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Releasing new version

Official release of the latest Uranie version, v4.9.0

We're glad to announce that the latest version, v4.9.0, has been officialy released !
The release notes can be found in the dedicated page   here.

Date : 06/08/2024

Open Source

The platform is published with a LGPL license and is available in the download part here. Don't hesiate and give it a try !

Reactive team

The Uranie team is always available for questions ! Do not hesitate to contact the Uranie support here or by mail.

Python compatible

Even though coded in C++, Uranie can be seen as a set of Python libraries and can even be installed through Anaconda.

Easy code interface

Uranie can use your code as a black box and even chain several codes along with analytical functions defined on the spot.

Probabilistic approach

Probabilistic approach image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

Uranie is built using the probabilistic paradigm for modelling uncertainty. There is a large library of laws for modelling phenomena, as well as different ways of coupling laws and methods for basic calculations (mean, median, standard deviation, quantile, etc.).

Experimental plan

Experimental plan image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

Uranie offers a number of solutions for generating experimental designs, depending on the issues (analysis goals) envisaged, the methodology chosen to achieve them, the size of the input space, the authorised calculation budget, etc.

Launch calculation

Launch calculation image

    Python code     C++ code

Whether the model is an interactive, compiled function or complex code (or even a chain of codes), Uranie can be interfaced to control the launch of calculations in a sequential or distributed way, locally on a machine or on a cluster.


Metamodels image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

If the code is very resource-intensive, Uranie offers several substitution techniques to generate a model that can replace the code as efficiently as possible to speed up the analyses envisaged.


Sensibility image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

Uranie offers various techniques for prioritising the inputs to a problem, either qualitatively or quantitatively, depending on the methods used and the calculation budget envisaged, and according to their impact on a defined quantity of interest.


Calibration image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

Uranie also offers several solutions for calibrating the "magic numbers" of physical models, using a defined data set with or without uncertainty, assuming that the model is verified upstream.


Optimisation image

Methodological aspect     Python code     C++ code

Uranie offers several ways of looking at numerical optimisation, whether single or multi-criteria, with or without constraints, using codes alone or coupling with substitution models in a hybrid approach.


Reliability image

    Python code     C++ code

Uranie offers a number of algorithms for estimating rare events, often considered as probabilities of failure (hence the name reliability).