8)
(theproba, thequant)[2] = (0.8, 6.4)
aproba = 0.8, allquant = 6.4 7.4 

XIV.3.15. Macro "dataserverDrawQQPlot.py"

XIV.3.15.1. Objective

This macro is an example of how to produce QQ-plot for a certain number of randomly-drawn samples, providing the correct parameter values along with modified versions to illustrate the impact.

XIV.3.15.2. Macro Uranie

Example of QQ plot
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer, Sampler

# Create a TDS with 8 kind of distributions
p1 = 1.3
p2 = 4.5
p3 = 0.9
p4 = 4.4  # Fixed values for parameters

tds0 = DataServer.TDataServer()
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TNormalDistribution("norm", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TLogNormalDistribution("logn", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TUniformDistribution("unif", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TExponentialDistribution("expo", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGammaDistribution("gamm", p1, p2, p3))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TBetaDistribution("beta", p1, p2, p3, p4))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TWeibullDistribution("weib", p1, p2, p3))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGumbelMaxDistribution("gumb", p1, p2))

# Create the sample
fsamp = Sampler.TBasicSampling(tds0, "lhs", 200)

# Define number of laws, their name and numbers of parameters
nLaws = 8
# number of parameters to put in () for the corresponding law
laws = ["normal", "lognormal", "uniform", "gamma", "weibull",
        "beta", "exponential", "gumbelmax"]
npar = [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2]

# Create the canvas
c = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "", 800, 1000)
# Create the 8 pads
apad = ROOT.TPad("apad", "apad", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
apad.Divide(2, 4)

# Number of points to compare theoretical and empirical values
nS = 1000
mod = 0.8  # Factor used to artificially change the parameter values

Par = lambda i, n, p, mod: "," + str(p*mod) if n >= i else ""
opt = ""  # option of the drawQQPlot method
for i in range(nLaws):

    # Clean sstr
    test = ""
    # Add nominal configuration
    test += laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) \
        + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par1
    test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1*mod) + "," + str(p2) \
        + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par2
    test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2*mod) \
        + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par3
    if npar[i] >= 3:
        test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) \
            + Par(3, npar[i], p3, mod) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par4
    if npar[i] >= 4:
        test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) \
            + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, mod) + ")"

    # Produce the plot
    tds0.drawQQPlot(laws[i][:4], test, nS, opt)

The very first step of this macro is to create a sample that will contain a design-of-experiments filled with 200 locations, using various statistical laws. All the tested laws, are those available in the drawQQPlot method and they might depend on 2 to 4 parameters, defined a but randomly at the beginning of this piece of code.

## Create a TDS with 8 kind of distributions
p1=1.3; p2=4.5; p3=0.9; p4=4.4; ## Fixed values for parameters

tds0 = DataServer.TDataServer();
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TNormalDistribution("norm", p1, p2));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TLogNormalDistribution("logn", p1, p2));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TUniformDistribution("unif", p1, p2));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TExponentialDistribution("expo", p1, p2));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGammaDistribution("gamm", p1, p2, p3));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TBetaDistribution("beta", p1, p2, p3, p4));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TWeibullDistribution("weib", p1, p2, p3));
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGumbelMaxDistribution("gumb", p1, p2));

Once done, the sample is generated using TBasicSampling object with an LHS algorithm. On top of this, despite the plot preparation with canvas and pad generation, several variables are set to prepare the tests, as shown below

## Define number of laws, their name and numbers of parameters
laws=["normal", "lognormal", "uniform", "gamma", "weibull", "beta", "exponential", "gumbelmax"];
npar=[2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2];

## Number of points to compare theoretical and empirical values
mod=0.8; ## Factor used to artificially change the parameter values

Finally, after the line of hypothesis to be tested is constructed (the first paragraph in the for loop) the drawQQPlot method is called for every empirical law in the following line.

tds0.drawQQPlot( laws[ilaw][:4], test, nS, opt);

For the first case, when one wants to test the TNormalDistribution "norm" with the known parameters and a variation of each, it resumes as if this line was run:

tds0.drawQQPlot( "norm", "normal(1.3,4.5):normal(1.04,4.5):normal(1.3,3.6)", nS);

The first field is the attribute to be tested, while the second one provides the three hypothesis with which our attribute under investigation will be compared. The third argument is the number of steps to be computed for probabilities. The result of this macro is shown below.

XIV.3.15.3. Graph

Figure XIV.7. Graph of the macro "dataserverDrawQQPlot.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverDrawQQPlot.py"

XIV.3.16. Macro "dataserverDrawPPPlot.py"

XIV.3.16.1. Objective

This macro is an example of how to produce PP-plot for a certain number of randomly-drawn samples, providing the correct parameter values along with modified versions to illustrate the impact.

XIV.3.16.2. Macro Uranie

Example of PP plot
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer, Sampler

# Create a TDS with 8 kind of distributions
p1 = 1.3
p2 = 4.5
p3 = 0.9
p4 = 4.4  # Fixed values for parameters

tds0 = DataServer.TDataServer()
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TNormalDistribution("norm", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TLogNormalDistribution("logn", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TUniformDistribution("unif", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TExponentialDistribution("expo", p1, p2))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGammaDistribution("gamm", p1, p2, p3))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TBetaDistribution("beta", p1, p2, p3, p4))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TWeibullDistribution("weib", p1, p2, p3))
tds0.addAttribute(DataServer.TGumbelMaxDistribution("gumb", p1, p2))

# Create the sample
fsamp = Sampler.TBasicSampling(tds0, "lhs", 200)

# Define number of laws, their name and numbers of parameters
nLaws = 8
# number of parameters to put in () for the corresponding law
laws = ["normal", "lognormal", "uniform", "gamma",
        "weibull", "beta", "exponential", "gumbelmax"]
npar = [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2]

# Create the canvas
c = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "", 800, 1000)
# Create the 8 pads
apad = ROOT.TPad("apad", "apad", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
apad.Divide(2, 4)

# Number of points to compare theoretical and empirical values
nS = 1000
mod = 0.8  # Factor used to artificially change the parameter values

Par = lambda i, n, p, mod: ","+str(p*mod) if n >= i else ""
opt = ""  # option of the drawPPPlot method
for i in range(nLaws):

    # Clean sstr
    test = ""
    # Add nominal configuration
    test += laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) \
        + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par1
    test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1*mod) + "," + str(p2) \
        + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par2
    test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2*mod) \
        + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par3
    if npar[i] >= 3:
        test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) \
            + Par(3, npar[i], p3, mod) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, 1) + ")"
    # Changing par4
    if npar[i] >= 4:
        test += ":" + laws[i] + "(" + str(p1) + "," + str(p2) \
            + Par(3, npar[i], p3, 1) + str(p2) + Par(4, npar[i], p4, mod) + ")"

    # Produce the plot
    tds0.drawPPPlot(laws[i][:4], test, nS, opt)

The macro is based on the one discussed in Section XIV.3.15. The only difference is this line

tds0.drawPPPlot( laws[ilaw][:4], test, nS, opt);

The call of the drawing method above can be resume, for the first case, like this:

tds0.drawPPPlot( "norm", "normal(1.3,4.5):normal(1.04,4.5):normal(1.3,3.6)", nS);

The first field is the attribute to be tested, while the second one provides the three hypothesis with which our attribute under investigation will be compared. The third argument is the number of steps to be computed for probabilities. The result of this macro is shown below.

XIV.3.16.3. Graph

Figure XIV.8. Graph of the macro "dataserverDrawPPPlot.py"

Graph of the macro "dataserverDrawPPPlot.py"

XIV.3.17. Macro "dataserverPCAExample.py"

XIV.3.17.1. Objective

The goal of this macro is to show how to handle a PCA analysis. It is not much discussed here, as a large description of both methods and concepts is done in Section II.6.

XIV.3.17.2. Macro Uranie

Example of PCA usage (standalone case)
from rootlogon import ROOT, DataServer

# Read the database
tdsPCA = DataServer.TDataServer("tdsPCA", "my TDS")

# Create the PCA object precising the variables of interest
tpca = DataServer.TPCA(tdsPCA, "Maths:Physics:French:Latin:Music")

graphical = True  # do graphs
dumponscreen = True  # or dumping results
showcoordinate = False  # show the points coordinate while dumping results

if graphical:

    # Draw all point in PCA planes
    cPCA = ROOT.TCanvas("cpca", "PCA", 800, 800)
    apad1 = ROOT.TPad("apad1", "apad1", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
    apad1.Divide(2, 2)
    tpca.drawPCA(1, 2, "Pupil")
    tpca.drawPCA(1, 3, "Pupil")
    tpca.drawPCA(2, 3, "Pupil")

    # Draw all variable weight in PC definition
    cLoading = ROOT.TCanvas("cLoading", "Loading Plot", 800, 800)
    apad2 = ROOT.TPad("apad2", "apad2", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
    apad2.Divide(2, 2)
    tpca.drawLoading(1, 2)
    tpca.drawLoading(1, 3)
    tpca.drawLoading(2, 3)

    # Draw the eigen values in different normalisation
    c = ROOT.TCanvas("cEigenValues", "Eigen Values Plot", 1100, 500)
    apad3 = ROOT.TPad("apad3", "apad3", 0, 0.03, 1, 1)
    apad3.Divide(3, 1)
    ntd = tpca.getResultNtupleD()
    ntd.Draw("eigen:i", "", "lp")
    ntd.Draw("eigen_pct:i", "", "lp")
    ntd.Draw("sum_eigen_pct:i", "", "lp")

if dumponscreen:

    nPCused = 5  # 3 to see only the meaningful ones
    PCname = ""
    Cosname = ""
    Contrname = ""
    Variable = "Pupil"
    for iatt in range(1, nPCused+1):
        PCname += "PC_"+str(iatt)+":"
        Cosname += "cosca_"+str(iatt)+":"
        Contrname += "contr_"+str(iatt)+":"

    PCname = PCname[:-1]
    Cosname = Cosname[:-1]
    Contrname = Contrname[:-1]

    print("\n====== EigenValues ======")

    if showcoordinate:
        print("\n====== EigenVectors ======")

        print("\n====== New Coordinates ======")

    varRes = tpca.getVariableResultNtupleD()
    print("\n====== Looking at variables: Quality of representation ======")

    print("\n====== Looking at variables: Contribution to axis ======")

    print("\n====== Looking at events:  Quality of representation ======")

    print("\n====== Looking at events: Contribution to axis ========")

This first part of this macro is described in Section II.6. We will focus here on the second part, where all the numerical results are dumped on screen. These results are stored in the dataserver for the points and in a dedicated ntuple for the variable that can be retrieved by calling the method getVariableResultNtupleD. In both cases, the results can be split into two kinds:

  • the quality of the representation: it is called "cosca_X" as it is a squared cosinus of the projection of the source under study (point or subject) on the X-th PC.

  • the contribution to axis: it is called "contr_X" as it is the contribution of the source under study (point or subject) to the definition of the X-th PC.

We start by defining the list of variables that one might want to display

nPCused=5; ## 3 to see only the meaningful ones
PCname=""; Cosname=""; Contrname=""; Variable="Pupil";
for iatt in range(1,nPCused+1) :
##list of PC: PC_1:PC_2:PC_3:PC_4:PC_5
##list of quality coeff: cosca_1:cosca_2:cosca_3:cosca_4:cosca_5
##list of contribution: contr_1:contr_2:contr_3:contr_4:contr_5
PCname=PCname[:-1]; Cosname=Cosname[:-1]; Contrname=Contrname[:-1];

From there, once the variable ntuple is retrieved, one can dump both the quality and contribution coefficients for the variable, here the subjects (it leads to the second and third block in the output shown in Section XIV.3.17.3).

varRes = tpca.getVariableResultNtupleD();
print ("\n=============== Looking at variables: Quality of representation =====================")

print ("\n==================== Looking at variables: Contribution to axis =====================")

Finally, one can do the same for the data points, with the same Scan method (which lead to the fourth and fifth block in the output shown in Section XIV.3.17.3).

print ("\n================== Looking at events:  Quality of representation ====================")
print ("\n===================== Looking at events: Contribution to axis =======================")

XIV.3.17.3. Console

====== EigenValues ======
*    Row   *       i.i * eigen.eig * eigen_pct * sum_eigen *
*        0 *         1 * 2.8618175 * 57.236350 * 57.236350 *
*        1 *         2 * 1.1506811 * 23.013622 * 80.249973 *
*        2 *         3 * 0.9831407 * 19.662814 * 99.912787 *
*        3 *         4 * 0.0039371 * 0.0787424 * 99.991530 *
*        4 *         5 * 0.0004234 * 0.0084696 *       100 *

====== Looking at variables: Quality of representation ======
*    Row   *  Variable *   cosca_1 *   cosca_2 *   cosca_3 *   cosca_4 *   cosca_5 *
*        0 *     Maths *  0.649485 *   0.32645 * 0.0235449 * 0.0003614 * 0.0001582 *
*        1 *   Physics *  0.804627 *  0.185581 * 0.0086212 * 0.0010515 * 0.0001193 *
*        2 *    French *  0.574697 *  0.373378 * 0.0509446 * 0.0008976 * 8.252e-05 *
*        3 *     Latin *  0.828562 *  0.157999 * 0.0117556 * 0.0016205 * 6.335e-05 *
*        4 *     Music * 0.0044470 *  0.107272 *  0.888274 * 5.976e-06 * 8.299e-08 *

====== Looking at variables: Contribution to axis ======
*    Row   *  Variable *   contr_1 *   contr_2 *   contr_3 *   contr_4 *   contr_5 *
*        0 *     Maths *  0.226948 *  0.283702 * 0.0239486 * 0.0917987 *  0.373602 *
*        1 *   Physics *  0.281159 *   0.16128 * 0.0087691 *  0.267082 *   0.28171 *
*        2 *    French *  0.200815 *  0.324485 * 0.0518182 *  0.228004 *  0.194878 *
*        3 *     Latin *  0.289523 *  0.137309 * 0.0119572 *  0.411598 *  0.149613 *
*        4 *     Music * 0.0015539 * 0.0932252 *  0.903507 * 0.0015180 * 0.0001959 *

====== Looking at events:  Quality of representation ======
*    Row   *     Pupil *   cosca_1 *   cosca_2 *   cosca_3 *   cosca_4 *   cosca_5 *
*        0 *      Jean * 0.8854534 * 0.0522119 * 0.0619429 * 0.0002655 * 0.0001260 *
*        1 *     Aline * 0.7920409 * 0.0542262 * 0.1530381 * 0.0006354 * 5.916e-05 *
*        2 *     Annie * 0.4784294 * 0.4813342 * 0.0384099 * 0.0018007 * 2.560e-05 *
*        3 *   Monique * 0.8785990 * 0.0024790 * 0.1180158 * 0.0009035 * 2.557e-06 *
*        4 *    Didier * 0.8515216 * 0.1382946 * 0.0079754 * 0.0021718 * 3.640e-05 *
*        5 *     Andre * 0.2465355 * 0.3961581 * 0.3567663 * 9.471e-05 * 0.0004451 *
*        6 *    Pierre * 0.0263090 * 0.7670958 * 0.2060832 * 0.0004625 * 4.925e-05 *
*        7 *  Brigitte * 0.1876629 * 0.5897686 * 0.2211409 * 0.0013390 * 8.836e-05 *
*        8 *   Evelyne * 0.0583185 * 0.3457931 * 0.5953786 * 0.0004600 * 4.957e-05 *

====== Looking at events: Contribution to axis ========
*    Row   *     Pupil *   contr_1 *   contr_2 *   contr_3 *   contr_4 *   contr_5 *
*        0 *      Jean * 0.3012931 * 0.0441856 * 0.0613538 * 0.0656820 * 0.2897335 *
*        1 *     Aline * 0.0618830 * 0.0105370 * 0.0348056 * 0.0360894 * 0.0312404 *
*        2 *     Annie * 0.0401366 * 0.1004284 * 0.0093797 * 0.1098075 * 0.0145176 *
*        3 *   Monique * 0.3784615 * 0.0026558 * 0.1479781 * 0.2828995 * 0.0074454 *
*        4 *    Didier * 0.1484067 * 0.0599446 * 0.0040461 * 0.2751439 * 0.0428726 *
*        5 *     Andre * 0.0348742 * 0.1393737 * 0.1469047 * 0.0097384 * 0.4255425 *
*        6 *    Pierre * 0.0041001 * 0.2973223 * 0.0934888 * 0.0524003 * 0.0518702 *
*        7 *  Brigitte * 0.0157710 * 0.1232678 * 0.0540974 * 0.0817989 * 0.0501849 *
*        8 *   Evelyne * 0.0150734 * 0.2222843 * 0.4479453 * 0.0864396 * 0.0865925 *